[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-16 Thread nraghuram
What is your container configuration. Are you using Instance Per Transaction ?? and 
what is the lock ?


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-14 Thread sesques

If your session bean is declared as Container-managed transactions, your problem 
seems as a JBoss bug.

Perhaps try to set transaction-type to Bean, and then create a user transaction within 
your addAttendance method.

The user transaction can be obtain with:

  | try {
  | ctx = new InitialContext(); 
  | tx = (UserTransaction)ctx.lookup(UserTransaction); 
  | tx.begin(); 
  | ...
  | tx.commit();
  | } catch (Exception e)
  | ...
  | tx.rollback();
  | }
  | ctx.close();

I'm not sure you can obtain a transaction with 
sessionContext.getUserTransaction(); in this case.

Good luck ;-)

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-13 Thread chawla1975

I guess this is valid behaviour as if you have two threads accessing the same entity 
bean with one deleting the row in the database, the other is bound to recieve the 
exception. Transaction behavior won't help as its not an exclusive usage of the entity 
bean instance. Transaction only helps for atomicity of operation.

Hope this helps

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-13 Thread jchang
Hello Vikas,

Thanks for replying.

I am kind scared that this will be a valid behaviour because if I am executing a 
findBy method that is NOT read-only and has a transaction type Required  then I 
better have the lock to do whatever I want with that bean.  Nobody can do a findBy... 
on the same bean unless I am done with it first. Isn't this the appropiate behaviour? 

In the logs, I can see that two different threads are executing the same findBy... 
method of an entity bean which is kind of scary because if one thread decides to 
delete the record then the other one will have a primary key that doesn't exist 
anymore in the database.

There has to be a way to avoid this confrontation between these two beans.

How come the second thread is being allow to execute the findBy... method in the first 

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Please let me know if I am missing something?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-13 Thread sesques
Your problem is not a part of EJB or whatever specification. Having a thread deleting 
rows while another list the rows is a business problem.

The whole solution for handling that is a combination of transaction, reentrance and 
lock mechanism.
The lock mechanism is not a part of EJB spec, but application servers can do that. You 
can also write a portable lock mechanism, which is decribed at the location:

I hope this helps you.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: NoSuchObjectLocalException

2004-04-13 Thread jchang
Hello Sesques.

I appreciate your help.

Here is a snippet of code. As you can see,  the addAttendance of this STATELESS bean 
is calling the findAttendance method with an specific memberId and timeSlotId. In the 
logs, I can see that two threads are calling this method almost at the same time but 
the first thread get to the deleteAttendance method and remove the record from the db. 
Meanwhile, the second thread went into a waiting state because the first one is 
working within a transaction. But when it wakes up, it tries to execute code based on 
the primary keys that got from the findByMemberAndTimeSlotId  method that is part of 
the findAttendance method.

I am still confused why the container lets 2 threads execute the 
findByMemberAndTimeSlotId concurrently the first time. 

By the way, the entity bean has transaction type Required and the finder methods are 
NOT read-only. The only methods that are read-only are the get methods. And the 
commit-option is A

  |* @ejb.interface-method
  |* @ejb.transaction
  |   public void addAttendance(String inConferenceId, String inMemberId, String 
inGroupId, String inTimeSlotId)
  |   {
  | ...code...
  | // get the record for the current time slot
  | attendanceMain = findAttendance(inMemberId, inTimeSlotId);
  | ...more code...
  | // delete the existing attendance record
  | deleteAttendance(attendanceMain);
  | ...more code...
  |   }
  |  /**
  |* @ejb.interface-method
  |* @ejb.transaction
  |   public AttendanceVO findAttendance(String inMemberId, String inTimeSlotId)
  |   {
  | AttendanceVO retval = null;
  | logger.debug(findAttendance invoked);
  | try
  | {
  |   AttendanceLocalHome alh = AttendanceUtil.getLocalHome();
  |   AttendanceLocal al = alh.findByMemberAndTimeSlotId(inMemberId, 
inTimeSlotId); //second thread gets into a wait state while the first one is doing 
transactional process.
  |   retval = al.getAttendanceVO(); //pk for attendance is gone at this point, 
exception get thrown here
  | }
  | catch (FinderException fe)
  | {
  |   logger.debug(fe.getMessage());
  | }
  | catch (NamingException ne)
  | {
  |   logger.warn(ne.getMessage(),ne);
  | }
  | return retval;
  |   }
  |  /**
  |* @ejb.interface-method
  |* @ejb.transaction
  |   public boolean deleteAttendance(AttendanceVO inAttendance)
  |   {
  | boolean retval = false;
  | if (inAttendance != null)
  | {
  |   try
  |   {
  | AttendanceLocalHome alh = AttendanceUtil.getLocalHome();
  | AttendanceLocal al = alh.findByPrimaryKey(inAttendance.getId());
  | if (al != null)
  | {
  |   try
  |   {
  | al.remove();
  | retval = true;
  |   }
  |   catch (RemoveException re)
  |   {
  | logger.warn(re.getMessage());
  |   }
  | }
  |   }
  |   catch (FinderException fe)
  |   {
  | logger.warn(fe.getMessage());
  |   }
  |   catch (NamingException ne)
  |   {
  | logger.warn(ne.getMessage(),ne);
  |   }
  | }
  | return retval;
  |   }

Thanks for the help


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