[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-03 Thread alvlim1982
Hi again,
I donno whether weblogic has such thing, but I will try to find out.

Another question, hehe, hope I am not causing you too much troubles with so many 

How do I accommodate for data types like char[] or byte[] :D 

Thanks again in advance

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-03 Thread chiba
ClassPool#get(char[]) ?

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-02 Thread alvlim1982
Hi Chiba,
Thanks for your reply. Currently we're using weblogic server to deploy our EJB. If we 
are to do the 2nd approach, means we're to modify the class loader of the EJB inside 
weblogic or maybe somehow create a new one to replace it (which I have no idea how to).

Anyway, I guess I don't have any option since time is limited but I would really like 
to know how can I do the 2nd approach. ;) 

Thanks a lot Mr Chiba. You really helped me out a lot.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-02 Thread chiba
I think JBoss has API to substitute a user-defined
class loader for the original one.  WebLogic should
have such a API... :-p


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-02 Thread chiba
Generating physical class files in advance
is the simplest way.  Otherwise, you might
be able to modify a class loader that loads
your EJB so that the class loader also can find
virtual class files generated on the fly.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-11-01 Thread alvlim1982
Hi again,
I donno whether the problem is with the way I deploy my project. My entire project is 
an EJB (web application). Thus, when I run my project, it is in EJB. THus when I JAR 
my project into an EJB, the compiler can only JAR whatever classes I have and not 
those that have not been generated.

If I am to use on-the-fly byte code generation, it will cause error since there is no 
physical class reference to be JAR-ed inside the EJB. 

I somehow changed it to pregenerated classes, so that when i deploy the EJB, those 
classes have already been generated physically and are deployed together with the rest 
of the classes. Then it's running fine, no error. :T

haha, is there any other better way of doing this? 

Thanks again and sorry for taking too much of ur time here.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-31 Thread chiba
I don't have any idea.  Have you considered this?

anonymous wrote : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.temp.EmployeeVO: This error 
could indicate that a component was deployed on a cluster member but not other members 
of that cluster. Make sure that any component deployed on a server that is part of a 
cluster is also deployed on all other members of that cluster

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-27 Thread alvlim1982
Hi again,
I have another problem (again...never ending problems). This time, I really really 
have no idea what is happening.

As I've said earlier, I tried to use javassist to generate run-time Value Object 
(there's no physical file). Then after that, I will pass the instance of the newly 
generate VO through EAI (then to DB). Some weird errors occurred. Even if I somehow 
provide the physical class.the error is the same.

java.rmi.UnmarshalException: error unmarshalling arguments; nested exception is: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.temp.EmployeeVO:  This error could 
indicate that a component was deployed on a  cluster member but not other members of 
that cluster. Make sure that any component deployed on a server that is part of a 
cluster is also deployed on all other members of that cluster
at com.ejb.CommonGenericEJB_e1n9qi_EOImpl_813_WLStub.callEAIManager(Unknown 
at com.ORBSPerformanceTest.testManualInsert(ORBSPerformanceTest.java:119)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(TestCase.java:154)
at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(TestCase.java:127)
at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(TestResult.java:106)
at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(TestResult.java:124)
at junit.framework.TestResult.run(TestResult.java:109)
at junit.framework.TestCase.run(TestCase.java:118)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(TestSuite.java:208)
at junit.framework.TestSuite.run(TestSuite.java:203)
at junit.textui.TestRunner.doRun(TestRunner.java:116)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit2.IdeaJUnitAgent.doRun(Unknown Source)
at junit.textui.TestRunner.start(TestRunner.java:172)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.TextTestRunner2.startRunnerWithArgs(Unknown 
com.intellij.rt.execution.junit2.JUnitStarter.prepareStreamsAndStart(Unknown Source)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.junit2.JUnitStarter.main(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(Unknown Source)

I really ran out of ideas trying to solve this thing. Please help, i need them 


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-26 Thread alvlim1982
I have another question here. 
Let say we have a modified class in JVM A, so if we are to pass the modified class to 
JVM B through RMI, will it cause any problem? 
Or maybe you have any better suggestion to do this?

Thanks in advance

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-24 Thread alvlim1982
Hi Mr. Chiba,
Thanks for your reply. I think I get what you mean. I somehow modified my VO generator 
so that it only loads the object once and store in somewhere (not efficient, but 
that's the only way I can think of to bypass the class loading stuff). 

Really thanks a lot. I'll post more questions here if I don't understand something. 

Thanks alot.

Alvin Lim

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-22 Thread alvlim1982
Thanks a lot for the reply Mr.Chiba. Really appreciate it. Anyway, perhaps i'm a 
problematic person, coz i have more questions for u. *lol*

Ok, I have actually solved the previous questionsand here it is, some new 

My current program works like this (value obj generation) :

1. Input value is the name of the Vo to generate.

2. Check whether it is inside a map.

3. If yes, get the CtClass from the map, use 
clas = ctClass.toClass();
return (ValueObject) clas.newInstance();

4. If no, then generate the class by adding fields, methods, etc. Then return the 
class by doing the same thing as in (3).

5. I tested to first, call the VO, and since it doesnt exist, it is generated, then i 
again, call the VO, and it found that it is already in the map, so it load from the 
map then the problem occurs. 

Below is the msg:

javassist.CannotCompileException: by java.lang.LinkageError: duplicate class 
definition: com/PersonVO
at javassist.CtClass.toClass(CtClass.java:950)
at javassist.CtClass.toClass(CtClass.java:910)
at com.generateProxy(ValueObjectTransformer.java:58)
at com.main(VOGeneratorTest.java:43)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(Unknown Source)

Sorry if the msg is a bit messy.
Also, when i tried to use --

Loader c1 = new Loader(pool);
Class abc = c1.loadClass(some class path n name);
return (ValueObject) abc.newInstance();

It throws ClassCastException

Sorry for asking too much :D Thx in advance!

ALvin Lim

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-22 Thread chiba
anonymous wrote : javassist.CannotCompileException: by java.lang.LinkageError: 
duplicate class definition: com/PersonVO

This means the class loader has been already loaded PersonVO and
thus it cannot load your modified version of PersonVO.  I guess your
code includes PersonVO as a type name.

anonymous wrote : Loader c1 = new Loader(pool); 
  |   | Class abc = c1.loadClass(some class path n name); 
  |   | return (ValueObject) abc.newInstance();
  | It throws ClassCastException

This is a problem called version barrier.  You cannot cast a class type
into another one loaded by another class loader.

For more details, please read section 3.2 of the Javassist tutorial.


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-21 Thread alvlim1982
hi again,
seems like no1 answer my questions :( maybe its too simple. 

anyway, i have another doubt over here. my current situation is to generate value 
object in runtime from a set of configuration files. I tried to add a new field 
insidebut I found out that there's no CtClass.stringType or any String 
relevant type inside. So what if I wanted to add something like private String name 
inside the newly generated VO?

and how bout the modifier. How can I set the modified of the field?

Hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance.

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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-21 Thread chiba
Wow, many questions! :)
anonymous wrote : 
  | 1- The ClassPool failed to locate the proper class file unless I specify the full 
path of the class location, eg - ./build/classes/com/org/solution/
Javassist uses CLASS_PATH.  The real problem in your code is not
the class path.
CtClass clas = pool.get(StringBuilder);
This is unfortunately wrong.  All the class names must be fully
qualified.  So you had needed to say com.org.solution/javaAssist/test/StringBuilder.

(I have a plan to introduce a mechanism similar to import, though.)

anonymous wrote : 
  |  is there any other way besides explicitly put the destination where I want to put 
the newly modified file by calling writeFile(java.lang.String directoryName).

... Do you really need a way to change the default root directory?
I appreciate if you are satisfied with writeFile(String)... :)

anonymous wrote : 
  | 3- Pruning and Frozen. What does these 2 mean? I know frozen means you can no 
longer modify the class whereas pruning is you can no longer read or load it. Is my 
assumption correct?

yes, frozen means you cannot modify the class.
Pruning means method bodies in CtClass has been deleted to save
memory space.  This is becaues some users said they processed a
large number of class files and thus caused memory shortage.
You can still read member signatures of pruned CtClass.

However, people including Bill Burke do not seem to like pruning.
This memory space optimization might be turned off in the next
release. :  (pruning is off in the current HEAD in CVS.)


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[JBoss-user] [Javassist user questions] - Re: unable to locate the proper class - and some newbie ques

2004-10-21 Thread chiba
Oops, another two questions.

anonymous wrote : 
  | but I found out that there's no CtClass.stringType or any String relevant type 
inside. So what if I wanted to add something like private String name inside the 
newly generated VO?

Use ClassPool#get.

  | ClassPool pool = ... ;
  | CtClass stringType = pool.get(java.lang.String);

Or use CtField#make.

  | CtClass cc = ... ;
  | CtField f = CtField.make(private java.lang.String name;, cc);
  | cc.addField(f);


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