[JBoss-user] [O'Reilly JBoss 3.0 Workbook] - Re: remote clients

2004-06-03 Thread dm
Thank you for your help.  I got the client to run remotely by installing 
jbossall-client.jar on the client machine and adding it to the classpath.  The only 
other thing I needed to do was to change jndi.properties from localhost to the remote 
machine name.  Ex04_1 is a very simple java client - no swing or awt.  I will look at 
Vamp HQ site also.  It looks like a good reference site.

Since I got the client working by manually installing the client on the remote 
machine, it was a good learning experience, but not very satisfying as a soluton.  The 
problem to fix is to get the Cabin EJB to deploy if is not deployed when I run the 
client.  If you run ant run.client_41a on the local machine, it has a dependency on 
the deployment of the necessary EJBs.  To get my client to work using the manual 
process, I had to go to the server machine and copy the titan.jar (jar that contains 
the Cabin EJBs) into the deploy directory to deploy the Cabin EJBs so that the JNDI 
lookup would work.  My question is, How do you deploy the necessary EJBs remotely if 
they aren't already?  Perhaps this isn't something clients should be allowed to do.  
Unfortunately, that's how it works in the example.

Conclusion: I learned how things work, which is the point of running the tutorial.  I 
wouldn't want to actually install clients this way, especially if they were more than 
this trivial case.


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[JBoss-user] [O'Reilly JBoss 3.0 Workbook] - Re: remote clients

2004-06-01 Thread nickman
Depending on what you need in your client, different jars in the jboss-home/client 
directory will be applicable.  For brevity, we tend to simply use jbossall-client.jar 
but there are bits and pieces you may need in other jars. One bit/piece in particular 
we always use is the LoginInitialContextFactory (a convenience class to make a secure 
JNDI connection) which is in jboss-home/server/default/lib/jbosssx.jar.

With respect to packaging and distributing remote clients, I assume you mean Java 
based (Swing or AWT) rich clients. We have found that  Java WebStart: 
(http://java.sun.com/products/javawebstart)  is an excellent resource for doing this. 
There are also a great resources for Java WebStart at the  Vamp HQ site 
(http://www.vamphq.com), expecially their Unofficial Java Web Start/JNLP FAQ 
(http://www.vamphq.com/jwsfaq.html ).



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