[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-11 Thread empress101
ok i looked at that page and the instruction 

and they are not clear 

 HOWTO switch between JBossWS/JBoss.NET

Before you can use JBoss.NET you need to remove JBossWS and install JBoss.NET 
manually. Here is what you need to do from the jboss.net module dir

!-- delete jboss-ws4ee implementation --

!-- install jboss-net implementation --


If you work from the source, there are 'deploy' targets in the 
jboss.net/webservice module respectively.

The binaries for JBoss.Net are distributed under 

1. first were is this directory i am suppose to do from.. I assume its the 
jboss-net directory in the jboss_home/docs/examples/jboss.net ?

2. is that a build file i am to make and use ant to execute?

3. when looking for the jboss-net.sar there is no jboss-net.sar however there 
is a jboss-net.sar.tmp file inside the jboss-net directory?

4. when making it into a build file. It does not work.

5. when just doing it myself and (copying the jboss-net.sar.tmp to the deploy 
directory and changing extension to .sar it still not work.

I am using Jboss4.0.0RC2

I assusmed it is a builld file suppose to make.  Because i would assume if it 
was clear instructions it would start out .
number 1. do this
number 2. do this
number 3. do this .ect...

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-10 Thread empress101
so what your saying is that jboss does not support axis-soap? 

what i need to know is if i have a simple hello world service...were exaclty do 
i place the file in the jboss directory for it to be deployed.

for tomcat all i have to do is change the extesion to jws and drop it into the 
tomcat/webapps/axis directory.  How do i do this for jboss? 

just need a simple answer?(beside pointing me to some link which dont help 
because they take 200 pages of bable to just get to he point).

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is easier to use Standalone tomcat if you are trying to build axis based web 

In JBoss, we are focusing towards building J2EE standards based webservices.  

What you described about changing the extension to .jws and dropping the webapp 
in tomcat, is how axis does it work, in a proprietory fashion.

I suggest you try to learn the J2EE way of doing webservices.  There is a 
tutorial from Sun and also various books available.  Plus the Jboss Getting 
Started documentation will have some information.

If you want to stay with axis based webservices, then you can use standalone 

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-10 Thread empress101
believe me I would use tomcat if choice , but i have been assigned and must use 
jboss for this project i am trying to get off the ground.  I figured Jboss 
could do it because there are many sources on the web that allued to it. One in 
particular guide that many point to is 


,but this guide is too complicated and you can see the directory structure is 
too involved to just get a basic understanding of were stuff goes.  I and a few 
others have complained that this example as well as the duke's bank example is 
overwhelming because you are left struggling with the example itself instead of 
the workings of the ws4ee-axis-soap thing.  This why we have asked for a simple 
hello world example to show us exaclty were the files get put and what gets 
typed at prompt to make it work.

I basically need to have a jsp or swing make a soap call to jboss then jboss to 
soapservlet and then to database and makes trip back.  

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-10 Thread jasong
With J2EE web services there is no command to deploy web services. You build 
your package with the appropriate descriptors, which is what the tutorials are 
showing you how to make. Then, when you deploy your war or jar, the web service 
is deployed. Reread the wiki, it is quite clear about how you do this. 

If you still want to use the proprietary axis implementation, either remove 
ws4ee and install jboss.net, or remove ws4ee and install axis under jboss. The 
instructions on how to do the former are here: 

Also, Here are instructions for deploying under Jboss.NET: 


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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
because JBossWS is about portable J2EE compliant web services. Axis does not 
enter the gaim.

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[JBoss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: How do I deploy a SOAP Webservice (ServiceManagerClient

2005-01-07 Thread empress101
and were on that page with all the links listed that not one says how to deploy 
 does it walk you thru deploy an axis service on jboss?

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