Well I'm working on this small test app:

Basically I have a secured SessionBean I'd like to call.
Now I have my Servlet setup to 

lc = new LoginContext(d,new UsernamePasswordHandler(u,p.toCharArray()));

after that I do something like:

I get a securityexception. Because I do not have the required roles. 
To the Bean I seem to be Guest. Wich is the fallback account. And the one I
logged in with was root

I did verfy that my login did work and containd all the required roles.
So, do I have missed somthing?

here's the code

  | protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
  |             throws ServletException,
  |             IOException {
  |             LoginContext lc = null;
  |             resp.setContentType("text/html");
  |             resp.getWriter().println("<html><head><title>Stub 
  |             resp.getWriter().println("<h1>JAAS / ACL Test</h1>");
  |             try {
  |                     // LOGIN
  |                     try {
  |                             lc = new LoginContext("domain",new 
  |                             lc.login();
  |                     TestUtil.getLocalHome().create();
  |                     lc.logout();
  |                     } catch (LoginException e) {
  |                             System.out.println("login Failed");
  |                     }
  |             } catch (CreateException e) {
  |                     e.printStackTrace(resp.getWriter());
  |             } catch (NamingException e) {
  |                     e.printStackTrace(resp.getWriter());
  |             } catch (FinderException e) {
  |                     e.printStackTrace(resp.getWriter());
  |             } catch (Exception e) {
  |                     e.printStackTrace(resp.getWriter());
  |             }
  |             resp.getWriter().println("</body></html>");
  |     }

kindest regards,
 Moritz Angermann

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