I'm upgrading to 3.2.3 from 3.2.1, and I'm seeing a change in behavior using a single 
non-clustering server whose clients are on the same machine.

Previously, my clients would successfully create an InitialContext by referencing 
server/default/conf/jndi.properties, and that worked in 3.2.1.

In 3.2.3, I get a timeout trying to look anything up.

I finally fixed this by adding:

In running the client code under a debugger, the general problem seemed to be that 
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext didn't find anything it liked for a local server, and 
decided to use the discovery code.

My question is: should this have happened ?  Should I have to modify jndi.properties 
in this way for this configuration, or do I have something outside of JBoss 
misconfigured that prevented it from working out-of-the-box ?

I'm a little concerned because the 3.2.1 jndi.properties had a comment saying not to 
use a provider.url of localhost since it forced in-VM calls to go through RMI.

Thanks for any assistance.

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