[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: possible bug in portal 2.2

2005-12-29 Thread mpurdy1973
okay, thanx for the info :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: possible bug in portal 2.2

2005-12-27 Thread mpurdy1973
okay, thanx :-)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: possible bug in portal 2.2

2005-12-27 Thread mpurdy1973
how would you marshall it into a render parameter?

futhermore, i have been thinking and doing research:

what if you have a portlet that read something a datasource in the action 

if the connection to the datasource fails you would want to show it in the 
render (doView/doEdit/doHelp).  you may want to pass along the Exception class, 
which then would be forwarded to the error.jsp page inside the rendering...

if(request.getAttribute("errorException") != null)
//pass the message to error.jsp
//do what you want to with the data from the datasource

read this from jsr 168:  it seems like using the request.(get|set)Attribute is 

25 PLT.11.1.3 Request Attributes
Request attributes are objects associated with a portlet during a single 
portlet request.
Request attributes may be set by the portlet or the portlet container to 
express information
that otherwise could not be expressed via the API. Request attributes can be 
used to share
information with a servlet or JSP being included via the 
30 Attributes are set, obtained and removed using the following methods of the
PortletRequest interface:
? getAttribute
? getAttributeNames
? setAttribute
35 ? removeAttribute
Only one attribute value may be associated with an attribute name.
Attribute names beginning with the ?javax.portlet.? prefix are reserved for 
by this specification. It is suggested that all attributes placed into the 
attribute set be
named in accordance with the reverse domain name convention suggested by the 
40 Programming Language Specification 1 for package naming.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Alternatives to the request.setAttribute? portlet session va

2005-12-26 Thread mpurdy1973
thanx for your replay... new to portlets... didnt think about that... that does 
make sense:-)

what is an aternative to the request.setAttribute?  should i use the portlet 

1) set the portlet session in the action request.
2) use it in the doView/doEdit/doHelp
3) when done, delete it in the doView/doEdit/doHelp

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - possible bug in portal 2.2

2005-12-24 Thread mpurdy1973
i know jsps/servlets/ejbs well; and have used tomcat and jboss as for a long 
time.  however, i am new jboss portal, and really new to portlets.  i started 
exploring with portlets this month.  i started using jboss portal 2.0, and now 
i am using jboss portal 2.2.  do to my ignorance on the subject matter, i am 
not sure if i discovered  a bug in portal 2.0 that was fix in portal 2.2. or a 
new bug in portal 2.2.

my env:
portal 2.0, jboss as 4.0.2, mysql 4.1
portal 2.2, jboss as 4.0.3, mysql 4.1

here is was I discovered:

What was done:
The TestRequestResponsePortlet sets two message in processAction. The first one 
"message", uses request.setAttribute; the second one "message2" uses 
response.setRenderParameter. In doView, thoses two messages are read. The first 
one "message" is read with request.getAttribute. The second one is read with 

The results:
When using JBoss Portal 2.0, both messages are pass thru, however when using 
JBoss 2.2, only the second one "message2" is passed thru. Since these are 
strings, response.setRenderParmeter / request.getParameter are fine to use. 
however, if you need to pass an object other than a string, you have to use the 

if i am wrong, what ActionRequest/ActionResponse and 
RenderRequest/RenderResponse methods do i use to pass object from the action to 
the render in a portlet?

Here is my test portlet code

package test.web.portlet;

import java.io.*;

import javax.portlet.*;

public class TestRequestResponsePortlet extends GenericPortlet

  public void processAction(ActionRequest request, ActionResponse response) 
throws PortletException, IOException
request.setAttribute("message", "message from 
TestRequestResponsePortlet.processAction using request.setAttribute");
response.setRenderParameter("message2", "message2 from 
TestRequestResponsePortlet.processAction using response.setRenderParameter");

  }//end method processAction  
   public void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
 String message = (String)request.getAttribute("message");
 String message2 = request.getParameter("message2");

 PortletURL actionUrl = response.createActionURL();
 String url = actionUrl.toString();
   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

   out.println("message  = " + message  + "");
   out.println("message2 = " + message2 + "");

   out.println("click the link below to see the results");
   out.println("testing request response");
 }//end try
 catch (IOException e)
 }//end catch e
   }//end method doView
}//end class TestRequestResponsePortletPortlet

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - sql script to configure mysql for jboss portal

2005-12-23 Thread mpurdy1973
here is a sql script that will create the database for jboss portal.


use mysql;

drop database if exists jbossportal;
create database jbossportal;

delete from db where db='jbossportal';
delete from user where user='portal';

insert into db values('%', 'jbossportal', 'portal', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 
'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y');
insert into user values('%', 'portal', password('portalpassword'), 'n', 'n', 
'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 'n', 
'n', 'n', 'n', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: /portal/portal/HelloPortal doesnt work?

2005-12-22 Thread mpurdy1973
found my problem:
when i started over, i really didnt... i never cleared the database... so the 
portlet were still registered without them being deployed...
once everything was fresh, i redeployed the HelloPortal and it worked :-)

thanx for your help

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: /portal/portal/HelloPortal doesnt work?

2005-12-22 Thread mpurdy1973
i started over:

i took a fresh install of jboss 4.0.3 and did the following:
1) copied the "default" server directory and change the name to "portal"
2) copied the jboss.portal.sar into the deploy directory
3) copied the PortalDS.xml into the deploy directory

then i ran a batch file i called runPortal.bat  in $JBOSS_HOME, which run this 

@echo off

cd bin
run.bat -c portal

and i get the same results.
btw: helloworld-object.xml has a default page for HelloWorldPortlet  and i also 
tried the http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/HelloPortal/foobar, which is 
another page in the helloworld-object.xml, which also points to the 

everything came straight "from the box", again, with no errors!  can anyone try 
this on their configuration?  thanx

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - /portal/portal/HelloPortal doesnt work?

2005-12-22 Thread mpurdy1973
im a using jboss as 4.0.3, jboss portal 2.2, and mysql 4 on windows xp pro.

both the helloworld portlet in the default portal (i.e. 
http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/default/HelloWorld)  and the helloworld 
portal (i.e. http://localhost:8080/portal/portal/HelloPortal) does not work.

all that is displayed is:
JBoss Portal image followed by 
Powered by JBoss Portal

futhermore, i took a test portal that i created that runs on jboss portal 2.0, 
change the three files into one (i.e. *-pages.xml, *-portal.xml, 
*-instances.xml to *-object.xml) and also i get the same output as the 

im sure i am missing something?  but i dont know what??? since the HelloPortal 
doesnt work, i have nothing to reference.  also note: no errors, exception or 
anything on the command line.

does anyone know what could be wrong?

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