I hate to type this, but I?m having issues with JAAS caller principal 

For what it?s worth, I am running 3.2.6 with a DatabaseLoginModule configured.  
I added the ClientLoginModule bit after reading some of the other posts here.  
Needless to say, I've tried removing and relocating it.  

    <application-policy name = "fusion">
  |        <authentication>
  |           <login-module code = 
  |              flag = "required">
  |              <module-option name="debug">true</module-option> 
  |              <module-option 
  |              <module-option 
  |              <module-option name = "dsJndiName">java:/fusion</module-option>
  |              <module-option name = "principalsQuery">select Password from 
V_SYS_USER where UID=?</module-option>
  |              <module-option name = "rolesQuery">select Role, null from 
V_SYS_USER_ROLES where UID=?</module-option>
  |           </login-module>
  |           <login-module code = "org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule" flag 
= "required"> </login-module>
  |        </authentication>
  |     </application-policy>

Basically, all my userID?s and Roles are working perfectly on the client side.  
I am happily authenticating via Jaas and can successfully check roles.  All is 
well with the world in JSP land.  My JSPs are secured by my security-domain and 
are using FORM based authentication.  

The issue seems to be with propagating the authenticated Principal to the EJB 
world.  I have my ejb-jar.xml entries set to 
<security-identity><use-caller-identity/></security-identity>?, but the 
container is always interpreting the caller as the ?unauthenticatedIdentity? as 
defined in my Login Module.

When SecurityInterceptor:checkSecurityAssociation(Invocation mi) is called, the 
principal is null.  So by this stage I guess it hasn?t been able to obtain the 

When the container gets around to JaasSecurityManager: doesUserHaveRole()
  | SubjectActions.getActiveSubject() returns the subject for the 
?unauthenticatedIdentity? and all it?s associated roles.  Authentication 
definitely works but only because an unauthenticatedIdentity has been supplied. 
 If I remove it from login-conf.xml, then I can?t log in to my app, likewise if 
I remove critical roles.  I?m sure I shouldn?t have to delve so deep in to the 
bowels of JBOSS to get this configured right?

I have read Chapter 8 and every post that seemed vaguely related to this issue 
(of which there are many!).  But call me thick, it seems 2 steps forward 1 step 

Any and all pointers gratefully accepted.


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