I'm using the following configuration:
server is called tutorial and is equal to the standard server.

Win2K PC
16:54:19,997 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.0 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_0 
16:54:19,997 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: D:\MyFiles\dev\env\jboss-4.0.0
16:54:19,997 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/D:/MyFiles/dev/env/jboss-4.0.0/
16:54:19,997 INFO  [Server] Library URL: file:/D:/MyFiles/dev/env/jboss-4.0.0/lib/
16:54:20,007 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
16:54:20,007 INFO  [Server] Server Name: tutorial
16:54:21,449 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.5.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
16:54:21,449 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.5.0-b64,Sun 
Microsystems Inc.
16:54:21,449 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Windows 2000 5.0,x86

Linux PC
16:22:56,420 INFO  [Server] Release ID: JBoss [Zion] 4.0.0 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_4_0_0 
16:22:56,421 DEBUG [Server] Using config: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
16:22:56,421 DEBUG [Server] Server type: class org.jboss.system.server.ServerImpl
16:22:56,421 INFO  [Server] Home Dir: /opt/jboss-4.0.0
16:22:56,422 INFO  [Server] Home URL: file:/opt/jboss-4.0.0/
16:22:56,423 INFO  [Server] Library URL: file:/opt/jboss-4.0.0/lib/
16:22:56,425 INFO  [Server] Patch URL: null
16:22:56,426 INFO  [Server] Server Name: tutorial
16:22:57,918 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java version: 1.4.2,Blackdown Java-Linux Team
16:22:57,918 INFO  [ServerInfo] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 
Blackdown-1.4.2-fcs,Blackdown Java-Linux Team
16:22:57,919 INFO  [ServerInfo] OS-System: Linux 2.6.5-7.108-default,i386

The linux system doesn't run a XServer.

on win2k everything wents fine incl. the Duke example.
I can access the Duke's bank from local win2k PC as well from a Linux PC via remote 

Running Jboss on linux the problems start when changing the "hsqldb-ds.xml" file 
according the Getting Started Docu.

      <!-- for tcp connection, allowing other processes to use the hsqldb
      database. This requires the org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase mbean.

      <!-- for totally in-memory db, not saved when jboss stops. 
      The org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase mbean necessary
      <!-- for in-process persistent db, saved when jboss stops. The
      org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase mbean is necessary for properly db shutdown

   <!-- This mbean should be used only when using tcp connections. Uncomment
   when the tcp based connection-url is used.

Doing a hot deploy of the file a get the following Exception 
16:49:05,219 ERROR [HiLoKeyGeneratorFactory] Starting failed 
javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
java.io.NotSerializableException: org.jboss.tm.TxManager]
        at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.rebind(NamingContext.java:451)

Restarting JBOSS gives no Errors ????

Deploying the ear file on the linux PC ends up with the following
17:13:30,503 INFO  [EARDeployer] Init J2EE application: 
17:13:31,898 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean   : CustomerBean
Section: 22.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class 
that implements the enterprise bean's
 business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
Info   : Class not found on 'com.sun.ebank.ejb.customer.CustomerBean': Unexpected 
error during load of: com.sun.ebank.ej
b.customer.CustomerBean, msg=com/sun/ebank/ejb/customer/CustomerBean (Unsupported 
major.minor version 49.0)

17:13:31,902 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean   : AccountBean
Section: 22.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class 
that implements the enterprise bean's
 business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
Info   : Class not found on 'com.sun.ebank.ejb.account.AccountBean': Unexpected error 
during load of: com.sun.ebank.ejb.
account.AccountBean, msg=com/sun/ebank/ejb/account/AccountBean (Unsupported 
major.minor version 49.0)

17:13:31,906 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean   : TxBean
Section: 22.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class 
that implements the enterprise bean's
 business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
Info   : Class not found on 'com.sun.ebank.ejb.tx.TxBean': Unexpected error during 
load of: com.sun.ebank.ejb.tx.TxBean,
 msg=com/sun/ebank/ejb/tx/TxBean (Unsupported major.minor version 49.0)

17:13:31,910 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean   : AccountControllerBean
Section: 22.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class 
that implements the enterprise bean's
 business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
Info   : Class not found on 'com.sun.ebank.ejb.account.AccountControllerBean': 
Unexpected error during load of: com.sun.
msg=com/sun/ebank/ejb/account/AccountControllerBean (Unsupported major.minor ve
rsion 49.0)

17:13:31,914 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation:
Bean   : CustomerControllerBean
Section: 22.2
Warning: The Bean Provider must specify the fully-qualified name of the Java class 
that implements the enterprise bean's
 business methods in the <ejb-class> element.
Info   : Class not found on 'com.sun.ebank.ejb.customer.CustomerControllerBean': 
Unexpected error during load of: com.su

Any ideas??


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