Just an FYI for those among us using Informix... (I'm using jdbc driver

I set up an Informix db pool in jboss.jcml, and I wanted to use the sqlhosts
file for the connection.  Seemed simple enough, use a URL of the form
"jdbc:informix-sqli:/<dbname>:" and
"informixserver=<dbserver>;SQLH_TYPE=FILE;SQLH_FILE=<local sqlhosts file>"
in the "Properties" attribute for the XADataSourceLoader.  But it kept
hanging JBoss when configuring my pool.  After a very long night and
morning, I discovered the problem was that the sqlhosts file had the port
NAME from /etc/services instead of the port NUMBER(which normally would be
ok for non-jdbc accesses).  When I hard-coded the port NUMBER entry in
sqlhosts, JBoss got through the configuration.

<grumble grumble>stupid Informix jdbc driver</grumble grumble> :)

Jim Brownfield
Radical System Solutions, Inc.

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