[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-10 Thread remm
I recommend using the Tomcat classloader instead (configured in the 
jboss-service.xml). This is a lot more "webapp friendly" than the JBoss classloader.

I will properly implement the getURLs of the fake ENCLoader (your proposed patch is 

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-09 Thread sureshvembu
After some analysis, we were able to locate the problem in the WebCtxLoader.java 
(present in the tomcat/src/main/org/jboss/web/tomcat/tc5 directory) implementation. 

The problem is in the setWarURL method. Here instead of adding the URLs to the 
ENCLoader (ctxLoader), it has been added to the parent (UnifiedClassLoader) loader. 
When I changed the implementation to add the URLs to the ENCLoader, things are working 
fine now. I.e., the Tomcat is able to load the tlds present in the jar files now 
properly. This is because, the TldLocator needs the getURLs() to return properly for 
locating the .tld files. The UnifiedClassLoader by design ignores the getURLs() method 
and returns a empty-array. So, changing the URL addition to the ENCLoader helps return 
proper URL [] and thus the location of resources too!

I've given below the code-snippet of the change made:

   public void setWarURL(URL warURL) throws MalformedURLException
 //Add the URLs to the ctxLoader instead of the delegate!

 //Add the URLs to the ctxLoader instead of the delegate!

Hope this is useful.


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I guess the sample ant code would be more helpful if it were not invisible:


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I ran into the same problem trying to deploy the JavaServer Faces 1.0 Beta samples on 
JBoss 3.2.3, with Tomcat 5. The suggested work-around (i.e. false) appears to solve 
the problem of locating the taglibs, but I found that it led to other 
classloader-related problems. For example, the first thing I ran into was that debug 
classes contained within jars in the sample war's WEB-INF/lib directory didn't match 
identical classes that had previously been loaded by the JBoss class loader. In order 
to deal with this problem, I experimented some more and found that if I copied all of 
the TLD files that were in any of the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory into the 
WEB-INF directory, then I found that the system was able to find the TLD files, and I 
no longer needed to set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false.

To make my life easier, I developed a small ant file to do the necessary conversion:












Note that you need to specify the war-name (the name of the war file you want to 
convert) and the deploy-dir (the name of the directory to which you would like to 
deploy the war file). If you just want to modify the war file, you can just invoke the 
copyTlds target, and you don't need to specify a value for the deploy-dir in that case.

Also note that I tried this with one of the the JSTL samples (standard-examples.war), 
and it appeared to work for that as well.

So now we have two work-arounds to choose from:

1) set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false
2) copy the tlds into the WEB-INF directory

The bottom line here is that the JBossWebLoader doesn't seem to be looking for TLD 
files within the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Are there any plans to fix this?

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-03-01 Thread jdoble
I ran into the same problem trying to deploy the JavaServer Faces 1.0 Beta samples on 
JBoss 3.2.3, with Tomcat 5. The suggested work-around (i.e. false) appears to solve 
the problem of locating the taglibs, but I found that it led to other 
classloader-related problems. For example, the first thing I ran into was that debug 
classes contained within jars in the sample war's WEB-INF/lib directory didn't match 
identical classes that had previously been loaded by the JBoss class loader. In order 
to deal with this problem, I experimented some more and found that if I copied all of 
the TLD files that were in any of the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory into the 
WEB-INF directory, then I found that the system was able to find the TLD files, and I 
no longer needed to set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false.

To make my life easier, I developed a small ant file to do the necessary conversion:












Note that you need to specify the war-name (the name of the war file you want to 
convert) and the deploy-dir (the name of the directory to which you would like to 
deploy the war file). If you just want to modify the war file, you can just invoke the 
copyTlds target, and you don't need to specify a value for the deploy-dir in that case.

Also note that I tried this with one of the the JSTL samples (standard-examples.war), 
and it appeared to work for that as well.

So now we have two work-arounds to choose from:

1) set the UseJBossWebLoader property to false
2) copy the tlds into the WEB-INF directory

The bottom line here is that the JBossWebLoader doesn't seem to be looking for TLD 
files within the jars in the WEB-INF/lib directory. Are there any plans to fix this?

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-26 Thread ahardy66
Can someone tell me which module to download? I've downloaded and compiled the whole 
lot from CVS 3 times now and I'm not getting any further. 

I assumed that the module I needed is JBoss-3.2, looking at the list of modules in the 
jboss root. That wouldn't checkout though. 

I tried jboss-all, jboss and jboss-3.2, the last of which isn't in the list but I saw 
someone who'd left a message here about it. 

The only one that gave me a compilable end-result was jboss-3.2 with -r BRANCH_3_2, 
but the work-around doesn't work here. 

I tried jboss-3.2 -r HEAD but that won't compile due to an error with 
'thirdparty/xdoclet-xdoclet/lib not found'

I can't find any notices saying what I need. It would definitely save alot of time. 

I have also heard about 'snapshots' of the CVS tree referred to in an old forum msg, 
but I can't find them anywhere. Do they still exist?


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-26 Thread remm
Get jboss-3.2 with Branch_3_2.
The fix works for me.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-26 Thread ahardy66
This is the one that compiles into jboss-3.2.4RC1?


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-26 Thread ahardy66
It worked. Thanks v. much for the fix. 


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-25 Thread remm
"ahardy66" wrote : Thanks for the response. However it's definitely tomcat 5.0.16 that 
I'm using - I installed it using the ant build script in the jboss docs directory.
  | I've narrowed it down to a particular class in tomcat's catalina startup but I'd 
have to run a debugger over it to work out why it's failing. I suspect it's swallowing 
an exception. 
  | I'm surprised no-one else has had this. There must be hundreds of people trying to 
deploy JSTL in JBoss. 
  | And how about these guys who had this problem over a month ago? Have you given up 
guys? What's the deal? No solution at all? A bit of feedback would go down really well.
  | Adam

I have tested the following workaround, using the current 3.2.x CVS code. In the 
Tomcat 5 SAR, in jboss-service.xml, set UseJBossWebLoader to false.


I assume there's a problem somewhere when enumerating the classloader contents in 

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-25 Thread ahardy66
Yes, I read the spec. Glad it works for you with Jetty. I might have to debug this 
tomorrow with extra logging statements in the TldConfig class, where the action is 
meant to happen. I can't see anything in the code that gives any hint why it would 

If I compile the tomcat jars myself from source, can I use them? Or has JBoss modified 
anything in tomcat?


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-25 Thread amayingenta
We're using JSTL 1.1 with JBoss 3.2.3 and Jetty 5 beta2 with no problems.
We have jstl.jar in the server/default/lib directory and standard.jar in the 
WEB-INF/lib directory of each of our webapps.

We used a similar configuration for JSTL 1.0 with Jetty 4.

Servlet 2.4 containers (i.e. Jetty 5 & Tomcat 5) should pick up tld's in WEB-INF or 
jars in WEB-INF/lib without any declarations in web.xml - there's a bunch of stuff 
about this in the 2.4 spec.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread ahardy66
Thanks for the response. However it's definitely tomcat 5.0.16 that I'm using - I 
installed it using the ant build script in the jboss docs directory.

I've narrowed it down to a particular class in tomcat's catalina startup but I'd have 
to run a debugger over it to work out why it's failing. I suspect it's swallowing an 

I'm surprised no-one else has had this. There must be hundreds of people trying to 
deploy JSTL in JBoss. 

And how about these guys who had this problem over a month ago? Have you given up 
guys? What's the deal? No solution at all? A bit of feedback would go down really well.


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread joshua_tharp
Could it be a Tomcat version thing? (JBoss has http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3822788#3822788

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread ahardy66
Tomcat.SAR is not searching in the war through the Jar files for tlds. I can't see 

In stand-alone mode, tomcat5  handles this fine. It extracts the tlds from the jars in 
the war.

Why or how can tomcat.sar be different from stand-alone mode?

This is causing me alot of wasted time, I'd really appreciate any response.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread ahardy66
my mistake, going on about dtds when I meant tlds. sorry.

Anyway I discovered the tlds jboss needs are in the JSTL taglib jars jstl.jar and 
standard.jar. I've included these jars in both my project WAR and in the JBoss 
server/default/lib directory already anyway so they're not helping. 

"fmt" is the first of 8 taglib declarations I've got. Mostly JSTL and struts. I assume 
that this problem will crop up with all of them. 

I've been searching and googling like mad but havent found the solution. Would someone 
please give me a clue?


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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread pilhuhn
Ah ok, I see. 
I can't tell about the taglibs, but generally the dtds for system config files should 
be locally.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-24 Thread ahardy66
Ah OK. Thanks for the info. But that URL is not meant to be looked up - it's just 
meant to be unique and somehow the container can match it against the dtd in a jar 
somewhere. So it doesn't matter whether my machine is online or not. Or at least it 

The one that is causing me problems right now:


has no .tld on the Sun website. 

It's just a problem because I don't know where the .tld is. The exception message says 

" http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/fmt cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar 
files deployed with this application"

I used to have such an entry in the web.xml but about a year ago I removed it for some 
reason which I shall have to look up, since it's slipped my mind now. This was just 
with tomcat, not jboss obviously.

And of course theoretically it would be nice to be able to specify something (if I 
have to specify anything) that is container-independent, as opposed to a declaration 
that points to an internal JBoss directory. After all, it is in my web.xml.

I'll see if I can find anything out at jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-23 Thread pilhuhn
JBoss tries to get the locally from JBoss/docs/dtd, where they are delivered with the 
This is also an advantage for you, as the server can also be started / operated when 
the network is not up.

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[JBoss-user] [HTTPD, Servlets & JSP] - Re: Standard taglib with jboss 3.2.3, tomcat 5

2004-02-23 Thread ahardy66
I also just ran into this issue and am trying to figure it out. 

Does JBoss require DTDs to be located locally? 

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