Hi Anton or other experts out there,

This morning, I finally can switch back to jboss. I tried to deploy your
example (similar to the first MDB example in the manual,
see attached zip), but got the identical error messages as before when I
tried the example in the manual and in the test.

I checked the manual, the error message "communication exception" is "the
exception that represents any error
that can't readily be ascribed to a definite cause", so, we do not have any
luch there. And, "java.net.MalformedURLException"
sometimes means  there are spaces in the installation path (something C:
\program Files) but I installed it as C:\jboss.

here is the whole server "dos" output after I started the server. Note that
the stateless session "Interest" example works fine
(search <== to get the most interesting/problematic part)

thanks in advance!!

Kai Qu


C:\jboss\bin>java -jar run.jar
Using configuration "default"
[Info] Java version: 1.3.0,Sun Microsystems Inc.
[Info] Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 1.3.0-C,Sun Microsystems Inc.
[Info] System: Windows 2000 5.0,x86
[Shutdown] Shutdown hook added
[Service Control] Registered with server
[Service Control] Initializing 24 MBeans
[Webserver] Initializing
[Webserver] Initialized
[Naming] Initializing
[Naming] Initialized
[JNDIView] Initializing
[JNDIView] Initialized
[Transaction manager] Initializing
[Transaction manager] Initialized
[JAAS Security Manager] Initializing
[JAAS Security Manager] Initialized
[JDBC provider] Initializing
[JDBC provider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.hsql.jdbcDriver
[JDBC provider] Loaded JDBC-driver:org.enhydra.instantdb.jdbc.idbDriver
[JDBC provider] Initialized
[Hypersonic] Initializing
[Hypersonic] Initialized
[InstantDB] Initializing
[InstantDB] Initialized
[DefaultDS] Initializing
[DefaultDS] Initialized
[Container factory] Initializing
[Container factory] Initialized
[JBossMQ] Initializing
[JBossMQ] Initialized
[DefaultJMSProvider] Initializing
[DefaultJMSProvider] Initialized
[StdJMSPool] Initializing
[StdJMSPool] Initialized
[J2EE Deployer Default] Initializing
[J2EE Deployer Default] Initialized
[Auto deploy] Initializing
[Auto deploy] Initialized
[RARDeployer] Initializing
[RARDeployer] Found a temp directory left over from a previous run -
deleting it.
[RARDeployer] Initialized
[ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
[MinervaNoTransCMFactory] Initialized
[ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
[MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory] Initialized
[ConnectionManagerFactoryLoader] Initializing
[MinervaXACMFactory] Initialized
[ConnectionFactoryLoader] Initializing
[BlackBoxDS] Initialized
[JMX RMI Adaptor] Initializing
[JMX RMI Adaptor] Initialized
[JMX RMI Connector] Initializing
[JMX RMI Connector] Initialized
[Mail Service] Initializing
[Mail Service] Initialized
[Service Control] Initialized 24 services
[Service Control] Starting 24 MBeans
[Webserver] Starting
[Webserver] Codebase set to http://TWILIGHT:8083/
[Webserver] Started webserver on port 8083
[Webserver] Started
[Naming] Starting
[Naming] Naming started on port 1099
[Naming] Started
[JNDIView] Starting
[JNDIView] Started
[Transaction manager] Starting
[Transaction manager] Started
[JAAS Security Manager] Starting
[JAAS Security Manager] JAAS.startService, cachePolicy=null
[JAAS Security Manager] JAAS.startService,
[JAAS Security Manager] Started
[JDBC provider] Starting
[JDBC provider] Started
[Hypersonic] Starting
[Hypersonic] Server 1.4 is running
[Hypersonic] Database started
[Hypersonic] Press [Ctrl]+[C] to abort
[Hypersonic] Started
[InstantDB] Starting
[InstantDB] XA Connection pool InstantDB bound to java:/InstantDB
Enhydra InstantDB - Version 3.21
[InstantDB] The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lutris
Technologies Inc.
Portions created by Lutris are Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Lutris Technologies,
All Rights Reserved.
[InstantDB] Started
[DefaultDS] Starting
[DefaultDS] XA Connection pool DefaultDS bound to java:/DefaultDS
[DefaultDS] Started
[Container factory] Starting
[Container factory] Started
[JBossMQ] Starting
[JBossMQ] Server Version 0.8 Started
[JBossMQ] Started
[DefaultJMSProvider] Starting
[DefaultJMSProvider] JMS provider Adapter DefaultJMSProvider bound to
[DefaultJMSProvider] Started
[StdJMSPool] Starting
[StdJMSPool] JMS provider Adapter StdJMSPool bound to java:/StdJMSPool
[StdJMSPool] Started
[J2EE Deployer Default] Starting
[J2EE Deployer Default] No web container found - only EJB deployment
[J2EE Deployer Default] Cleaning up deployment directory
[J2EE Deployer Default] Started
[Auto deploy] Starting
[Auto deploy] Watching C:\jboss\deploy
[Auto deploy] Started
[RARDeployer] Starting
[RARDeployer] Started
[MinervaNoTransCMFactory] Starting
[MinervaNoTransCMFactory] Connection manager factory
'MinervaNoTransCMFactory bound to 'java:/MinervaNoTransCMFactory'
[MinervaNoTransCMFactory] Started
[MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory] Starting
[MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory] Connection manager factory
'MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory bound to 'java:/MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory'
[MinervaSharedLocalCMFactory] Started
[MinervaXACMFactory] Starting
[MinervaXACMFactory] Connection manager factory 'MinervaXACMFactory bound
to 'java:/MinervaXACMFactory'
[MinervaXACMFactory] Started
[BlackBoxDS] Starting
[BlackBoxDS] Started
[JMX RMI Adaptor] Starting
[JMX RMI Adaptor] Started
[JMX RMI Connector] Starting
[JMX RMI Connector] Started
[Mail Service] Starting
[Mail Service] DEBUG: not loading system providers in <java.home>/lib
[Mail Service] DEBUG: not loading optional custom providers file:
[Mail Service] DEBUG: successfully loaded default providers
[Mail Service]
DEBUG: Tables of loaded providers
[Mail Service] DEBUG: Providers Listed By Class Name:
il.smtp.SMTPTransport,Sun Microsystems, Inc],
,Sun Microsystems, Inc],

Microsystems, In
[Mail Service] DEBUG: Providers Listed By Protocol:
s, Inc],
Microsystems, Inc], smtp=javax.mail.Provider[TRANSPORT,
smtp,com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport,Sun Microsystems, Inc]}
[Mail Service] DEBUG: not loading optional address map file:
[Mail Service] Mail Service 'Mail' bound to java:/Mail
[Mail Service] Started
[Service Control] Started 24 services
[Default] JBoss PRE-2.1 Started in 0m:6s
<======================================================server started
[Auto deploy] Auto deploy of file:/C:/jboss/deploy/interest.jar
[J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
[J2EE Deployer Default] Create application interest.jar
[J2EE Deployer Default] install module interest.jar
[Container factory]
[Verifier] Verifying
[Container factory] Deploying Interest
[Container factory] Deployed application:
[J2EE Deployer Default] J2EE application:
file:/C:/jboss/deploy/interest.jar is deployed. <==================interest
[Interest] Someone called `calculateCompoundInterest!'
<==================interest invoked
[Auto deploy] Auto deploy of file:/C:/jboss/deploy/mdb.jar
<==================begin mdb.jar (and failed)
[J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
[J2EE Deployer Default] Create application mdb.jar
[J2EE Deployer Default] install module mdb.jar
[Container factory] Deploying:file:/C:/jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/mdb.jar
[Verifier] Verifying file:/C:/jboss/tmp/deploy/Default/mdb.jar/ejb1002.jar
[Container factory] Deploying TopicBean
[Container factory] Serious error in init:
javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is
java.net.MalformedURLException: no
 protocol: of]
[Container factory] java.lang.Exception:
javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is
java.net.MalformedURLException: no p
rotocol: of]
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at
[Container factory]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)
[Container factory] Could not stop JMSContainerInvoker
[J2EE Deployer Default] Starting mdb.jar failed!
[J2EE Deployer Default] Module mdb.jar is not running
[J2EE Deployer Default] Destroying application mdb.jar
[Auto deploy] Deployment failed:file:/C:/jboss/deploy/mdb.jar
[Auto deploy] org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException: Error while
starting mdb.jar: Could not deploy file:/C:/jboss/tmp/deploy
[Auto deploy]   at
[Auto deploy]   at
[Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[Auto deploy]   at
[Auto deploy]   at
[Auto deploy]   at org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.deploy(AutoDeployer.java:358)
[Auto deploy]   at org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.run(AutoDeployer.java:221)
[Auto deploy]   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:484)

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