[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: RemoteMBeanServer.addNotificationListener hangs for a wh

2004-03-19 Thread csib
incidentally changing the jboss-service.xml to pooled invoker in in 
jmx-invoker-adapter-server.sar seems to have resolved my hang problem. But 
notifications are not coming back.  Don't see any exception either.

There's probably more to than just changing it to pooled invoker. I kept the client 
code still the same. Do I need to change something else also.  Any pointers would be 
greatkly appreciated. Also if someone can tell me what level of trace or debug to turn 
on to see why notifications are not coming back up that would be great. Just setting 
org.jboss to debug didn't help any.

Here's what I did.  Lines in red denotesmy changes.
 !-- The JRMP invoker proxy configuration for the InvokerAdaptorService --
  |mbean code=org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory
  |   !-- Use the standard JRMPInvoker from conf/jboss-service.xxml --
  |   attribute name=InvokerNamejboss:service=invoker,type=pooled/attribute
  |   !-- The target MBean is the InvokerAdaptorService configured below --
  |   attribute name=TargetNamejboss.jmx:type=adaptor,name=Invoker/attribute
  |   !-- Where to bind the RMIAdaptor proxy --
  |   attribute name=JndiNamejmx/invoker/RMIAdaptor/attribute
  |   !-- The RMI compabitle MBeanServer interface --
  |   attribute 
  |   attribute name=ClientInterceptors
  |   interceptors
  |  interceptororg.jboss.proxy.ClientMethodInterceptor/interceptor
  |  interceptororg.jboss.proxy.SecurityInterceptor/interceptor
  |  interceptororg.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor/interceptor
  |   /interceptors
  |   /attribute
  |   dependsjboss:service=invoker,type=pooled/depends
  | /mbean

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[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: RemoteMBeanServer.addNotificationListener hangs for a wh

2004-03-16 Thread csib

Thanks for your reply. I have found the problem and it appears to be with our firewall 
situation. Well I found that connections initiated from server were being denied since 
our clients are behind firewall themselves. Opening up a client box did resolve this 

But this is not an option for us unless we know which ports on the client the server 
is going to connect to. Can you suggest how to achieve notifications from server in a 
situation where client is behind a firewall. 

I am posting the thread dumps from the run that hangs. 

I hope you can throw some light on how to resolve this issue or some workaround.

Thread dump follow:


sun.applet.AppletViewer at localhost:10831 (Suspended)
System Thread [Finalizer] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
ReferenceQueue.remove(long) line: 111
ReferenceQueue.remove() line: 127
Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run() line: 159
System Thread [Reference Handler] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
Reference$Lock(Object).wait() line: 426
Reference$ReferenceHandler.run() line: 113
System Thread [Signal Dispatcher] (Suspended)
Thread [AWT-Shutdown] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
Object.wait() line: 426
AWTAutoShutdown.run() line: 259
Thread.run() line: 536
Thread [AWT-Windows] (Suspended)
WToolkit.eventLoop() line: not available [native method]
WToolkit.run() line: 253
Thread.run() line: 536
Thread [Java2D Disposer] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
ReferenceQueue.remove(long) line: 111
ReferenceQueue.remove() line: 127
Disposer.run() line: 97
Thread.run() line: 536
Thread [AWT-EventQueue-0] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
EventQueue(Object).wait() line: 426
EventQueue.getNextEvent() line: 333
EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(int, Component) line: 161
EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(int, Conditional, 
Component) line: 150
EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(int, Conditional) line: 144
EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Conditional) line: 136
EventDispatchThread.run() line: 99
Thread [thread applet-iTree.iTree.class] (Suspended)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
Thread.join(long) line: 1008
Thread.join() line: 1061
AppletViewerPanel(AppletPanel).run() line: 328
Thread.run() line: 536
Thread [DestroyJavaVM] (Suspended)
Thread [Thread-2] (Suspended)
SocketInputStream.socketRead0(FileDescriptor, byte[], int, int, int) 
line: not available [native method]
SocketInputStream.read(byte[], int, int) line: 129
BufferedInputStream.fill() line: 183
BufferedInputStream.read() line: 201
DataInputStream.readByte() line: 276
StreamRemoteCall.executeCall() line: 189
UnicastRef2(UnicastRef).invoke(Remote, Method, Object[], long) line: 
JRMPInvoker_Stub.invoke(Invocation) line: not available
JRMPInvokerProxy.invoke(Invocation) line: 135
InvokerInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 96
InvokerAdaptorClientInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 58
SecurityInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 45
ClientMethodInterceptor.invoke(Invocation) line: 55
ClientContainer.invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) line: 85
$Proxy0.createMBean(String, ObjectName, Object[], String[]) line: not 
RMIConnectorImpl.createMBean(String, ObjectName, Object[], String[]) 
line: 230

 String, Object[], String[]) line: 73
RMIClientNotificationListener.(ObjectName, NotificationListener, 
Object, NotificationFilter, RemoteMBeanServer) line: 48
NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object) line: 446
MBeanUtil.registerListener(MBeanServer, ObjectName, 
NotificationListener) line: 237
ITreeMBeanService.registerListener(NotificationListener) line: 70
ITreeSvcProxy.registerListener(ITreeNotificationListener) line: 95
DataLoadingThread.(DataManager) line: 41
DataManager.() line: 36

[JBoss-user] [Management, JMX/JBoss] - Re: RemoteMBeanServer.addNotificationListener hangs for a wh

2004-03-15 Thread starksm
Sounds like an address resolution issue. Take thread dumps of the two sides to see 
where the delay appears to be.

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