[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-10-12 Thread rsTropi
Hi Nirav Pandya, 

so you are trying to lookup a QueueConnectionFactory in the scope of SSB.

Possibly you missed to declare the QueueConnectionFactory as an external 

We are using XDoclet/EJBDoclet for that.

So in the related SSB i have :

For QueueConnectionFactory:

 * @ejb.resource-ref
 *  res-ref-name=jms/QueueConnectionFactory
 *  res-type=javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory
 *  res-auth=Container 

For jms-queues addressed by the SSB:

 * @ejb.resource-ref
 *  res-ref-name=jms/MCorrelatorReceiver
 *  res-type=javax.jms.Queue
 * res-auth=Container

... and furthermore:

 * @jboss.resource-ref 
 *  res-ref-name=jms/QueueConnectionFactory
 *  resource-name=queuefactoryref
 * @jboss.resource-manager 
 *   res-man-name=queuefactoryref 
 *   res-man-jndi-name=java:/JmsXA

.. finally, but think that's clear:

 * @jboss.clustered cluster=true
 * @jboss.container-configuration name=Clustered_SSB

I make the lookup using: java:/JmsXA to get the QueueConnectionFactory.

Best Regards

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-10-10 Thread rsTropi
Hi Nirav Pandya,

the definition file was the missing link to solve my problem.

Here is an extract of it:

  | server 
  |   mbean code=org.jboss.mq.server.jmx.Queue
  |  name=jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=EngineDLQ
  | depends 
  | depends 
  |   /mbean
  | ...
But keep in mind, that you have to provide processing load to the AppServer 
to test the load-balancing. In the beginning i started with only a  few 
processing tasks and detected no load-balancing. When i started to increase the 
processing amount, i saw further nodes beginning to process.

You have an error message? 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-30 Thread rsTropi
Hi dcreado, 

thanx, you pointed me in the right direction.
It works now.
I have to add the definition files for the jms-queues. 

No need when using MDB's outside the cluster world.
A temporary destination is created by JBoss automatically on startup.

Also the problem with the DataSource is gone.
The lookup works, when specifying the non HA-JNDI properties to the 
InitialContext. So local lookup works.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-23 Thread rsTropi
Hi dcreado,

thanx for your reply.

when i deploy the MessageDrivenBeans on the master and on each other node, i 
will run into the following deployment issue.

org.jboss.deployment.scanner.URLDeploymentScannerJBoss   main
LOCALHOST   ERROR   Incomplete Deployment 

MBeans waiting for other MBeans:
ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Topic,name=ChannelRespond
 I Depend On:  jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager

 Depends On Me: 
ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=EngineDLQ
 I Depend On:  jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager

 Depends On Me: 
ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=MInitiatorReceiver
 I Depend On:  jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager

 Depends On Me: 
ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=ResponseQueue
 I Depend On:  jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager

 Depends On Me: 
ObjectName: jboss.mq.destination:service=Queue,name=RecMonitor
 I Depend On:  jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager

 Depends On Me: 

ObjectName: jboss.mq:service=DestinationManager
 I Depend On: 
 Depends On Me:  jboss.mq.destination:service=Topic,name=ChannelRespond


It's because, the DestinationManager is only deployed on the master as part 
of the deploy-hasingleton deployment. So the master has no problem, but each 
other node will run into this incomplete deployment issue.
My MDB's  are using a jdbc persistence manager. It is configured by 
xxx-jdbc2-service.xml, which is located in the ..\deploy-hasingleton\jms.
In the same file is the configuration of the DestinationManager and related 

So is there are configuration option ?

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-22 Thread rsTropi

nobody can help me ?

Nobody with similar problems ?

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-15 Thread rsTropi
think i should continue the smalltalk with myself :-)

The biggest problem for me right now is, that in the scope of the MDB's, which 
are only deployed on the MasterNode, a call to a SSB will result in an local 
invocation. So no load-balancing can happen. My hope was, that this is only 
true for the first one looked up. So i added one more SSB, which is invoked by 
the fist local SSB. This one should act as the dispatcher. But the results 
are the same. Doesn't matter, how many SSB's i add to the processing chain, 
when the initiator is a MDB and this one will find the SSB in the local tree, 
all the further SSB's invoked are also locally.
So right now, the only solution is, to remove the SSB from the MasterNode to be 
able to get load-balancing. But this leads to the fact that the installation of 
a Master-node and a Normal-node would be different, and in case of a 
Master crash, the newly selected master would continue with the only-local 

I can't imagine that this is by design and i hope that i'm doing something 
wrong or looking in the wrong direction.

Any help would be appreciated.


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-13 Thread rsTropi
Hi all!

found the following about my DataSource issue:

Jboss just bind the datasourc in local jndi namespace, so
you cannot retrieve it out of jboss jvm. If you want that,
you should bind the datasource to the global namespace :
  In XX-ds.xml, under jndi-name, add this:

test again ! :)

btw, you must use jboss4.0 

Does this also fix my cluster issue, when i try the explicit access to a 
DataSource in a module running in the JBOSS VM?

 btw, you must use jboss4.0 
So no workaround for 3.2.6 ?


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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - MDB's, DataSource in a cluster

2005-09-12 Thread rsTropi
i already checked the cluster and jms-forum for answers to my questions and 
found stuff which confused me more than it helps. Also the docu doesnt't cover 
my issues.

Right now, my application is working on a single jboss instance. 
Multiple MDB's, SSB's and 
I'm happy with that.
Now the next step is to make it cluster aware.
So i changed the deployment descriptors and so on..

As far as i know, jboss cluster (using 3.2.6) is working with a singleton 
JMS-Provider. No problem with this fact.

The first issue comes up, when i fail to deploy my MDB's on each node.
I think the MDB's didn't find the remote JMS-Provider, because some related 
services were only deployed on the master node. Had no problem on the master 
There are a couple of people saying that this is not possible and on the other 
side there are people saying the opposite. If it is possible, what should be 
changed in the descriptors of the MDB's or in config of JBOSS to get it working.

So i decided to deploy the MDB's on the master only using deploy-hasingleton. 
Next issue comes up. Each SSB called by the MDB's is instantiated on the local 
(master) node only. So no load-balancing happenend. The processing was on the 
master only. So for a test i removed these SSB's from the master node with the 
result, that the round-robin dispatching worked in the expected way. But this 
is only an ugly workaround nothing for a productive system. So is there a way 
to get the load-balancing working for MDB's calling SSB's - a way to get rid of 
checking the local JNDI tree before checking the HAJNDI tree , ... ? I tried 
that with different properties to the InitialContext(), without success. 

Final issue:
Maybe I'm also wrong with that - sorry in advance :-) - but my application 
fails to get the registered DataSource via JNDI lookup. I also tested that with 
different props to InitialContext(). I can see the DataSource in the JNDIView, 
but i'm not able to look it up. Please notice, the same code works on a 
normal jboss installation. So i think, it's possibly a limitation when 
running in the cluster. Any idea? Any magic flag ?

Thanks for your help.

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