
I have JBoss 3.2.3 installed, however I have a bit of an issue with the 
${jboss.bind.address} property that appears in the jboss-service.xml file. At first I 
thought that this could be set using a Java system property argument to the VM (i.e. 
-Djboss.bind.addres=myhost ). However this does not appear to work as the bind address 
is being reported as

I have a work around which is to perform a global search and replace of 
${jboss.bind.address}, and replace it with the 'hostname'. However I would like to be 
able to set this in a single place.

The 'JBoss Admin Guide 3.2.x' does not appear  to shed any light so I would be 
grateful if someone could tell me how to do this.

Thanks and regards,

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