[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: how to deploy a jms/corba client?

2005-10-17 Thread perseus
The prediction that an EJB can not work as a CORBA client is absolutely wrong. 
You can use an MDB to receive the message from another process and then use a 
Java CORBA client to call a remote CORBA server even located in another 
company. The only requirement is the interoperability of the CORBA ORBs 
deployed at both sides. A good approach is to use the same ORB at both sides 
(e.g. standard Java IIOP ORB or same product).
The client ORB .jars have to be deployed in the JBoss lib/ext directory.

I hope this helps for your further design.

If you got no replies on a hard request in the future I can recommend  
www.infutura.com which provides professional online support  (unfortunately not 
free, but you define the price).


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[JBoss-user] [Tomcat, HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Sudden and unexpected shutdown of JBoss

2005-09-19 Thread perseus
I have deployed a web/ejb application in jboss (size of EAR 1.5MB) and I'm 
using Apache 2.0 with Ajp13 before. The previous version (EAR 1.4MB) works fine 
for several weeks in production. Now I've added some new features and we face a 
very strange behaviour of the Jboss server.

After two round about 2 hours online the JBoss server performs a shutdown 
without any visible reason. It's not crash or exception. The only message in 
the logs with full tracing enabled is:
Shutdown 48 MBeans and so on and then the server is going down gracefully.

What are the reasons for JBoss to perform a shutdown himself?
How to find out more about the reason?

Thanks for any comments.

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[JBoss-user] [Datasource Configuration] - Re: how to get Container Managed Transactions in session bea

2004-02-09 Thread perseus
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Hi gort,

I have the same problem, like some other guys too.

I found a brand new 70 euros problem ticket at www.infutura.com dealing with exactly 
the same question.

I think we have to wait until it is solved there.

Solutions are free. To view solution proposals you have to be a member. But membership 
is free.



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[JBoss-user] [Persistence & CMP/JBoss] - Is this 2-phase commit?

2004-02-05 Thread perseus
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Hello JBoss Experts,

i am developing a J2EE application with JBoss 2.4.4 and a mySQL 4.1 database with 
transaction support. 

I have used one of the latest JDBC drivers for mySQL 

I have developed a stateful session bean that calls 2 methods at a data access layer 
(simple Java Bean methods). 

Each of these methods gets its own database connection from a defined XA-datasource 
and creates and executes prepared

statements. After the methods execute their database commands they close the 

The session bean that calls the data access methods uses transaction attribute 
"Required" for all methods. When the

second method fails, the application server does not rollback the transaction. 

Is one of the used components not 2-phase commit enabled?

Can someone give a complete configuration example to make 2-phase commit work?

When JBoss comes up there is a message from StatelesssessionBean container: No 
resource manager found

Do I have to configure a resource-manager in jboss.xml ?

This is a simple representation of the session bean method.

void SessionBeanMethod() {




The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
Premiere Conference on Open Tools Development and Integration
See the breadth of Eclipse activity. February 3-5 in Anaheim, CA.
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