[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
I have been messing around with JBoss web services and .NET clients for days 
and needed a solution a week ago (isn't that always the case).

I have seen the Wiki link for JBoss and .NET and I have followed building the 
document/literal samples.  The result is that the OrderProcess sample deploys 
(and I can get the wsdl) in JBoss 4.0.3 but not in JBoss 4.0.1 (I get a message 
like The OperationDesc for the method x is not synchronized, etc.).

If moving to JBoss 4.0.3 is out of the question for me at this time, does 
anyone know *if* it is even possible to get a .NET client to work with JBoss 

Many, many thanks to anyone who can give me a straight answer on this.

For a gold star, if it is possible, how?


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
Our scenario is .NET client with JBoss 4.0.1 server.  We wrote a Java web 
service and it deploys just fine within JBoss.  In writing the .NET client, we 
add a web reference and it sees the WSDL just fine too.  When it comes to 
execution, the .NET client appears to call the web service okay and by sniffing 
the SOAP message returned, the web service is returning the correct response.  
However, the return value the .NET client always see is null.

We have a Java client that calls the web service just fine.

We tried writing a .NET web service to see what it is returning so we could 
compare things.  One of our developers noticed that the SOAP messages differed 
only in return character and namespace notation.

The Java web service returned:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/; 
  ns1:HelloWorldResponse xmlns:ns1=http://Walkthrough/XmlWebServices/;

The .NET web service returned:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?soap:Envelope 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
Oops...I was given the wrong SOAP message for the .NET.  The correct message is 
shown below:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?soap:Envelope 
xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema;soap:Bodyhello world 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
Okay...the posting is stripping out the information.

After the soap:Body begin tag and hello world fake, you should see:

After hello world fake and the soap:Body end tag, you should see:

...only without the  and .  For some reason if I provide the true symbols, 
everything in between is getting stripped out.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
One last time:

Before the hello world fake, there are begin tags...

HelloWorldResponse xmlns=http://Walkthrough/XmlWebServices/; 


After the hello world fake, there are end tags...



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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
Steps 1-5 is what I'm doing.  I do not have a try/catch around the web method 
call but I know it is not throwing anything because I have a number of calls to 
different web services and it is getting past the ones not working write.

BTW - If I deploy my Java web service in JBoss 4.0.3 everything works fine.

Here's the current state of my code within the .NET client.  The calls to 
OrderProcess are from the JBoss 4.0.3 sample which only deploys under 4.0.3 and 
not 4.0.1.  The other two calls are ours.  The authenticate call returns an 

private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MentorWS.Mentor mentor = new MentorWS.Mentor();
String[] userIds = new String[1];
userIds[0] = admin;
tUserInfo[] userInfos = mentor.getUserInfo(userIds);
Console.Out.WriteLine(I guess it worked.  + userInfos.Length);
Console.Out.WriteLine(userid:  + userInfos[0].userId);

//OrderProcess.Person person = new OrderProcess.Person();
//person.name = kelly;
//OrderProcess.OrderItem[] items = new OrderProcess.OrderItem[2];
//OrderProcess.processOrder po = new OrderProcess.processOrder();
//po.arrayOfOrderItem_1 = items;
//po.Person_2 = person;
//OrderProcess.OrderProcessService op = new OrderProcess.OrderProcessService();
//OrderProcess.processOrderResponse por = op.processOrder(po);
//OrderProcess.OrderResponse resp = por.result;
//Console.Out.WriteLine(order message:  + resp.message);

AuthenticateUser param = new AuthenticateUser();
param.userId = auth_username.Text;
param.password = auth_password.Text;

AuthenticateUserResponse result = mentor.authenticateUser(param);
Console.Out.WriteLine(result:  + result.AuthenticationResult.ToString());
if (result.AuthenticationResult == tAuthenticationResult.baduserid) 
Console.Out.WriteLine(bad uid);
else if (result.AuthenticationResult == tAuthenticationResult.badpassword) 
Console.Out.WriteLine(bad pass);
else if (result.AuthenticationResult == tAuthenticationResult.success) 
Console.Out.WriteLine(bad code);
auth_result.Text = result.ToString();

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Urgent! .NET client compatibility with JBoss 4.0.1?

2005-11-04 Thread kdolan9
This we will have to try.  You are right about the namespace thing.  One of our 
developers just tweaked the JBoss code that generates the namespace stuff to do 
it the way .NET wants it.  It works for string based methods (e.g., string 
params, string return types, string arrays) but not complex java types.

For now, that is good enough for me.  For the couple of methods that are not 
working, we are willing to add new methods that return the same information in 
a string format.

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[JBoss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Can you configure JBoss/Tomcat to recognize two context root

2005-09-23 Thread kdolan9
I need the following two URLs to execute the same code (i.e. *not* start up two 
separate instances).  BTW - My servlets are deployed within an EAR file.


I've seen/read a variety of documentation and forum posts and I've found 
information about mapping multiple server:port combinations to the same 
application but not the context root.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - HELP! Database Behavior Problem...

2004-09-02 Thread kdolan9
Here's my environment

I have a stateful session EJB updating a database via one instance of DAO class.  I 
also have a servlet updating the same database via the a different instance of the 
same DAO class.  The DAO class is written in such a way that it obtains a connection 
object in its constructor and retains this reference until it is instructed to close 
the connection.  It is also written to allow the servlet to specify that it needs to 
explicitly commit and rollback transactions.

I am running under JBoss 2.4.3 with Tomcat 3.2.3 against a Microsoft Access database.  
I know this is a horrible configuration because it is long out-of-date but 
unfortunately I cannot upgrade for this particular situation.

The behavior that I am seeing is that some updates via the EJB are seen by the EJB 
(i.e., I call into the EJB and make an update then I call into it again to retrieve 
the information and I see the changes made) but not by the servlet (i.e., After the 
update has been made by the EJB and the EJB transaction is complete, the servlet when 
trying to retrieve the information does not see the changes).

Does anyone know if this is valid behavior based on what containers are instructed to 
support by the EJB and servlet specifications?  Or, does it sound like it is the 
result of a bug in either JBoss, Tomcat or Access?  Does anyone know for sure and/or 
have any suggestions?  

Does anyone know if there is a more proper way to update the database or a work around 
for this?  The reason for the servlet is that *many* database reads and updates are 
being made to data on a web page and going thru the normal channels (front controller 
- ui controller - ejb - database) would kill performance.  However, there are a few 
functions that must go thru the normal channels but that also require updating the 
data in the database.  My current work around is to have the ejb call the servlet to 
perform the database update.  This works but is not as reliable because it is not 
transactional...once the call to the servlet returns, if a problem occurs and state 
needs to be rolled back, the database updates cannot be rolled back automatically.

Thanks for any and all help!

- Kelly

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