[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-15 Thread ceasaros
Thanks for all you're help but I already read that topic and applied it to my own 

I will try to be more clear now:
This is the isMember(Principal member) method I wrote in my custom Group class.

  | public class MyGroup extends MyPrincipal implements Group {
  | ...
  |public boolean isMember(Principal member) {
  |   MyPrincipal callerPrincipal = 
  |   String company = callerPrincipal.getCompany();
  |   if (com1.equals(company)) {
  |  return members.contains(member);
  |   }
  |   return false;
  |private MyPrincipal getCallerPrincipal(Subject subject) {
  |   Set subjectGroups = subject.getPrincipals(Group.class);
  |   Iterator iter = subjectGroups.iterator();
  |   while (iter.hasNext()) {
  |  Group grp = (Group) iter.next();
  |  String name = grp.getName();
  |  if (name.equals(CallerPrincipal)) {
  | Enumeration members = grp.members();
  | if (members.hasMoreElements()) {
  |Principal principal = (Principal) members.nextElement();
  |if (principal instanceof MyPrincipal) {
  |   return (MyPrincipal) principal;
  | }
  |  }
  |   }
  |   return null;
  | ...
  | }

This works fine but what I don't like in my code is the way I retrieve the current 
It would be nice to let the JAAS implementation of JBoss handle this.
My quote in the firste message of this topic.
anonymous wrote : 
  | I can think to 2 other ways but don't know how to configure/program them:
  | 1) The Subject contains a authenticated user and for every company the Subject 
contains a different Roles-group. And only the Roles-group the user is currently 
interested in is check if it contains the right role.
  | Or
  | 2) For every user/company combination a different Subject is created containing 
the correct Roles.

An other thing I don't like in my solution is that I use javax.servlet.Filter to add 
the company to my MyPrincipal. The problem here is that the authentication / 
authorization is handled before the filter is applied to the request. This results in 
a situation where I have to do a second authorization step (request) to check if the 
user is really authorized to see the resource.

Maybe the only solution is to write my own JAAS implementation but I would like to 
make use as much as possible from the existing JAAS implementation in JBoss. I don't 
want to reinvent the wheel.

I hope you can understand me better now and maybe have a good idea, otherwise I stay 
with my current implementation an get used to the drawbacks.

Thanks a lot, Cees van Wieringen.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-14 Thread pnevado
I have a problem similar to yours and I resolved it just modifying the query used for 
getting roles in the login-config.xml/DatabaseServerLoginModule.

  | module-option name=rolesQueryselect id_servicio, 'Roles' from bd.registro 
where id_usuario=? AND id_website=1 AND  (fecha_fin = NOW() OR fecha_fin IS 

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-14 Thread ceasaros
Thank you for your reply but for me this isn't the solution, cause if have a dynamic 
company. In your solution only the 'id_usuario' can be replaced, what I would like to 
have is a database query like this:

select roles from userroles where userid=? AND company=?

In this query both userid and company have to be inserted into the query and in the 
DatabaseServerLoginModule only the userid (principal name) get inserted.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-14 Thread ceasaros
That's correct I wrote my own getRoleSets() and I can get al the roles for every 
company for that user, but when the users authorization is checked the boolean 
isMember(Principal member) method of the Group is called here is where I  need to 
check if the user has the correct role for that company. I only know  which role is 
needed but I don't know for which company the role is required. Simply said I would 
like to have something like: 
boolean isMember(Principal member, String company) 
but that not possible, cause JAAS doesn't support it :-).

I also have already a solution see my first message at the top of this topic but it's 
not a nice one in my opion. I'm looking if somebody knows a better  way to achieve my 

In my solution I modified the isMember-method in MyGroup and retrieve the current 
Subject that is trying to authenticate and from this subject I retrieve the 
CallerPrincipal in which I placed the company (in the tomcat environment using a 
Filter) the current  user is interrested in. Still this isn't 100% correct because the 
authentication/authorization is performed first and after this is succeded the filter 
is applied to the request, this result that only the second time a user is 
authorizated  I can retrieve the company name.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-14 Thread rimmeraj
ok. i thinlk i get it now. the same user can be in multiple companies?
If you kept the same solution but used a custom principal that contained all of the 
companies the princilpal then you would just have to check to see if company was 
contained the principal. See the thread about Custom Principals about 3 weeks back.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Roles dependent on username and a company.

2004-07-14 Thread rimmeraj
If you wrote your own CustomLogin Module did you not write your own 
protected  Group[] getRoleSets().

That would allow you the query you wish.

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