[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How to passing session varibles from Portlet to Servlet

2006-06-27 Thread keletappi
Well. I have read the spec many times but I really don't find it neccessary to 
memorize everything. It is just that it hasn't been really issue for me but I 
know in some point I need this so I find this information useful - no need to 
reread it ;)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Theme has a global scope

2006-06-27 Thread keletappi
I would call this one bug too. In all other portals theme is always personal if 
user is allowed to change it.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Problem with Forums portlets

2006-06-27 Thread keletappi
I again tested Forums portlet because I want to get rid of separate forum site 
in our webpage.

It seems that now I can actually run it and everything goes quite smootlhy - 
except that there seems to be serious encoding problems with scandinavian 
characters like ä , ö and å that blocks my plans. These characters are garbage 
on the screen.

I don't know what could cause this problem. Are these forums implemented with 
JBoss Portal Forums because you don't seem to have same problem here, and I 
would like to know how to get it fixed.

I use bundled 2.2.1SP2 with latest JBoss Forums and HSQLDB for portal.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How to passing session varibles from Portlet to Servlet

2006-06-27 Thread keletappi
anonymous wrote : 
  | Attributes stored in the PORTLET_SCOPE are not protected from other web 
components of the portlet application.

It says that attributes in PORTLET_SCOPE are not protected from other web 
components of portlet application.

But does it really say how these attributes are accessible from Servlet.

When I put attribute with PortletSession.setAttribute() into APPLICATION_SCOPE 
is it accessible with HttpSession.getAttribute() in my Servlet in same war ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Session Timeout

2006-06-22 Thread keletappi
I can't find in documentation, how to control session timeout in JBoss portal. 
Anyone having links to correct place for me ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: changing the context path

2006-03-24 Thread keletappi
First thing is local.properties is not there unless you have built the portal 
once. Second is that 'rebuild' is actually first 'build clean' and then 'build 
deploy'. This might be obvious to some people but there are lots of people who 
need to build the source just to change the context root while knowing very 
little about building anything.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Lots of problems validating page source

2006-03-24 Thread keletappi
We have just gone live with our website based on jboss portal 2.2.1RC2. Yes I 
know it is just RC but our site is not mission critical and actually it is kind 
of showcase for our future clients.

When I run the first page thouru w3c's validator I get tons of errors. About 
half of these are caused by my lazy coding but other half seems to be caused by 
all kinds of stuff portal generates on page.

Is somebody making anything to make page pass through validation ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Can I have a separate Instance of JBoss on the same mach

2006-03-24 Thread keletappi
Yes you can, but you need unique set of ports of second instance. I decided 
that each server is going to have portblock like
1xx00 where xx in server instance number. So my first server starts all ports
in 10100 and my last server would start ports in 19900. I don't think that i 
can ever run more than 99 servers in single host anyway ;)

In your ../deploy/jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/server.xml you need to define
new ports for connectors. I modified HTTP/1.1 and AJP1.3 connectors. These i 
10100 HTTP
10101 AJP1.3

Then you need to modify JBoss ports. in ../conf/jboss-service.xml you have lots 
of ports. Just search for word 'port' in that document and set ports from 
10102+. I have:
10102 WebService port
10103 Naming port
10104 RMI port
10105 RMI Objectport
10106 ServerBindPort
0 ClientConnectPort (i don't know what this is)

And as last thing you need to configure JMS service ports if you have it 
deployed. in ../deploy/jms/uil2-service.xml I jave set
10107 ServerBindPort

I have create NAT rule in my firewall that redirects HTTP traffic incoming to 
port 80 to port 10100 to make it work. Of course you can configure that port to 
one you are going to use in the first place.

I hope i didn't miss any ports.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: changing the context path

2006-03-17 Thread keletappi
Maybe somebody should update documentation to clarify the process. It is not 
obvious and it can take hours to figure out what to do.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: changing the context path

2006-03-17 Thread keletappi
I noticed there are couple of points in this operation you might miss.

First of all ther is typo in documentation.

'portal.context-root' should be 'portal.web.context-root'

Second is that if you want server to respond from root context you probably
need to put it like:


I had problems with firefox without slash in there.

Lastly you need to run 'build clean' before 'build deploy' or it will build it 
old context root.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: CMS Portlet and indexpage problem

2006-03-16 Thread keletappi
I clarify a bit.

When using preferences it would be possible to set indexpage in *-object.xml 
deployments without defining new portlet.

  | overwrite
  | CMS_SupportPage
  | portal.CMSPortlet
  | indexpage
  | /default/support.html
  | false

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - CMS Portlet and indexpage problem

2006-03-16 Thread keletappi
I have tried to figure out how to create CMS Portlet that actually shows
different startpage from default one.

I noticed that somebody has implemented indexpage as init-param while it should 
be implemented as preferences instead.

Init parameters are common to all instances of same portlet. So If you want to 
create instance with other starting page, you need to create another portlet 
from same class.

However if you implement starting page with preferences, one portlet is enough 
because preferences are per instance.

Here is what is currently in portlet definition:

  |   CMSPortlet
  |  Default path to index page.
  |  indexpage
  |  /default/index.html
  |  text/html
  |  VIEW
  |   en
  |   fr
  |   es
  |   Resource
  |  CMS

And it should be something like this:

  |   CMSPortlet
  |  text/html
  |  VIEW
  |   en
  |   fr
  |   es
  |   Resource
  |  CMS
  | indexpage
  | /default/index.html

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: How (which tool) create a portlet? How get content into

2006-03-15 Thread keletappi
Can't Help you with CMS... but

Portlet is one progam. You can have multiple instances of same program in 

On main content area you want it to show your blog but on sidebar you might 
want it to show feed of your friends blogs.

This is possible with multiple instances of same portlet.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Portal Session or Portlet Session or Whatever Session

2006-03-10 Thread keletappi
JSR168 states that portletsession is portlet or applciation scope. Application 
in here is one war file. This is how all portals behave and must behave. If 
jboss would make it possible to share sessions in 'portal scope' it would break 
JSR168 spesification.

I see this good thing because sharing portlet session openly to other 
applications in same portal is Security issue. Even if you mean only to share 
you info with some spesific application, it is exposed fully to others too. 
Sessions can contain all kinds of sensitive data that should not be visible to 
other applicions. If you need to share information among several web 
applications securely it is very easy to set up database for that.

Until there is common and secure way to implement interportlet communication, 
you should stick with this... share information in portletsession in same 
application and use database if you need to distribute info to other 
applications. All kinds of 'proprietary' interportlet commucation methods will 
be outdated once they some standards out.

CrossContextSession has more to do with clustering. It is required to make 
replicating sessions of portlet applications to other cluster node. Correct if 
i am wrong here ;)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Sorting and Localization for Navigation Portlet

2006-03-03 Thread keletappi
Problem is that navigation portlet is in one context and *-object.xml that 
defines the page and what resource bundle to use is in another.

In my opinion resource files involved with pages defined in *-object.xml should 
be as close as possible to war that actually defines it. So resource files 
should be prereffably in same ear/war making is possible to make easy single 
file deployment of entire portal. But resource files are then not visible to 
navigational portlet this way.

Putting files into servers classpath could be one solution. I tried this one 
but it seems that i need to restart server to make changes in resources 
effective. I don't know is there way to make it reloadable. But generally this 
would force me to do at least 2 files and maybe some additional configuration 
to jboss to make it possible to hot-deploy new resources.

I still think that following something like jetspeed2 is doing is better 
solution so that language resources are deployed where page is defined. I don't 
see how this is harder for 3rd party translator to do than fiddling with 
resource files. It is as easy to add translation to *-object.xml file.

And I don't see it as issue because in my experience it is quite rare to even 
use 3rd party translations in small to medium scale projects. I see that making 
deployment easy is more important because everybody must do it to make portlets 
available in the first place.

BTW there are more pressing issues than this what comes to localization of page 
names - it seems that at least scandinavian characters in page name causes all 
links on page to fail with 404. So even single language pages in finnish 
language are not working yet ;)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Sorting and Localization for Navigation Portlet

2006-03-02 Thread keletappi
So I need to put my resource files available into classpath so, that it is 
visible to navigational portlet (ie one in core portal project). Does this mean 
that i need to copy it into ie. server/default/lib ?

I don't have much experience in jboss yet but for me it seems that i need to 
restart jboss server to make changes applied. Or is there some other way to put 
them in classpath ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Sorting and Localization for Navigation Portlet

2006-03-01 Thread keletappi
Yes resource bundles are handy what comes to 3rd party translation I have to 
agree on that.

I am not just sure how you are going to make deployment of resource files easy. 
I mean that I have ear that contains my portlets, portal pages, custom layouts 
and themes and all the stuff in nice package.

If I put resource bundles in  my ear, are those visible to navigational portlet 
in that is in portal core project without some kind of special deployment ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: 4newbies: cms admin for a portlet

2006-02-27 Thread keletappi
Has somebody got this working with 2.2 ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Sorting and Localization for Navigation Portlet

2006-02-27 Thread keletappi
I agree that tab labels and sorting should be editable online. But putting this 
into preferences of navigation portlet, makes it impossible to have this 
configuration shared in case you want to have different implementation of 
navigational portlet on different pages.

BTW this navigation portlet is very nice feature in JBoss Portal compared how 
things are done in jetspeed2 side. There navigation is done in layout velocity 
template - and each layout have own implementation of navigation.  It is not as 
flexible as in JBoss because you can't change navigation fragment freely 

I don't like the idea of having 'resource bundle ref' in page definition 
either, because it makes it requirement to have separate file for language 
resources and makes it harder to get started. I can live with that, but there  
I would like to use jetspeed2 system.

In jetspeed2 this is solved by adding initial language resources of page names 
in psml files (one psml file defines one page in jetspeed2). Also ordering of 
pages is in psml file. This makes it fast and easy to add language resources. 
In jetspeed2 they also lack ability to modify page names and language resources 
online but it is coming soon I hope.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: defining own portal with own portlets

2006-02-27 Thread keletappi
IMHO this should be somewhere in WiKi of documentation.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Build error (2.2.1RC2)

2006-02-22 Thread keletappi
I downloaded and built the jboss 4.0.3SP1 first. It did go smoothly without any 

Then I set the JBOSS_HOME envvar like it documentation. I can see in my command 
promt that JBOSS_HOME is pointing correct folder.

  | C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build>set JBOSS_HOME
  | JBOSS_HOME=C:\appservers\jboss
  | C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build>

I downloaded 2.2.1rc2 sources and go to build folder and try to start build but 
it fails miserably.

  | C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build>build
  | Executing C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build\..\tools\bin\ant.bat  
-logger org.apache.tools.ant.NoBannerLogger
  | Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
  | b\bsf/jar;C:\devel\jboss-portal-2/2/1RC2-src\build\//\tools\lib\ant/jar;

Ok. There must be something wrong here because my JAVA_HOME is:

  | C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build>set JAVA_HOME
  | JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05
  | C:\devel\jboss-portal-2.2.1RC2-src\build>

and it tried to add "Files\Java\jdk1/5/0_05\lib\tools/jar" into classpath.

I moved JAVA_HOME into c:\jdk1.5.0_05 and build seems to work. Evidently 
build.bat can't handle spaces in JAVA_HOME environment variable very well. 

Anyone else having this kind of problem. After all, that is default 
installation location for jdk and it should work fine with little tweak to 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: portlets development

2006-02-22 Thread keletappi
First you really should read JSR168 spesification. It is not very long and it 
describes how portlets plug into portal. Usually I don't like specs but this 
one is actually very good and every portlet developer should read it - not just 
those who develop portals.

Then you should download some helloworld portlet (net is full of them, i got 
thousands of references in google) and try to deploy that one into portal.

Next thing is of course move on to more complex portlets. Just read alot what 
others have done. Look into portlet sources of jboss portal itself.

Usually when I research new things before presenting them to our clients as 
possible platforms/solutions, I do some real applications - for me and my 
friends mostly. Currently I am recoding my wifes netshop that has been up 2,5 
years without much development. It is currently done in plain jsp and 
proprietary persistence layer. I targetting to JSR168 portlets + hibernate. It 
is about 25% done now and I hope I get it online next summer :).

In some point you need to decide are you going to use just bare JSR168 or are 
you going to do portlets targetted to jboss portal only. This is hard decision 
to make. I have made compromise that allows me to deploy to multiple portals 
and still use portal implementation spesific stuff.

In this case I have splitten my project into 4 parts. I have shared java code 
that contains mostly hibernate and persistence stuff. Then I have shared 
portlet project that can be deployed in jboss, jetspeed2 or any other fully 
jsr168 complant portal. And then I have one portlet project for each portal 
implementation that uses implementation dependent stuff like user registration, 
layouts/themes and portal structure deployments. Yes I know that this could be 
done with build scripts too, but I have no time to implement complex build 

Currently my application runs on both jboss and jetspeed2 and I haven't decided 
yet which one is used in final production deployment. JBoss have great and 
flexible layout/theme system but Jetspeed2 is more complete on security side 
and profiling that is also very important for me. I wish I could have both :)

I mostly hate writing deployment descriptors. Fortunately I have RAD6+Portlet 
Development Toolkit available that makes descriptors almost transparent to me. 
This however is commercial software. I don't know any complete OS JSR168 
portlet development environments (ie plugin for eclipse). Hopefully somebody 
else can help with that.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Securing Portlet Modes

2006-02-21 Thread keletappi

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: portlet preferences

2006-02-20 Thread keletappi
Issue is open in http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBPORTAL-538 referring to 
topic http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3914462

I managed to get preferences for indexpage set but it doesn't follow it. It 
always shows default/index.htm page for me.

So maybe it is related to that issue.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: defining own portal with own portlets

2006-02-20 Thread keletappi
I haven't tried it because I don't find it neccessary. If that document is 
correct, you have to compile from sources to change context root.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: defining own portal with own portlets

2006-02-20 Thread keletappi

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Clueless 101

2006-02-17 Thread keletappi
I got the same error message after creating new page. It dissapeared after 
reloggin in. Is there special characters in your page name ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: Securing Portlet Modes

2006-02-17 Thread keletappi
In MyPortal.war (that is war contaning the portal deployment) I have file 
myportal-object.xml that defines the portlets, page and window structures.

If i want some page to be visible only for admins i simpy define it like this:

  | ...
  |  AdminsOnly
  | NavigationPortletInstance
  | navigation
  | 0
  |   theme.windowRendererId
  |   emptyRenderer
  |   theme.decorationRendererId
  |   emptyRenderer
  |   theme.portletRendererId
  |   emptyRenderer
  | UserPortletWindow
  | UserPortletInstance
  | left
  | 0
  | ...

BTW. I have just playing with this portal implementation for 3 days now. After 
using jetspeed2 and other portals this system feels nice and flexible. Much 
easier to deploy portal and edit layouts and themes. However there are some 
severe limitations that prevent me to use it in production enviroment - like i 
really need to know how to limit access to portlet modes per role. Hopefully 
everything will be fixed in time.

I have decided to keep portal deployment in own war, so that I don't pollute my 
portlet war's with portal implementation spesific stuff .

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Securing Portlet Modes

2006-02-17 Thread keletappi
Is it currenlty possible to secure portlet modes. I have tried to do some 
research here but I can only make page or portlet to appear/disappear from 
certain users. I just want edit mode disabled from all but spesified roles.

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