Hi, I'm tring to create a j2ee client which will call to webservice.
Only at run time I know the ip of the machine that runs the web-service.

Do I need to parse the wsdl file and to replace the string 
<REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL> by the real ip ? 
Is there another option? I know when using the stub option (which doesn't 
implemented in JBOSS) there is an option to change the end point IP address in 
the stub 


Currently my code looks as follow

  | URL mappingLocation = this.getClass().getClassLoader
  |                              .getResource("META-INF/jaxrpc-mapping.xml");
  | File file = new File("C:/a.wsdl");
  | URL url = new URL(file.toURL().toString());
  | QName serviceName = new QName("http://com.bbb.aa";,
  |                                           "aaService");
  | ServiceFactoryImpl factory = (ServiceFactoryImpl) ServiceFactory
  |             .newInstance();
  | Service service = (Service) factory.createService(url, mappingLocation,
  |                                               null, serviceName, null);

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