I just go through the book 'jboss clustering', but still have several questions 
related with the load balance and session bean failover capabilities of JBoss 

1)      It seems that JBoss cluster cannot balance running process, for 
example, I have a two-node (A and B) cluster (my EJB running on both with 
clustered configuration), and three same client requests from third computer C 
are leveled with ?Round-Robin? policy, two in node A and one in node B. If I 
kill node A (Ctrl+c), all processes in A are transferred to B seamlessly. 
However, after I restart A and let A successfully join back to the cluster, all 
process running in B still remain there. Seems that JBoss cluster cannot 
migrate running process back. I just wonder that my conclusion is right or not, 
maybe I have missed some configuration?

2)      Here is my understanding about session bean failover: If we kill a 
server (say, node A) by ?Ctrl+c? or shutting down its OS normally, the OS of 
dying node will send out a specific message to other nodes, this message mark A 
as ?dead?. Thus other nodes will immediately know its death and take over the 
session running on the dead node. My question is that: does the ?smart proxy? 
in client side also capture and use this message? My guess is that: the ?smart 
proxy? does not need this message. When node A is unreachable, the interceptor 
will capture a RMI call exception, then the proxy will elect another target 
node and forward its RMI call to the new target node, the new node will take 
over the session and give back the response and new view of the cluster. If my 
understanding is right, every time the proxy capture a RMI call exception, it 
will forward its RMI call to another target node immediately, then no matter 
what kind of failure of A, there should be a very short time delay to failover 
a session. But we found a problem described in my question 3)

3)      Still suppose we have a two nodes cluster (A and B), and if we unplug 
the network cable of A, there will be no signal that can be sent to B to mark A 
as ?dead?. Node B cannot identify A as a ?dead? member immediately, because it 
is hard to immediately tell between the network traffic jam and an unplug 
event. Basically node B will try several times to ping node A till  ?time out? 
to verify its suspect of node A?s death. With default ?time out? configuration 
in ?cluster-service.xml?, it may take minutes to failover a session. I have 
decreased those timeout parameters and number of re-try included in  tag, also 
set the ?shun? attribute of ?pbcast.GMS? to ?True?. From log info, we know that 
node B can immediately detect the death of A, but it still take another 20~30 
seconds to failover the session to B. So I feel puzzled, if the failover is 
exclusively handled by proxy in client side as I described above, there should 
not have such a time delay (even node B don?t know A is dead). 

4)      My last question, suppose we have a extreme case, client make a RMI 
call to node A at t=0, and this RMI call will take 100min to finish the 
computation, then at t=2min, node A crush, then what will happen now? Can this 
also be failover to node B without restart this RMI call? The computation in 
node A can be continued in node B? 

I am not sure my question is clear and right, and I guess that maybe I still 
have wrong understanding of the mechanism of JBoss cluster. Any help will be 
highly appreciated, thanks a lot!

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