[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: classcastexecption at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderF

2004-03-16 Thread andylawson
Still pulling my hair out over this ...

After looking through various jars, I found the offending org.xml.SAX.InputSource 
class in the JDK jre/lib/rt.jar.  So I reckon that somehow the JDK class is helping to 
cause the loader violation.

I nosed about on the internet and found out that you can override the rt.jar file by 
adding the appropriate jars to the jre/lib/endorsed directory. So I copied the 
xalan.jar, xerces.jar here, restarted JBoss and lo and behold ... the same error!!!

Am I doing something stupid here? Has anybody got any ideas? 

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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: classcastexecption at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderF

2004-03-12 Thread andylawson
Hi All,

Managed to make some head way with this.

I copied the files xalan.jar & xerces.jar to the jboss-3.2.3/lib directory.
I then changed the run.bat file to add these two files to the variable JBOSS_CLASSPATH.
I then updated my EAR (specifically the WAR) and removed the 2 files from the 
WEB-INF/lib directory (and some MANIFEST.MF that had these files in the ClassPath.)

When I restarted the server the original problem disappeared. Now I have another error:

loader constraints violated when linking org/xml/sax/InputSource class

Not sure what is happening. If anybody can shed some light on this, it would be most 


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[JBoss-user] [Installation & Configuration] - Re: classcastexecption at javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderF

2004-03-10 Thread ddurkin

I'm having the same type of problem.

As soon as I define a loader-repository of an ear deployment, I get 
ClassCastExceptions for xml related classes.  In my case its a SAXParser class but it 
seems like the same deal.

Have you made any headway on this?

Does anyone have any suggestions for tracking down the problem?

Can code that is loading somehow side step the scoped ClassLoader?  In my case it 
seems like JDOM threw the original exception.

Anyone have tips for narrowing the search. 

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