[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread ahardy66
Hey Zeron, I've been there & done that. I spent a whole day on this one and related 
errors, and found the best solution was to tidy up my development environment so that 
the class path available when I compile is exactly the same or more restricted than 
the class path used by JBoss's class loader.

It meant taking my project apart and putting it back together as 3 seperate ones, but 
now I'm confident where the classes are going to be and I don't have to wing it 

Plus of course after spending so long hunting down the exception's cause, I will now 
for evermore associate 'class not found' with this problem :)

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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread zeron
Yes, NoClassDefFoundError is thrown to tell you that you are missing a class, and I 
don't know where to load it from...

In my case: 
AAAException extends BaseException

BaseException was not included. OK.
I am just wondering here, why can't the ClassLoader say: "I cannot find class 
definition for BaseException while trying to load AAAException " ???

It says: "I cannot find class definition for AAAException".
Misleading, ain't it??

And I guess the ClassLoader which is trying to load the missing class is one of the 
JBoss class loaders.. 
Pls, correct me if I'm wrong...


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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread triathlon98
anonymous wrote : 
  | It was a very simple mistake, but I wonder.. how come the stack trace for the 
error did not contain any hint about the root class which is missing??? Guess JBoss 
needs to include the relevant errors in there, no?? :)

Nothing JBoss specific, this is just how Java works. The classloader tries to load the 
class and fails because not all required classes are found. This results on a 
ClassNofFoundException when trying to load named class. Complain to Sun...


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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread zeron
Thanx for the reply and help.
I like JBoss but I don't like the lack of docs for it... :)

triathlon98, thank you.
You guess was JUST right.  AAAException was extending another exception which I'm 
bundling in a seperate jar file.  I copied that jar to the /deploy folder, then tried 
to deploy the ejb... and guess what?? it worked!!

It was a very simple mistake, but I wonder.. how come the stack trace for the error 
did not contain any hint about the root class which is missing???  Guess JBoss needs 
to include the relevant errors in there, no?? :)

will go now to the second step of my journey (actually what I'm trying to do is to 
port our read-and-running application to JBoss).  

Wish me luck.. I believe I'll need your support later on too.
thank you all again..


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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread triathlon98
First guess, it is not the exception class which is not found, but a class it uses or 
extends (could even be an uninitialised member variable).


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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
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[JBoss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Shocked and stunned from JBOSS!

2004-03-23 Thread dannyyates
The JAR file layout you quote appears to show AAAException.class in mycomp/ejb, not 
mycomp/ejb/myejb. Perhaps this is the problem?

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