[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2006-01-17 Thread NigelWhite
Using static methods of the the JACC javax.security.jacc.PolicyContext object, 
you can use


HttpServletRequest request = 

So you can get any parameters from the login form that you want.

Using javax.security.jacc.PolicyContext.getHandlerKeys(), in my LoginModule, I 

PolicyContext has "javax.ejb.arguments"
PolicyContext has "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest". It is a 
PolicyContext has "javax.security.auth.Subject.container"
PolicyContext has "javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage"
PolicyContext has "org.jboss.ejb.BeanMetaData"
PolicyContext has "javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean"

Most of the keys return null, only the "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" 
key returns anything.

On Logout, I find

PolicyContext has "javax.ejb.arguments"
PolicyContext has "javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest". It is a 
PolicyContext has "javax.security.auth.Subject.container". It is a 
PolicyContext has "javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage"
PolicyContext has "org.jboss.ejb.BeanMetaData"
PolicyContext has "javax.ejb.EnterpriseBean" 

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2006-01-17 Thread smbd
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : For comparison against the cache state, the 
credential needs to support a java.lang.Comparable or equals(Object).

THIS IS IT!!! A was bugging - and debugging my application for three days 8-P 
Until I added the equals(Object) method to my callback...

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread _alex
anonymous wrote : Here's some background, in the hopes that it'll help the discussion. 
The U.S. Army has a centralized user database called AKO, published as an LDAP 
directory. We allow anyone with an AKO account to access our application. But we can't 
rely on this alone -- we will have many non-Army users without AKO accounts, and since 
we of course do not have direct control over the AKO database, we have to also 
maintain our own database of locally-added users.
  | When a user visits the login form, then, after typing in a username and password 
they have to specify whether they're trying to log in with a "local" account (in our 
local database) or an AKO account. This way we know where to look for the user's 
password: either in the database, or over LDAP.
  | In another twist, our application is geared to allow the creation of "one-time 
passwords." When using a one-time password, a client can provide a key and the 
password rather than a username and the "real" password.
  | So clearly I need to pass more information to the server-side login modules. It's 
my (perhaps incorrect?) understanding that ClientLoginModule (and, in turn, 
SecurityAssociation) only accept two strings: username and password. They take this 
information and store it internally so that any future RMI calls are loaded. Then 
JBoss' RMI code on the server side extracts the username and password, creates a 
UseramePasswordHandler and starts the JAAS chain.
  | So, on the client side, how would I tell the JBoss client library "hey, I need to 
pass not only this username and this password, but also this extra third string, over 
to the server next time I make an RMI call?" And then how would I reconstruct that 
information at the server? 
I can suggest the following:

1) Client Login Module  totally complaint to JAAS and accept any variant of 
identification according your requirements.
2) You need to implement the correspondent server side module/component for this 
Client Login Module. This module (let's call it Identification Module) can accept you 
variants of identification, is possible to work with LDAP or local database, etc. The 
mechanism of identification  is asymmetric key exchange between your client and your 
server side. For example, see how the SRP login is implemented. 
By the end of identification, your will have the unique session key on both client and 
server sides. This session key will play the role of private credentials for the given 
user for this particular session. This session key (together with user identity) will 
be put by the Client Login Module to the JBoss SecurityAssociation. 
3) When your client application is performing any business call (under security 
domain), this information (user identity and session key) is automatically added.
4) The security interceptor on the server side gets this security information and asks 
JAASSecurityManager for authentication and authorisation. During these processes the 
JAASSecurityManager tries to find correspondent information in his security cache. 
Suppose, there is no such information (this call is the first). So, the server side 
JAAS procedure is started.
5) You have to implement server side login module, which will collaborate with the 
Identification Module, which has been implemented by you too, and now keeps the 
correspondent user identity and session key. So, during server side JAAS you login 
module will also be asked for authentication. After the successful authentication, the 
user identity, session key and the list of user roles are put into the security cache 
(in order to improve performance).
6) After the a12n the authorisation is being passed. Security interceptor fetches the 
list of roles for the given method call from the container and passes it to the 
JAASSecurityManager. The last one intercept the provided set of roles, with the set of 
user's roles from the security cache. If this set interception is not empty, the a11n 
is passed.

Sorry, it is not possible to provide more details in the forum. 
Scott, please, correct me if I wrote something wrong.


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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The security layer accepts a Principal and Object. The Object can contain any security 
context your login module can handle. For comparison against the cache state, the 
credential needs to support a java.lang.Comparable or equals(Object).

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread rimmeraj
Write your own SecurityInterceptor and put it in the invoker stack.

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread stueccles
Im totally with you on this one and im trying to work out exactly where the problem 
is. Is it JBoss specific or is it a limitation in the J2EE specification.

Now JAAS is great total PAM based methodology allows any form of credential and 
authentication credential type three phase... mutual interactive one time 

The problem seems to be fitting the J2EE authorisation model onto it. limitations in 
having to specify a single principal, litst of roles as a policy model where JAAS 
defines a much better Principal and credentials model.

Then the limitations with the SubjectSecurityManager only allowing two parameters 
("username" "password"), not to mention the reauthentication of credentials (how does 
this work with one time token creds??)

so it seems to me you can either ditch the policy model (web-constraints and ejb 
constraints) in J2EE if you want a more complex security model and roll your own 


be limited to the available security model if you want the policy model.


rewrite the whole thing...

is it just JBoss? or J2EE?

is it time to think dotnot?

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread danorris
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote : If you don't want the use the embedded NameCallback, 
PasswordCallback of the ClientLoginModule you chain it with an login module that 
provides the correct Principal and credentidal. You then specify the 
password-stacking="useFirstPass" option to indicate that the credentials to pass come 
from the first login module:
Thank you both for the kind replies. But I'm not sure I understand. Scott, it seems 
that your solution works well on the client side. But as I understand it, the client's 
JAAS context is entirely decoupled from the server-side context that JBoss uses to 
authenticate EJB calls. What I'm most concerned with is what happens on the server 

Here's some background, in the hopes that it'll help the discussion. The U.S. Army has 
a centralized user database called AKO, published as an LDAP directory. We allow 
anyone with an AKO account to access our application. But we can't rely on this alone 
-- we will have many non-Army users without AKO accounts, and since we of course do 
not have direct control over the AKO database, we have to also maintain our own 
database of locally-added users.

When a user visits the login form, then, after typing in a username and password they 
have to specify whether they're trying to log in with a "local" account (in our local 
database) or an AKO account. This way we know where to look for the user's password: 
either in the database, or over LDAP.

In another twist, our application is geared to allow the creation of "one-time 
passwords." When using a one-time password, a client can provide a key and the 
password rather than a username and the "real" password.

So clearly I need to pass more information to the server-side login modules. It's my 
(perhaps incorrect?) understanding that ClientLoginModule (and, in turn, 
SecurityAssociation) only accept two strings: username and password. They take this 
information and store it internally so that any future RMI calls are loaded. Then 
JBoss' RMI code on the server side extracts the username and password, creates a 
UseramePasswordHandler and starts the JAAS chain.

So, on the client side, how would I tell the JBoss client library "hey, I need to pass 
not only this username and this password, but also this extra third string, over to 
the server next time I make an RMI call?" And then how would I reconstruct that 
information at the server?

(I'm aware that many people have misgivings about the U.S. military. Please accept my 
assurances that this project is utterly peaceful in nature, related to infrastructure 
development rather than combat.)

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If you don't want the use the embedded NameCallback, PasswordCallback of the 
ClientLoginModule you chain it with an login module that provides the correct 
Principal and credentidal. You then specify the password-stacking="useFirstPass" 
option to indicate that the credentials to pass come from the first login module:

  | srp-client {
  |// Example client auth.conf for using the SRPLoginModule
  |org.jboss.security.srp.jaas.SRPLoginModule required
  |// jBoss LoginModule
  |org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule  required
  |// Put your login modules that need jBoss here
  | };

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[JBoss-user] [Security & JAAS/JBoss] - Re: limitations of ClientLoginModule and security model

2004-07-04 Thread _alex
"danorris" wrote : The first is about ClientLoginModule and the underlying security 
classes. It seems these classes are hard-coded to use NameCallback and 
PasswordCallback to extract the username/password. These are somehow sent to JBoss, 
which reconstructs a UsernamePasswordHandler object which it passes to the login 
  | It seems to me that this is a serious limitation. A username string and password 
string are not enough for some applications (like mine). My life would be much easier 
if I were able to define my own callback handler class, implement Serializable, and 
have ClientLoginModule send it over to the server without modification.
  | Is anything like this possible in the 4.0 development branch? If not, are there 
any plans for this kind of thing in the future? Am I missing some fundamental 
alternate way of doing this?
I am not sure, but I think that:
In the JAAS you are able to have a stack of Login Modules. Each of them provide 
authentication to the given user, and add some information to the single Subject 
(principal, credentials, etc.). The JBoss Login Module can do nothing except making 
special classes which will be used for adding security information to each call from 
client to server. It means that real JAAS identification is up to you, and use any 
credentials you would like. More over,  the credentials, which are transferred with 
each client-server call could be completely different - for example it could be some 
unique session key, which has been generated during your identification...
So, please, reread chapter 8 of the "JBoss Administration and Development" book

"danorris" wrote : My second question probably stems from a lack of knowledge of the 
J2EE declarative security model, so please forgive my ignorance! I have a User CMP 
entity bean which only exposes local interfaces. I then have an Authenticator session 
facade bean. The Authenticator uses run-as to gain enough privileges to access the 
appropriate methods of the User bean and do its magic. I'd like my JAAS login module 
to be able to instantiate an Authenticator bean and delegate authentication to it.
  | The problem is that even when I specify unchecked permissions for the 
Authenticator methods in ejb-jar.xml, JBoss still seems to want an authenticated 
principal. It doesn't care what roles that principal have, but it needs to be 
authenticated with my login module, which is impossible because it's my login module 
that needs to access the bean! The only way I could find to allow unauthenticated 
access to the bean is by removing the assembly-descriptor section altogether, along 
with the security-domain element in jboss.xml. But of course if I do that I lose 
declarative security on all the other beans.
  | Is there a way to do what I'm describing, without creating a separate deployment 
descriptor and archive just for the Authenticator bean? 
I am not sure that your approach is the best. I think I did not manage to understand 
it properly. Some genenral comments:
Identification  id11n  a process through which one ascertains the identity of 
another person or entity (see [TMF044]).
Authentication  a12n  the establishment of the validity of the identity of a user 
or system requiring access (see [ISO 7498-2], [TMF044]).
Authorization  a11n  the granting of rights, i.e., the granting of a set of 
functions that can be performed based on access rights. This includes the granting of 
access based on access rights (see [ISO 7498-2], [TMF044]).

When the user is logging on through the JAAS on the client side, the id11n process is 
performed (from the whole application point of view). This process could be performed 
without running JBoss server/container, at all. At the end of this process, on the 
client side there is a subject with filled principal and credentials values. Using 
JBoss client login module means that the correspondent information will be added to 
the SecurityAssociation class, which will be used for every call from the client to 
the server. 
Contrary, a12n and a11n are performed every time the call is passing the stack of 
interceptors (security interceptor) of the container.
So, when you set the security domain in the jboss.xml file, it means that the user 
should be identified prior to any bean-method inside the security domain. 
Therefore, there should be implemented some identification mechanism, which does not 
touch the container security domain.  For example, you can have unchecked 
identification bean out of scope of the security domain, or you can use external LDAP 
for this purpose, or  something else.

Sorry I am not able to write more details, because our conversation is too general.


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