
every login module in the XMLLoginConfig will be required. sufficient, requisite and 
optional flags will be ignored.

In sun JAAS LoginModuleControlFlag class, the toString method returns 
LoginModuleControlFlag: then the flag so

LoginModuleControlFlag: required
LoginModuleControlFlag: sufficient
LoginModuleControlFlag: requisite
LoginModuleControlFlag: optional

public static class LoginModuleControlFlag

        public String toString()
            return ("LoginModuleControlFlag: " + controlFlag;

In JBoss XMLLoginConfig class parseModule the code will check the toString for 
equality on just the controlFlag portion:

private void parseModule(Element module, ArrayList entries) throws Exception
      LoginModuleControlFlag controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED;
      String className = module.getAttribute("code");
      String flag = module.getAttribute("flag");
      if( flag != null )
         if( flag.equals(LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED.toString()) )
            controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED;
         else if( flag.equals(LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUISITE.toString()) )
            controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUISITE;
         else if( flag.equals(LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT.toString()) )
            controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.SUFFICIENT;
         else if( flag.equals(LoginModuleControlFlag.OPTIONAL.toString()) )
            controlFlag = LoginModuleControlFlag.OPTIONAL;
      NodeList opts = module.getElementsByTagName("module-option");
      HashMap options = new HashMap();
      for(int n = 0; n < opts.getLength(); n ++)
         Element opt = (Element) opts.item(n);
         String name = opt.getAttribute("name");
         String value = getContent(opt, "");
         options.put(name, value);
      AppConfigurationEntry entry = new AppConfigurationEntry(className, controlFlag, 

Since jboss will be comparing "required" to "LoginModuleControlFlag: required" and so 
on, none of the checks will evaluate to true, and thus parseModule will use the 
default (LoginModuleControlFlag.REQUIRED).

either make the comparison a "contains(flag)" type of call, or build the flag string 
the same way SUN does in their jaas package.



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