[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - log4j logging for the cleant jar

2005-02-28 Thread slbain
Is there an example of turning on TRACE level logging for the JBoss client jar ?

Thanks for all and any help !!

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - JBoss 3.2.4RC2 - DRM

2004-05-20 Thread slbain
I have just started using jboss 3.2.4RC2.

I have set-up a 2 node cluster which is 'out-of-the-box' using UDP. The two nodes are 
on separate host machines. I am making use of the 'farm service' to deploy a simple 
service to the cluster. The service is implemented as an mbean and is specified as 
follows in the  file:

  | http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-service_3_2.dtd";
  | >
  | jboss:service=DefaultPartition
  | jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmpha
  | org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin
  | com.panacya.prototype:service=CounterService
  | panacya/CounterService
  | com.panacya.prototype.ha.service.CounterServiceOperations
  | org.jboss.proxy.ClientMethodInterceptor
  | org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor
  | jboss:service=ScheduleManager
  | com.panacya.prototype.ha.service.CounterServiceOperations
  | DefaultPartition

When the sar file is deployed to node 'A' into the /farm directory the sar is detected 
and loaded locally and as documented it is farmed out to the other node in the cluster 
- node 'B'.

The deployment completes I inspect the DRM mbeans on nodes 'A' and 'B' via the 
jmx-console using #listContents. 

On node 'A' only the locally available instance of (my) service is listed. On node 'B' 
the local instance and the remote (i.e. node 'A') are listed. 

I would have expected the lists to have looked the same. Additionally the other 
entries in the list look good to me in that they are listed as present on both nodes 
i.e. the HASingletonDeployer, HAJNDI and the 'DCacheBridge'.

Is this the expected behavior ?

Hope someone can put me on the right track.

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: test server performances

2004-05-17 Thread slbain
Here is a reference to one paper:

This deals with JGroups upon which the partitions are built.

Hope this is of relevance,

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: JBoss 3.2.2 - Round-Robin load balancing.

2004-05-14 Thread slbain
This thread has been running on the JMX Forum:
This is the more appropriate forum.

I traced my problem down to the smart-proxy having its list of targets updated on the 
return from the invocation.

I got down to the JRMPInvokerHA.invoke() method where the HARMIResponse is 
constructed. There is a comparison between the from the Invocation instance and the 
 and these are not equal so the change is triggered. 

Now I looked into the JGroups/HAPartitionImpl interactions at the JGroups interface to 
try to understand how the HATarget gets its value set. I noticed the these 'low-level' 
view ids are not the same as the values displayed in the jmx-console 
'DefaultPartition' mbean 'view id'. The high-level values are consistent across the 
cluster nodes. Some sequentially incremented value. 

I have traced through the DitributeReplicantManagerImpl.purgeDeadMembers() and 
calculateReplicantHash() but can see no relation to the high-level clustered view id. 

Why is the high-level view id not propogated down to this lower-level ? i.e. associate 
the 'replicants' directly with the cluster-wide view id. 

Thanks for your help! 

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

2004-05-14 Thread slbain

I got down to the JRMPInvokerHA.invoke() method where the HARMIResponse is 
constructed. There is a comparison between the  from the Invocation instance and the 
 and these are not equal so the change is triggered.

Now I looked into the JGroups/HAPartitionImpl interactions at the JGroups  interface 
to try to understand how the HATarget gets its  value set. I noticed the these 
'low-level' view ids are not the same as the values displayed in the jmx-console 
'DefaultPartition' mbean 'view id'. The high-level values are consistent across the 
cluster nodes. Some sequentially incremented value.

I have traced through the DitributeReplicantManagerImpl.purgeDeadMembers() and 
calculateReplicantHash() but can see no relation to the high-level clustered view id.

Why is the high-level view id not propogated down to this lower-level ? i.e. associate 
the 'replicants' directly with the cluster-wide view id.

Thanks for your help!

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - Re: Initialization tasks in a cluster?

2004-05-14 Thread slbain
Hi Mattin,

There is a clustered  provided. It is discussed in the clustering documentation. The 
 package is another place to start looking. There are examples 

Hope this is of some help.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

2004-05-12 Thread slbain
Cheers for the reply!

I have been debugging the problem and so far it looks as if the FamilyClusterInfo  
list initially has two targets - JRMPInvokerProxy_Stubs to the respective endpoints - 
however after an invocation to the less-favoured node the list is reduced to a single 
target ie. the favoured node.

Under what circumstances does the  list get updated and more specifically how is the 
determination to remove a target made ?

P.S. I had a limited success and did see the load-balancing behave as expected however 
this is no longer the case ... today.;-)

Thanks for any pointers !!

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - JBoss 3.2.3 - Clustered MBeans.

2004-05-11 Thread slbain
Hi there, 

I am trying to implement a load balancing prototype using the 'round- 
robin' policy . 

I have a two node cluster set-up and communicating. I use the farm service to deploy 
the prototype archive to the cluster. 

My service is an mbean extending HAServiceMBeanSupport. It uses a  ProxyFactoryHA 
instance and a JRMPInvokerHA invoker. The dd is based upon: 


In a client for-loop the service is invoked e.g. 1000 times The bulk are consistently 
invoked on the one node - which happens to be the node running the client for-loop 
code. However I only ever see 1 or 2 of those invocations being invoked on 'the other' 

My expectation was a more even distribution of these invocations between the two 
nodes. However this is not the case. 

Can anyone help or suggest where I may be going wrong ? 

Thanks for all and any help. 

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[JBoss-user] [Clustering/JBoss] - JBoss 3.2.2 - Round-Robin load balancing.

2004-05-07 Thread slbain
Hi there,

I am trying to implement a load balancing prototype using the 'round-
robin' policy .

I have a two node cluster set-up and communicating. I use the farm service to deploy 
the prototype to the cluster nodes.

My service is an mbean using HA service support plus the dd is based upon:

In a client for-loop I invoke my service interface e.g. 1000 times however I only see 
1 or 2  of those invocations being invoked on 'the other' node. The bulk are 
consistently invoked on the one node - which happens to be the node running the client 
for-loop code.

My expectation was a more even distribution of these invocations between the two 
nodes.  However this is not the case.

Can anyone help or point to a config setting which I missed ?

n.b. I am using jboss 3.2.3.

Thank you for all and any help.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: Relation Service

2004-02-09 Thread slbain
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In the RelationSupport class #handleMBeanUnregistration() method

it looks as though the Role.roleValues are not being modified to reflect the removal.

handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName, String roleName) throws ...  {


Role role = validateRoleFound(roleName);

// sb: role.getRoleValue() implementation returns a copy 

ArrayList values = (ArrayList) role.getRoleValue(); 

ArrayList oldRoleValue = new ArrayList(values);

// sb: this updates the copy 

if (values.remove(objectName) == false)

   throw new InvalidRoleValueException("...");

// sb: thus the role state is intact ?

updateRole(role, oldRoleValue);


By adding an call to #setRoleValues() as below 

Role role = validateRoleFound(roleName);

ArrayList values = (ArrayList) role.getRoleValue();

ArrayList oldRoleValue = new ArrayList(values);

if (values.remove(objectName) == false)

throw new InvalidRoleValueException("...");

// sb: added 


// end added 

updateRole(role, oldRoleValue);

it is possible to capture the change for downstream processing.

I am not sure whether this is the correct/best place to apply the update to the Role 
instance within the processing context however it would appear to be the most 
opportune in the call sequence.

Hope this helps,


panacya inc.

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - RelationService: implementation of purgeRelations()

2004-02-09 Thread slbain
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I have been familiarizing myself with the JBoss 3.2.3 JMX implementation.

I came across the following code in the RelationService.purgeRelations() method 
(around line #820) where  there is a call to  which requests that the 
#handleMBeanUnregistration method be called



// It's ok tell the relation about the unregistration



 new Object[] { mbean, roleName }, 

 new String[] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String "} );


The "signature" arguments describe two "java.lang.String" parameters however the  
parameter is a "javax.management.ObjectName".

When running through this code using the test case the  instances names a 
RelationSupportMBean which extends the Relation interface. 

Thus I am making the assumption that the intention is to invoke 
#handleMBeanUnregistration(...) on a RelationSupportMBean instance (at runtime an 
Exception is thrown, caught and re-thrown as a RuntimeException).

In the Relation interface the #handleMBeanUnregistration(...) method signature is:

#handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName, 

   String roleName);

I have been unable to locate an implementation of #handleMBeanUnregistration(...) 
which accept two String instances. 

Can anyone help clarify the intention of this code segement and its correctness ?



panacya inc.,

The SF.Net email is sponsored by EclipseCon 2004
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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Relation Service

2004-02-09 Thread slbain
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JMX - Relation Service.

I have been using the test cases for the JMX - Relation Service implementation in 
JBoss 3.2.3 to create Relations among MBeans. 

When working with internal relations I found that if a role value MBean was 
unregistered in the MBeanServer the associated Role.roleValues did not reflect the 
de-registration of the MBean, i.e. the MBean ObjectName was still a member of the List 
returned by RelationService.getRole(String theRelId, String theRoleName) method.

Based upon my understanding I expected that the list would not have contained this 
reference since the RelationService is responsible for maintaining the internal 
consistency. Is this understanding correct ?


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