[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread elkner
I use usually a simpler approach:

public static InitialContext getInitialContext(...) 
  | throws NamingException
  | {
  | String trailer = ("http".equals(proto) || "https".equals(proto))
  | ? "/invoker/JNDIFactory"
  | : null;
  | URI uri = null;
  | try {
  | uri = new URI(proto, null, host, port, trailer, null, 
  | } catch (Exception e) {
  | log.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage());
  | if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
  | log.debug("getPreferredContextValues", e);
  | }
  | }   
  | if (uri == null) {
  | throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid values");
  | }
  | String url = uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getHost() + ":" + 
  | if (uri.getPath() != null && uri.getPath().length() > 0) {
  | url += uri.getPath();
  | }
  | String factory = "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory";
  | if ("http".equals(uri.getScheme()) || 
"https".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
  | factory = "org.jboss.naming.HttpNamingContextFactory";
  | }
  | Properties props = new Properties();
  | // java.naming.factory.initial
  | props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, factory);
  | // java.naming.factory.url.pkgs
  | props.put(Context.URL_PKG_PREFIXES, 
  | "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
  | // java.naming.provider.url
  | props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
  | // jnp.disableDiscovery
  | props.put(JNP_DISCOVERY, 
!Misc.differentStrings(System.getProperty(JNP_DISCOVERY), "true"));
  | return new InitialContext(props);
  | }
  | ...
  | // login
  | SecurityAssociation.setPrincipal(new SimplePrincipal(name));
  | SecurityAssociation.setCredential(password);
  | InitialContext ctx = getInitialContext(...);
  | ...
  | // logout
  | SecurityAssociation.clear();

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread erik777
WOW!  I got it.  Thanks to the post of tineq I noted that he was using


whereas I was using org.jboss.security.jndi.LoginInitialContextFactory per the 
recommendation of 


What do you know, I just plugged and found a 



With this class, you don't need to use Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL or setup 
jaas.conf on the client.  It's as easy as it looks.

Both classes are in the 4.0.2 source.  I'm not sure at this poitn whe you'd use 
the class without the Jndi prefix, but it's looking more like a base class 
rather than a class you'd want to use directly.  Perhaps it's needed for some 
things like LDAP.

Anyway, thanks for your help tim.cockle; and your inadvertant help tineq!  
Hopefully someone else can benefit from the this thread.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread erik777
Thanks a million.  That pushed me closer.  I created a jaas.conf containing:

JaasJNDI {
  |   com.sun.security.auth.module.JndiLoginModule required;
  | };

and confirmed in debug mode that it loads the configuration.

It gets past the point where it threw an exception trying to extablish a 
context in org.jboss.security.jndi.LoginInitialContextFactory.java because it 
couldn't find a configuration,

LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(protocol, handler);

and now fails on the next line where it tries to login:


with this exception:

javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: Error: Unable to locate JNDI user 

Although I have trace enabled in JBoss for org.jboss.security, nothing is 
output when this happens, so I'm not sure if it actually tries to talk to the 
server at this point.  

The JNDI URL for the home interface is correct, as it succeeds to invoke the 
session beans that don't require authorized users of roles when the JNDI 
SECURITY_ parameters are not supplied or do not prevent creation of the home 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-25 Thread tim.cockle
Sounds like you need to set up the jaas.conf / auth.conf files. I have not used 
this example though so can't be of much help.

you should have one in client/auth.conf

I had this problem when setting up a remote client I found this helpfull:

Good luck


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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Simple users/roles login to EJBs not passing username/pa

2005-10-24 Thread erik777
I got a little further when I found this wiki page:


The question is, what exactly does SECURITY_PROTOCOL map to?  No matter what I 
try, I get the following:

  | java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to locate a login configuration
  | at com.sun.security.auth.login.ConfigFile.(ConfigFile.java:97)
  | at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:494)
  | at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Class.java:350)
  | at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:303)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.Configuration$3.run(Configuration.java:216)
  | at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | at 
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext$1.run(LoginContext.java:237)
  | at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.init(LoginContext.java:234)
  | at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.(LoginContext.java:403)
  | at 
  | at 
  | at 
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:223)
  | at javax.naming.InitialContext.(InitialContext.java:197)
  | at com.domain.services.JNDIClientUtil.lookupHome(JNDIClientUtil.java:22)

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