I've been banging my head against this one for a couple days now, hope folks 
can help me out. 

I have an application I'm developing for a client.  We've been developing it on 
localized machines for a while now, using all intra-net based services (jboss 
et al are all on the local machine).  The app consists of a series of 
sessionbeans sitting in a deployed app in JBoss, accessed from a desktop Swing 
app via RMI. 

Locally, everything works fine.  The jndi lookups work, I can get to the 
appserver without any problems.  While in the end, the app will be installed in 
an intranet environment, I'd like my client to be able to run the Swing client 
remotely to test things out.  I've deployed the Swing client app as a 
JNLP-enabled JAR file, and the users can download and run it, but I do not want 
to open up sockets through the firewall to the appserver (which is on a machine 
at a colo facility).  

What I'd like to do is either use direct socket-forwards in SSH, or use the 
SOCKS function (-D) to allow the remote Swing client access to the JNDI server 
and beans on the jboss server.

I haven't found a real way to do this yet.  My jndi.properties file states:
  | java.naming.provider.url=jnp://

So it would make sense that I could just use an ssh port forwarder to access 
the JNDI server:
ssh -L1099: my.remote.host

Alas, that doesn't seem to work.  When I run this, I get an exception on the 
InitialContext.lookup() call:
     [java] *** Exception thrown in com.arete.JQuo.AppsBrowse.connectUp() ...
  |      [java] *** javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested 
exception is:
  |      [java]     java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused]
  |      [java] javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is 
java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:; nested 
exception is:
  |      [java]     java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused]
  |      [java]     at 

Perversely, I still see a socket connect in ssh, so -something- is happening, 
why am I getting a Connection refused error?

My ultimate goal is to use either a SOCKS remote proxy to get across the 
firewall to the JBoss server, or set up fixed sockets.  I'll be happy with 
EITHER answer, this is not for production / final release, it's just so the 
client can see the work I'm doing.

The code being used to connect is:
System.out.println("Getting initial context...");
  | Context c = new InitialContext();
  | System.out.println("Looking up appmanager...");
  | Object o = c.lookup ("AppManager");
  | System.out.println("Back from lookup()...");

I never see the last message - the exception is thrown on c.lookup().

Help please?

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