[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: Serious bug

2006-02-13 Thread yd40
It seems that this issue had been investigated:

>From the hibernate docs: 

3.4.5. Query Language Substitution 

You may define new Hibernate query tokens using hibernate.query.substitutions. 
For example: 

hibernate.query.substitutions true=1, false=0 


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Serious bug

2006-02-13 Thread yd40
I seems that I found a serious bug in the JBPM.
in the TaskMgmtSession class there are queries with errors.
 "select ti " +
"from org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance as ti " +
"where ti.actorId = :actorId " +
"  and ti.end is null " +
"  and ti.isCancelled = false"; 
isCancelled is number not boolean!

The solution that I have is to Overwrite the class


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: assign a task to a group using

2006-02-09 Thread yd40
I just used the API somthing like this:

 IdentitySessionFactory fact = new IdentitySessionFactory();
 IdentitySession  identitySession =  fact.openIdentitySession() ;
 identitySession.beginTransaction() ;
 User john = new User("john");
 User mosh = new User("mosh");
 Group qaTeam = new Group("qa team", "hierarchy");
 Group marketingTeam = new Group("marketing team", "hierarchy");
 Membership.create(john, "mgr", qaTeam);
 Membership.create(mosh, "mgr", qaTeam);
 Membership.create(john, "mgr", marketingTeam);
 identitySession.commitTransaction() ;

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: assign a task to a group using

2006-02-06 Thread yd40
Ok, so in some cases you need only one actors.
I used the assignment by class that extend the AssignmentHandler,
However I need to pass a String as the role.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: assign a task to a group using

2006-02-06 Thread yd40
Hi Koen,
I looked at the ExpressionAssignmentHandler, and I understood the code.
In my opinion, if you want some users from a group by a spesific role
the actorPooledArray should be set, not the setActorId.
There is no reason to set the first actor from the group or the last actor from 
the group, I need to set all the actors as optionaly actor - i.e 

I know that I can extend the ExpressionAssignmentHandler, however,
I saw that in the JpdlXmlParser.java there is link to the class - hardcoded.
If I will extend the ExpressionAssignmentHandler, I will need to change the  
JpdlXmlParser.java , If I will do that, I will have to change the class in each 
time that I will use new version of JBPM.

There for I decided to wait untill the ExpressionAssignmentHandler will be more 
mature, I don't mind to share my work till now and contribute to the 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: assign a task to a group using

2006-02-03 Thread yd40
Thank's for the quick response,

I still have to understand something.

let's assume that I have one Group : g1.
In this group I have 4 Users u0 --> u3.
In the memberShip table there is connection between the group and the users:
g1 -- u0-- roleName = role1 
g1 -- u1 -- roleName = role1 
g1 -- u2 -- roleName = role1
g1 -- u3 -- roleName = role2  

I want to put in the pooledActorArray only the users from Group g1 that have 
the roleName - role1 (the users u0,u1).

I thought that by doing expression = 'group(g1)-->member(role1)'
I will get set of actorId (u0,u1), and that It will set:
setPooledActorArray (new String[] {u1.u2})
By u1,u2 I mean their Id.

The ExpressionAssignmentHandler, just put one user and does:
setActorId(the first user in the group).
It's look like a bug!

I don't want to have many groups, I thought that for Role managment  we use the 
memberShip table.

I wanted to extend the  ExpressionAssignmentHandler, however I saw that 
in order to use my extend ExpressionAssignmentHandler I will need to extend 
also the JpdlXmlParser.java.

Seems that all this issue hasn't been developed yet.

Am I correct?


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Task assignment - spesific question

2006-02-01 Thread yd40
Hi all,

I did some test and here is my question:
I saw that when the expression is  expression = "group(hellsangels)"
it's assigned in the  pooledActor table as the group name -  hellsangels.

When the expression is:
 expression = "group(hellsangels) --> member(leaderofthegang)", 
and I'm sure that in the membership table there are 2 records with this member 
name - "leaderofthegang" , 
it's assign the first user as the actorId of the TaskInstance (setActorId).
there is no pooledActor for this TaskInstance.

The findPooledTaskInstancesByActorId method retrive the TaskInstance
by the actorId and not by the group name.

How can I assign a task to some Users, i.e How can I create pooledActor
with more then one record per TaskInstace.

I think that the method resolveNextTerm in the ExpressionAssignmentHandler 
isn't function well.


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[JBoss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - assign a task to a group using

2006-01-31 Thread yd40
I have problems with Assigning a task to a group.
I'm using jbpm-starters-kit-3.0.2, and run some tests from there.
I created in the ProcessDefinition a task with this assignment: