Hello !

6 months ago when our project begin, we needed to integrate a SOAP layer to
access an EJB container. We naturally look at JBOSS/ZOAP and find it very
We succeed to ran the first sample with the help of Christoph Jung.
Unfortunally the lack
of documentation and the presence of proprietary files (infor.de ) in the
distribution makes me look at the full open source Apache Soap package.

Now we have configured the SOAP 2.1 distribution to access the JBOSS bean we
have developed.
For our needs, we have even developed a  MessageDrivenEJB provider for the
SOAP package. I
post a lightweight version of it on the SOAP dev mailing list (just an other
way to
promote the JBOSS project ! ).

But to be honnest we are waiting for the next release of Apache SOAP called
axis which should be
faster in using a SAX soap parser.

Anyway, we'll be happy to share our experience with Apache SOAP with the
JBOSS users.
Ideally, i hope that one day JBOSS/SOAP integration would be as great a the
ZOAP idea. This
means the existence of an "on the fly generation" of the SOAP stub/skeleton
of an "hot plug" EJB
with the integration of a well supported and active Apache SOAP distribution
: the best of
the two worlds.

Frederic JEANNE
Product Architect

> Von:  Jung , Dr. Christoph =20
> Gesendet:     Montag, 14. Mai 2001 10:33
> An:   '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; Jboss-Development (E-Mail);
> Betreff:      Open letter: ZOAP is dead, long live JBossSOAP!
> Dear fellow JBoss developers, dear JBoss board, dear JBoss users =
> for SOAP-support in their favorite bean container!
> As the initiator of the ZOAP module, I must excuse for making myself =
> scare to the JBoss-lists for the last months (this was not only =
because of
> having huge ssh-problems accessing sourceforge) - hereby leaving many
> people puzzled about the state of the project. My professional =
> (as you all have experienced: first your have to earn bread, then the
> butter) does not allow me anymore to operate as the single architect,
> developer, documentation writer and (perhaps the most important role, =
> what I learned during the past year) supporter of the module.
> I have to admit that this typical OS dead-end situation has been my =
> fault: I made a lot of mistakes when it comes to finding the right =
way of
> attaching to existing code, sharing the results, engaging people,
> advertising the project, etc. My only excuse is that I was coming =
> from university/research at that time and I had to learn a lot about
> "real-world" programming practices in general and engaging into Open
> Source in particular ...=20
> Maybe also the point in time (mid-2000) when we were first =
> SOAP for EJBs was rather early such that=20
>       - there was not yet any broad need, and=20
>       - there was no fixed and accepted standard to which you can commit
> to=20
>         (see the Apache-MS-SOAP-interoperablity thread that is relevant
> until today!).=20
> Hence, the decision to write a proprietary and generic =
> framework was motivated by IBM=B4s/Apache=B4s neglectance of =
> XML-Schema and most of EJB. This decision has helped me to deepen my
> understanding of which added-value purist XML-middleware could =
> into todays business platforms (and we have a working system based on =
> ideas here at infor). But this has in turn cost a lot of resources =
> finally, acceptance in the community.  =20
> IMHO (and I refer to the latest contributions to the mailing-lists as
> examples) this situation has changed now. The role of XML in business
> frameworks has been widely recognized and emphasised. The need for =
> beloved JBoss beans to interoperate with XML-enabled Web-applications =
> definitely there. And the SOAP standard has now a quite accepted and =
> basis; Open Source implementations such as Apache and IdooXoap are =
> towards practicability. Thus, it would be silly to neglect SOAP in a
> first-class project such as JBoss and it would be even more silly if =

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