[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-20 Thread hitcher
We know that, but unfortunately you decided to switch from tomcat 4.x to tomcat 5 
which makes 3.2.4/5  a new major release and not a minor release or patch. 
The customer would have to start their whole test cycle again, which would move the 
live date to next year, which would cost us more than $20. If that happens I could 
never convince my superior management that JBoss is a trustworthy Applcation Server 
and it would definitely disappear from our suggested platform list. So you see, all I 
am trying is to keep you in the game for our future projects...

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-20 Thread hitcher
and deleting the messages is only fighting a symptom anyway. Those messages should 
never appear in the database because they were already delivered before the database 
comes online again and there are no durable subscribers.

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That is not correct.

It is part of the design of the way the jdbc pm works.

Non persistent messages added to store via the cache don't survive a restart.
The cache does not fail just because it couldn't remove the persistent copy at
acknowledgement time. It will let the restart tidy it up.

The problem in earlier versions was that it was issuing an invalid sql statement

  | delete from jms_messages where txop='T' and txid=null
which some databases allow, but Oracle interprets correctly.

It should have been

  | delete from jms_messages where txop='T' and txid IS null

It was something I fixed a while ago, but the code had regressed.

Since the txid being null is irrelevent anyway, later versions do

  | delete from jms_messages where txop='T'

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-15 Thread hitcher
a quick update on this issue.

According to our investigations the problem was the result of probably two bugs in 

If the database is not available and the cache limit is reached, the messages are not 
deleted from the cache after delivery (you can see the the counter going up in the JMX 
console all the time). When the database is up again JBoss is writing all these 
messages to the database according to its cache configuration. Because the messages 
are already delivered these entries are never pickud up again and stay in the database.
This in combination with the message cleanup bug on Jboss startup can lead to a unique 
constraint violation if new messages are written.

It might be worth mentioning that the JMS cache configuration was too low given the 
used hardware, but still the messages should be removed from the cache after delivery.

As a solution for now we increased the cache size and implemented a startup services 
that is cleaning the T entries from the JMS Messages table.


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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Which is what DELETE_TEMPORARY_MESSAGES does (since 3.2.4)

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Durable subscriptions persist messages by default (unless you explicitly send
non persistent messages).

The T messages are non persistent messages that don't fit into memory. 
They are moved to disk to free up memory for something else when memory
becomes full.

Here is one my favourite links:

Aren't you an IONA customer? It seems strange that you would be posting in the forums
where there is no guaranteed service level (witness the 5 days delay in answering your 
original question) when you have access to support where you can get a
guaranteed response?

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-07 Thread hitcher
My comment about the messages being sent to a temporary topic is actually not true. I 
mis-interpreted the T in the TXOP column. It only means they are inserted by the 
message cache, right?

I still do not know how JBossMQ works when the database is down. I would expect to get 
an exception immediately, but it seems that JBossMQ is holding the messages in the 
cache and when the database comes back online it seems that the messages are then 
inserted using the CacheStore without being consumed.

Any ideas, hints?

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[JBoss-user] [Messaging, JMS JBossMQ] - Re: Are JMS messages cached?

2004-10-07 Thread hitcher
Getting a little bit confused. My previous post was not right, I think.

The destination for the entries in the JMS table is something like 
This syntax with the ID is used for temporary topics, right?

So, next guess:
For some reason on the customer site the topics are temporary topics (nothing in the 
startup log is indicating that though). When the database is down, the service that 
runs and executes methods on our J2EE application is producing errors which we catch 
and send to JMS for logging purposes. The amount of errors exceeds the HighMemoryMark 
and as a result some of these messages are persisted when the database comes back 
online, but are not consumed (or at least not removed from the database).

So our original problem seems to be the fact that the topics are temporary topics. 
We don't have any temp topics on our test systems and the startup output from the 
customer site looks fine, too:

The topics/queues are bound

10:36:59,061 INFO  [AdminTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/efpAdminTopic
10:36:59,061 INFO  [AdminTopic] Started 
10:36:59,064 INFO  [ErrorTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/efpErrorTopic
10:36:59,064 INFO  [ErrorTopic] Started 
10:36:59,066 INFO  [AuditTopic] Bound to JNDI name: topic/efpAuditTopic
10:36:59,067 INFO  [AuditTopic] Started 
10:36:59,076 INFO  [ActiveActivityQueue] Bound to JNDI name: 
10:36:59,077 INFO  [ActiveActivityQueue] Started 

and the MDBs are deployed without any warnings about non-existing destinations or 
created temporary destinations

10:37:36,479 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Started 
10:37:36,479 INFO  [MessageDrivenInstancePool] Started 
10:37:36,479 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Started 
10:37:36,516 INFO  [DLQHandler] Started null
10:37:36,516 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Started 
10:37:36,517 INFO  [MessageDrivenInstancePool] Started 
10:37:36,517 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Started 
10:37:36,541 INFO  [DLQHandler] Started null
10:37:36,541 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Started 
10:37:36,542 INFO  [MessageDrivenInstancePool] Started 
10:37:36,542 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Started 
10:37:36,576 INFO  [DLQHandler] Started null
10:37:36,577 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Started 
10:37:36,577 INFO  [MessageDrivenInstancePool] Started 
10:37:36,578 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Started 
10:37:36,615 INFO  [DLQHandler] Started null
10:37:36,616 INFO  [JMSContainerInvoker] Started 
10:37:36,616 INFO  [MessageDrivenInstancePool] Started 
10:37:36,617 INFO  [MessageDrivenContainer] Started 

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