[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-09 Thread gilboay
hi again -

This is not a markup problem. I've modified the code to generate valid HTML 
(enclosing all attributes with double quotes). The problem is with the actual 
value of the action attribute. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-06 Thread gilboay

I'd rather not used JSP at this point.

I'm trying this with a sample code from the book Building Portals with the 
Java Portlet API (Apress), by Jeff Linwood  Dave Minter.

Here is the full listing of the portlet class:

  | package com.portalbook.portlets;
  | import java.io.IOException;
  | import java.io.Writer;
  | import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
  | import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
  | import javax.portlet.GenericPortlet;
  | import javax.portlet.PortletException;
  | import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
  | import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
  | public class AdvancedPortlet extends GenericPortlet
  | {
  | protected void doEdit(
  | RenderRequest renderRequest,
  | RenderResponse renderResponse)
  | throws PortletException, IOException
  | {
  | renderResponse.setContentType(text/html);
  | Writer writer = renderResponse.getWriter();
  | //get the existing parameters to use as defaults.
  | String title = renderRequest.getParameter(title);
  | String contents = renderRequest.getParameter(contents);
  | if (title == null)
  | {
  | title = ;
  | }
  | if (contents == null)
  | {
  | contents = ;
  | }
  | writer.write(H1Portlet Settings/H1);
  | writer.write(FORM ACTION=);
  | writer.write(renderResponse.createActionURL().toString());
  | writer.write();
  | writer.write(
  | Title: INPUT TYPE=text NAME=title VALUE=' + title + ' 
  | writer.write(
  | Contents: INPUT TYPE=text NAME=contents VALUE= '
  | + contents
  | + ' SIZE=25);
  | writer.write(P);
  | writer.write(INPUT TYPE=submit);
  | writer.write(/FORM);
  | }
  | protected void doHelp(
  | RenderRequest renderRequest,
  | RenderResponse renderResponse)
  | throws PortletException, IOException
  | {
  | //return a helpful message
  | renderResponse.setContentType(text/html);
  | Writer writer = renderResponse.getWriter();
  | writer.write(
  | This portlet allows you to change its content and title.);
  | }
  | protected void doView(
  | RenderRequest renderRequest,
  | RenderResponse renderResponse)
  | throws PortletException, IOException
  | {
  | renderResponse.setContentType(text/html);
  | Writer writer = renderResponse.getWriter();
  | String contents = renderRequest.getParameter(contents);
  | if (contents != null)
  | {
  | writer.write(contents);
  | }
  | else
  | {
  | //return the default contents
  | writer.write(This is the default portlet contents.  To change 
  | writer.write(this message, edit the portlet's settings.);
  | }
  | writer.write(p);
  | writer.write(
  | IMG SRC=
  | + renderResponse.encodeURL(
  | renderRequest.getContextPath() + /images/picture.jpg)
  | + );
  | writer.write(p);
  | writer.write(
  | IMG SRC=http://www.greenninja.com/images/teton1-small.jpg);
  | }
  | protected String getTitle(RenderRequest renderRequest)
  | {
  | String title = renderRequest.getParameter(title);
  | if (title != null)
  | {
  | return title;
  | }
  | //else return a default title, if we don't have one set yet.
  | return Advanced Portlet;
  | }
  | public void processAction(
  | ActionRequest actionRequest,
  | ActionResponse actionResponse)
  | throws PortletException, IOException
  | {
  | //check for parameters
  | String title = actionRequest.getParameter(title);
  | if (title != null)
  | {
  | actionResponse.setRenderParameter(title, title);
  | }
  | String contents = actionRequest.getParameter(contents);
  | if (contents != null)
  | {
  | actionResponse.setRenderParameter(contents, contents);
  | }
  | }
  | }

The doEdit() section works only if I apply the work-around described in the 1st 

thanx :)

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-06 Thread mholzner
I'm not sure if this is a forum problem, or if you forgot the quotes around all 
the attribute values that you write. 

instead of: 

  | writer.write(FORM ACTION=);
  | writer.write(renderResponse.createActionURL().toString());
  | writer.write();


  | writer.write(FORM ACTION=\);
  | writer.write(renderResponse.createActionURL().toString());
  | writer.write(\);

...apply the same change for the other attributes. 

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-05 Thread gilboay
Generated URL means the actual url returned by the 
RenderResponse.createActionURL() method.

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Why not using the portlet tag portlet:actionURL/ ?

And at least please show us exactly the code you write, since it seems that 
there is a problem with it.

Help us help you

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-04 Thread gilboay
hi - 

i've tried both GET and POST - the same behaviour happens for both of them.

Any ideas?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What is Generated URL ?

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[JBoss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: RenderResponse.createActionUrl() does not work

2006-04-03 Thread mholzner
is your form using POST or GET ? 

try form method='POST' action='

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