
I have a deadlock problem with oracle.

I have two entity beans, lets say "Order" and "OrderPos". There is a 
bidirectional OneToMany relationship between Order and OrderPos.

  | @Entity
  | public class Order{
  | long id;
  | Set<OrderPos> positions;
  | @Id
  | @GeneratedValue(...)
  | public long getId(){...}
  | public void setId(long id){...}
  | @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="order")
  | public Set<OrderPos> getPositions(){...}
  | public void setPositions(Set<OrderPos> positions){...}
  | }

  | public class OrderPos{
  | long id;
  | Order order;
  | @Id
  | @GeneratedValue(...)
  | public long getId(){...}
  | public void setId(long id){...}
  | @ManyToOne
  | public Order getOrder(){...}
  | public void setOrder(Order order){...}
  | }

For these two classes hibernate generated two tables: Order and OrderPos.
For the Order table it generates a primary key constraint as well as an index 
on the primary key. For OrderPos it generates a primary key constraint, a 
foreign key constraint for the orderid, and an index on the primary key.

If I try to delete two Orders with all their Positions concurently, I get a 
deadlock. This is the sql generated by hibernate to do this.

  | session 1:
  |  delete from OrderPos where order_id = 4711;
  | session 2:
  |  delete from OrderPos where order_id = 4712;
  | session 1:
  |  delete from Order where id = 4711;
  | session 2:
  |  delete from Order where id = 4712;

With this scenario session 1 receives a deadlock.
Investigating this problem I found, that oracle is expecting  an index on all 
foreign keys of a table to prevent this situation.

Is there a way to have hibernate generate these indexes? Or is there another 
way to accomplish this kind of concurrent deletes?

Please help.

Thanx in advance.

PS: Im using default JBoss 4.0.4 RC1; Oracle 9i

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