Hi guys,
Had a couple of questions regarding MDB configuration!
My environment : JBOSS : 3.0.2
                     JDK   : 1.4.1
                     Ant   : 1.4.1

1. Is there any way to configure the queue name that the MDB binds to
during run time??? I know that the jboss.xml file has the MDB deployment
descriptor as follows but this means that the queue name has to exist
when the message driven bean is deployed.I wish to read this QName from
an application specific properties file so that we make sure that the
QName is not out of sync in one of the components!


2. Following from the first question is there any way to actually
dynamically change the xml descriptors after they are deployed??

3. With message driven beans, how does instance pooling work? If a
message bean is processing a message from a Queue and meanwhile another
message comes in, does the container spawn another instance of the MDB
to process the second message. If yes, how can i then restrict the no of
instances of the message bean??

Thanks a lot in advance, any help is much appreciated!


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