Hey, all,

I'm having a problem that looks to be a variation of a
problem posted here earlier.  However, I never saw
if it was classified a bug and is being fixed, or if
there is a workaround.

I have an EJB A.  It contains one to many EJBs B.
When I retrieve several A EJBs via a column other
than the primary key, they load and get the
B EJBs associated with them.  Everything works fine.

After a few minutes, everything passivates and I try
to retrieve the same set of A EJBs.  But the B EJBs
have now scrambled and are associated with the
wrong A EJBs.

(Side note: I've heard that EJBs containing other 
EJBs is not recommended, even by Sun, but
I also need to get B EJBs directly in other parts
of the application.)

It appears this is probably the same issue under
the subject of "Serious Bug? EntityBean out of
synch with database".  However, I am not using
EJBDoclet and I am using BMP.

The interesting thing is, I put some logging in
ejbActivate() and ejbPassivate().  No other
code is in those methods.  When they
EJBs are passivated and activated, they
look fine.  It is when my application tries
to access the data when the trouble

I tried re-retrieving the B EJBs in ejbActivate(),
but that also didn't help.

Is this a bug?  Is there a workaround?



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