[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security for remote but not for local EJB?

2005-03-22 Thread SeverityOne
Well, I've just reverted to the old way of working, where web applications have 
to login as well. Almost a week of searching on the web and in forums has only 
yielded scattered information that didn't prove to work.

Thanks, for everyone who may have given this issue some thought. But the lack 
of proper documentation is becoming a liability for us.

- Peter

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security for remote but not for local EJB?

2005-03-21 Thread SeverityOne
After searching some more, I stumbled upon the reference to 
'unauthenticatedPrincipal'. I installed a new version of XDoclet and had this 
line added to jboss.xml.
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  | !DOCTYPE jboss PUBLIC -//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 3.0//EN 
  | jboss
  |  !--
  |To add beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
  |a file to your XDoclet merge directory called jboss-beans.xml that 
  |the session/session, entity/entity and 
  |markup for those beans.
  |  --
  |   session
  |  ejb-nameejb/directory/Directory/ejb-name
  |  jndi-nameejb/directory/DirectoryBean/jndi-name
  |  local-jndi-nameejb/directory/DirectoryLocalBean/local-jndi-name
  |   /session
  |   !--
  | | for container settings, you can merge in jboss-container.xml
  | | this can contain invoker-proxy-bindings/ and 
  |   --
  | /jboss
However, I still get an error that the client is not authenticated and that the 
principal is null:
11:10:42,298 ERROR [Engine] - Root Cause -
  | javax.servlet.ServletException: class vodafonemalta.directory.web.QueryBean 
: javax.ejb.EJBException: checkSecurityAssociation; CausedByException is:
  | Authentication exception, principal=null
  | at 
  | at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspService(index_jsp.java:180)
  | ...
I'll continue looking, but I'd appreciate any help. The issue is quite pressing 
because of my holiday that starts less than two days from now...

Thanks again,

- Peter

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security for remote but not for local EJB?

2005-03-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Read the unauthenticatedIdentity option on the jboss login modules. This 
combined with unchecked method permissions on the local interfaces will allow 
for unrestricted local access and secured remote access.

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security for remote but not for local EJB?

2005-03-21 Thread SeverityOne
Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply. However, I'm missing some essential bit of information 
to understand the problem. I've read about unauthenticatedIdentity and 
unauthenticatedPrincipal, but tweaking with these has not led to solving the 
issue: I keep getting the checkSecurityAssociation ... principal=null exception.
Here's the relevant part of my login.conf:
application-policy name=appnetauth flag=required
  |   unauthenticatedIdentity=nobody
  | authentication
  | login-module 
code=mt.com.vodafone.appnet.jaas.JBossAppnetLoginModule flag=required
  | module-option 
  | module-option 
  | module-option 
  | /login-module
  | /authentication
  | /application-policy
  | !-- The default login configuration used by any security domain that
  | does not have a application-policy entry with a matching name
  | --
  | application-policy name = other
  |!-- A simple server login module, which can be used when the number 
  |of users is relatively small. It uses two properties files:
  |users.properties, which holds users (key) and their password (value).
  |roles.properties, which holds users (key) and a comma-separated list 
  |their roles (value).
  |The unauthenticatedIdentity property defines the name of the 
  |that will be used when a null username and password are presented as 
  |the case for an unuathenticated web client or MDB. If you want to
  |allow such users to be authenticated add the property, e.g.,
  | authentication
  |   login-module code = 
  |  flag = required
  |  unauthenticatedIdentity=nobody /
  | /application-policy
I feel a bit silly putting that 'unauthenticatedIdentity' option in my own 
login module configuration, but as I said, I'm at a loss.
This is the relevant part of the ejb-jar.xml file:
  |   description[CDATA[description not supported yet by 
  |   unchecked/
  |   method 
  |  description[CDATA[Invoked when a client makes a connection to 
the EJB container and this bean gets created.]]/description
  |  ejb-nameejb/directory/Directory/ejb-name
  |  method-intfLocalHome/method-intf
  |  method-namecreate/method-name
  |  method-params
  |  /method-params
  |   /method
  |   description[CDATA[description not supported yet by 
  |   unchecked/
  |   method 
  |  description[CDATA[Invoked when a client makes a connection to 
the EJB container and this bean gets created.]]/description
  |  ejb-nameejb/directory/Directory/ejb-name
  |  method-intfHome/method-intf
  |  method-namecreate/method-name
  |  method-params
  |  /method-params
  |   /method
So the create() methods of both the local and remote interfaces are unchecked 
(a result of using XDoclet). The JBoss version is 3.2.1, which is running fine 
(following the credo if it ain't broke, don't fix it).

Thanks again,

- Peter

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[JBoss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Security for remote but not for local EJB?

2005-03-21 Thread SeverityOne
OK, that piece of XML is totally incorrect, but this
application-policy name=appnetauth
  |   login-module 
  | flag=required
  |  module-option 
  |  module-option name=appNetReferenceDIRECTORY/module-option
  |  module-option name=isApplicationClienttrue/module-option
  |  module-option 
  |   /login-module
  | /application-policy
  | !-- The default login configuration used by any security domain that
  | does not have a application-policy entry with a matching name
  | --
  | application-policy name = other
  |!-- A simple server login module, which can be used when the number 
  |of users is relatively small. It uses two properties files:
  |users.properties, which holds users (key) and their password (value).
  |roles.properties, which holds users (key) and a comma-separated list 
  |their roles (value).
  |The unauthenticatedIdentity property defines the name of the 
  |that will be used when a null username and password are presented as 
  |the case for an unuathenticated web client or MDB. If you want to
  |allow such users to be authenticated add the property, e.g.,
  |   login-module code = 
  |  flag = required
  |  module-option 
  |   /login-module
  | /application-policy
doesn't work either. Could you please guide me into the right direction? It 
must be something obvious that I'm missing, but I'm failing to see it.


- Peter

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