Hi all

I have two MBeans(only mbeans, not services)
AxielleConfiguration, AxielleTest1.

I registered these two beans with the server.
when i query mbeanserver it is giving all the MBeans in the server.

i am querying like this

ObjectName obj = new ObjectName("AxielleDomain:service=* ");
Set set = mbeanServer.queryMBeans(obj, null);

if i use the above code, it is giving malformed exception.

At the * what i need to pass, so that i can get above two beans

I tried by using queryexp  as follows

        QueryExp qexp = Query.match(Query.attr("ObjectName"),
        Set set = mbeanServer.queryMBeans(null,qexp);
now i am getting set size as zero.

Is it properway of creating queryExp ?
If not what is the properway

any help is appreciated


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