[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: ClassCastException with LocalHome casting

2005-06-01 Thread movzx
erinol0,so you mean that you will call a SLSB from the web module? If so,that 
will be the same problem as I've mentioned before. I believe you will get a 
ClassCastException if your web module and the EJB module don't belong to the 
same EAR while trying to pass instances by reference,for the Java2 defines a 
unique class as the combination of its classloader and its FQN.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: ClassCastException with LocalHome casting

2005-05-31 Thread movzx
I've solve this problem by changing  options of  jboss-service.xml in 

  |  true
  |  true

This is a class loader issue of Java2.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - ClassCastException with LocalHome casting

2005-05-26 Thread movzx
I have a CommandEJB,which local interface and home is CommandLocal and 
CommandLocalHome.I use this CommandEJB to execute classes that  implements the 
Command interface:

interface Command{
void execute() throws CommandExecuteException;

here is the CommandEJB:

public class CommandEJB implements SessionBean {

public void execute(Command command) throws CommandException{

I put CommandEJB.class,Command.class,CommandException.class,CommandLocal.class 
and CommandLocalHome.class into my-ejb.jar and deploy it as an EJB.

And I put Command.class,CommandException.class,CommandLocal.class and 
CommandLocalHome.class into my-client.jar and place it into web module's 

Now I test it from my test.jsp:

1   Context ctx=new InitialContext();
2   Object home1=ctx.lookup(CommandLocalHome.JNDI_NAME);
3   out.println(home1.getClass().getInterfaces()[0]);
4   CommandLocalHome home2=(CommandLocalHome)home1;

If line 4 is deleted, the jsp runs successfully,but if line 4 
exists,ClassCastException will be raised.

Is it a bug of JBoss' class loader?
How to resolve it?


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