Hi, i'm trying to authenticate a user:

anonymous wrote : The default authenticator is 
org.jbpm.security.authenticator.JbpmDefaultAutenticator. That implementation 
will maintain a ThreadLocal stack of authenticated actorId's. Authenticated 
blocks can be marked with the methods 
JbpmDefaultAutenticator.pushAuthenticatedActorId(String) and 
JbpmDefaultAutenticator.popAuthenticatedActorId(). Be sure to always put these 
demarcations in a try-finally block. For the push and pop methods of this 
authenticator implementation, there are convenience methods supplied on the 
base Authentication class. The reason that the JbpmDefaultAutenticator 
maintains a stack of actorIds instead of just one actorId is simple: it allows 
the jBPM code to distinct between code that is executed on behalf of the user 
and code that is executed on behalf of the jbpm engine

And i:

import org.jbpm.security.authentication.JbpmDefaultAutenticator;

and public String login() throws NoSuchElementException { 
  |     setAuthorizedUserName(null); 
  |     JbpmDefaultAutenticator.popAuthenticatedActorId(); 
  | IdentitySession identitySession = 
  | try { 
  |     Object userid = identitySession.verify(userName, userPassword); 
  |     setAuthorizedUserName (userName); 
  |     JbpmDefaultAutenticator.pushAuthenticatedActorId(authorizedUserName); 
  |     return "home"; 
  | } catch (NoSuchElementException e){return "login_error";} 
  | } 

but it says that:
import org.jbpm.security.authentication.JbpmDefaultAutenticator;

does not exist (like all the followings objets), what am i doing wrong? i want 
to authorize a user to enter the system.

Thank you!

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