Hi experts, 

I am trying to let every ear file deploy it's own webservice. But only 
on the last deployed ear fil is it possible to see the wsdl by the 
browser. E.g. I have two ear files a1.ear and a2.ear. The wsdl for 
a2.ear can I see but when I try to see the wsdl file for a1.ear I got 
the following error: 

HTTP Status 404 - /ejb/SCSystem 

description. The requested resource (/ejb/SCSystem) is not available. 

Apache Tomcat/5.5.12"). 

If I am not deploying a2.ear then a1.ear is working and it is now 
possible to se the wsdl fil. 

Has any of you any solutions on this, please let me know. 

Thanks in Advance, 

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