[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-09 Thread p_nevilleuk
My question is what ways can the MBean that I have created be accessed (both 
remotely and locally).  I understand I can acess it using:
MBeanServer/MBeanServerInvocationHandler but am concerened that if I start 
embedding this type of call in my EJB then I will have non-portable code(?) or 
at least code that is not commonly used (ie most EJB developers I know aren't 
familiar with it).

Therefore I started to think about adding some of the objects wrapped by the 
MBean to the JNDI tree (like the supplied uuid-generator), but came across the 
problem that they are not serializable (and I wouldprefer not to chnage the 
doomdark code).   When investigating the possiblity of using the 
NonSerializableFactory I read the warning that this will not be accessible 

Also, I have looked at the code for the supplied uuid-generator and unless I am 
mistaken, the factory is not behaving like a factory (apart from returning an 
instance with different parameter, but not a different type). For example, if 
you use the HiLoKeyGeneratorFactory it always gives you back a 
HiLoKeyGenerator. I was expecting one factory that gave back the required type 
of KeyGenerator.

I would like to integrate the doomdark uuid generator, but wish to do so in the 
best possible way.

Many thanks for you comments so far.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The information is correct. What is your question about it as I don't see how 
it intersects this thread.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-08 Thread p_nevilleuk
Can you exaplain then the following paragraph taken from the wiki anonymous 
wrote : NonSerializableFactory
  | NO!!! 
  | This seems to be a common misunderstanding. The NonSerializableFactory 
takes objects that are not java.io.Serializable (and hence can't be bound into 
jndi by spec) and creates an indirection such that they can be bound. The 
object is still not serializable and in no way will it be available on a remote 
machine. The indirected object can be accessed inside the same JVM as where it 
is bound. 
  | Even if it was Serializable you would get a copy of the object not remote 
access, see above. 
  | Question: Why do people

Is this information incorrect or does it relate to a different issue?

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not acceptable in whose eyes, ejb spec, god, country?

For the most part the ejb spec restrictions are meaningless unless you are 
running with a security manager and have configured the server to restrict 
application deployments from access to the spec stated operations. Other 
containers run with a security manager by default so using a pojo in a seperate 
jar that can be assigned the required security permissions is the usual route 
of providing restricted functionality to the ejb.

Exposing an interface in jndi via the NonSerializableFactory does not prevent 
access via the detached invoker mechanism via the same or a different interface 
as well.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-07 Thread p_nevilleuk
Appreciate answers to the following if possible:

What about if a POJO used JNI and the EJB called this - is this acceptable?

How is the MBean accessed? Do you normally store in on JNDI or access it using 

I notice that the jboss admin guide uses a NonSerializableFactory to bind it.  
I thought this was not acceptable 

I initially need local access, but remote access may be required later.

Which type is most suitable?


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-07 Thread darranl
Within the EJB specification there are a number of programming restrictions, 
one of the restrictions is: -

anonymous wrote : The enterprise bean must not attempt to load a native library.

As the component you are trying to use makes use of JNI it should not be used 
directly within an EJB component.  By wrapping the component with an MBean this 
restriction no longer applies.

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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-07 Thread p_nevilleuk
Regarding wrapping it as an MBean.  I am interested in this approach, but I am 
not entirely sure what the reason for doing so is.
I can see that the MBean would provide a service to all apps running on the 
server, but this could be achieved by adding it to the ear.  Also, the doomdark 
api does not require any persistence so does this make it less MBean 
Are there any other benefits of a UUID MBean? 


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-06 Thread p_nevilleuk
Thanks for your response Juha. I understand about the native code issue, but my 
greatest grievance is with the generator in jboss and j2se 1.5 not conforming 
to standards (or at least the DCE 1.1 RPC standard).

I could always pass the MAC address to a suitable API (obtained manually, 
natively or via executing ipconfig etc at Runtime).

Like you say, I can always replace with my own but again I would prefer jboss 
to use a standard generator.


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[JBoss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: uuid generation

2004-12-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To get MAC address in Java you need to include JNI code (at least in the older 
JDK's), so for that reason the doomdark implementation will not be making it 
into the distribution.

However, nothing stops you from wrapping it as an MBean and deploying it to the 
JBoss app server, if your application requires it.

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