
I'm trying to set up a relationship between account and role, for 
DatabaseServerLoginModule, for new user registration.

My T_ROLES table is
username, userRoles, roleGroup

and my T_ACCOUNT table is
userId, pwd

All three columns in T_ROLES form the primary key, and userId is the primary key for 

The entities are declared as follows in ejb-jar.xml

anonymous wrote :       
  |          <![CDATA[]]>
  |          <ejb-name>Account</ejb-name>
  |          xpetstore.domain.signon.interfaces.AccountLocal
  |          <ejb-class>xpetstore.domain.signon.ejb.AccountCMP</ejb-class>
  |          <persistence-type>Container</persistence-type>
  |          <prim-key-class>java.lang.String</prim-key-class>
  |          False
  |          <cmp-version>2.x</cmp-version>
  |          <abstract-schema-name>Account</abstract-schema-name>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <![CDATA[]]>
  |             <field-name>userId</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <![CDATA[]]>
  |             <field-name>passwordHash</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <primkey-field>userId</primkey-field>
  |       <!-- Write a file named ejb-finders-AccountEJB.xml if you want to define 
extra finders. -->

anonymous wrote :       
  |          <![CDATA[]]>
  |          <ejb-name>Role</ejb-name>
  |          <local-home>xpetstore.domain.signon.interfaces.RoleLocalHome</local-home>
  |          xpetstore.domain.signon.interfaces.RoleLocal
  |          <ejb-class>xpetstore.domain.signon.ejb.RoleCMP</ejb-class>
  |          <persistence-type>Container</persistence-type>
  |          <prim-key-class>xpetstore.domain.signon.interfaces.RolePK</prim-key-class>
  |          False
  |          <cmp-version>2.x</cmp-version>
  |          <abstract-schema-name>Role</abstract-schema-name>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <![CDATA[]]>
  |             <field-name>userId</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <![CDATA[]]>
  |             <field-name>userRoles</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |          <cmp-field >
  |             <![CDATA[]]>
  |             <field-name>roleGroup</field-name>
  |          </cmp-field>
  |       <!-- Write a file named ejb-finders-RoleEJB.xml if you want to define extra 
finders. -->

The relationship is
anonymous wrote :       <ejb-relation >
  |          <ejb-relation-name>account-roles</ejb-relation-name>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             One
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Account</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |             <cmr-field >
  |                <cmr-field-name>roles</cmr-field-name>
  |                <cmr-field-type>java.util.Collection</cmr-field-type>
  |             </cmr-field>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |          <ejb-relationship-role >
  |             Many
  |             <cascade-delete/>
  |             <relationship-role-source >
  |                <ejb-name>Role</ejb-name>
  |             </relationship-role-source>
  |          </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       </ejb-relation>

jbosscmp-jdbc.xml relationship is
anonymous wrote :     <ejb-relation>
  |       <ejb-relation-name>account-roles</ejb-relation-name>
  |       <foreign-key-mapping/>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |           <key-fields>
  |              <key-field>
  |                <field-name>userId</field-name>
  |                <column-name>username</column-name>
  |              </key-field>
  |           </key-fields>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |       <ejb-relationship-role>
  |               <key-fields/>
  |       </ejb-relationship-role>
  |     </ejb-relation>

What I find is that the userId is being written to the roleGroup field, even though I 
set the RolePK as follows:
anonymous wrote :               RolePK r=new 
  |             roles.add(getRoleLocalHome().create(r));
  |             r=new 
  |             roles.add(getRoleLocalHome().create(r));
  |             // this stuff requires admin privilege
  |             account.setRoles(roles);

I presume this error has something to do with it being a compound primary key, and is 
the last field of the key - I dont know.

Can anyone shed some light on why the userGroup fields don't have the values I set for 
them, but the value of userId instead. (RolePK is autogenerated by xdoclet)


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