[JBoss-user] Re: DatabaseServerLoginModule - failing authentication?

2002-10-27 Thread John Snyder

I solved this problem.  For those who are 
1) Apparently, the DatabaseServerLoginModule does 
not like underscores in the application-policy name, 
2) The value of the role group column must be 
Hope somebody besides me can learn something from 

[JBoss-user] Re: DatabaseServerLoginModule - failing authentication?

2002-10-27 Thread John Snyder

On further testing and research, it looks like I 
was not failing authentication -- rather, I was authenticated, but I was not 
assigned the role, "Player".
This explains why I was not routed to the 
authentication failure page.  However, I am still at a loss to see why I am 
not being placed in the "Player" role.  
I am logging in with a username of "jrssnyder", the 
DatabaseServerLoginModule specifies a rolesQuery of "select securityRoleName, 
securityRoleGroupName from app.SecurityRole where principalid=?", and when I run 
the query, " select securityRoleName, securityRoleGroupName from 
app.SecurityRole where principalid='jrssnyder' " I get back: a securityRoleName 
of "Player" and a securityRoleGroupName of "PlayerGroup".
Yet, when I create a JSP page to handle the 403 
error, request.isUserInRole(''Player'') returns false.
Why would this be?
Please help if you can,
-- Thanks a lot.
Former post:
Hello all,I am trying to use the DatabaseServerLoginModule with 
=jboss-3.0.0_tomcat-4.0.3, using a FORM login. All I am trying to do at 
=this point is to secure a JSP page called Office.jsp.When I try to 
go to the JSP page, the login page comes up, as expected =based on the 
web.xml configuration. When I fill in the username and =password (for 
j_username and j_password), then click the submit button 
=(action="3D"j_security_check")," the JBoss console displays, "Added 
=PC_CloudscapeDbRealm, =org.jboss.security.plugins.SecurityDomainContext@a631cc 
to map", which I =believe is telling me that JBoss is applying the 
PC_CloudscapeDbRealm =security realm, which is what I want.My 
problem is twofold:First, I am not authenticated when I log in with a 
username/password =combination that should pass authentication (the 
combination is in my =security table).Second, if authentication 
fails, I should be redirected to the failed =login page specified in my 
web.xml file, but I am not -- instead, the =web browser just displays a 
Status 403 page, saying, "message Access to =the requested resource has been 
denied" and "description Access to the =specified resource (Access to the 
requested resource has been denied) =has been forbidden."=20Can anyone 
please explain this behavior, and more importantly, how to =fix it? The 
relevant configuration files are as follows (in relevant 
(in WEB-INF directory of war 
file):java:/jaas/PC_CloudscapeDbRealmlogin-config.xml:"org.jboss.resource.security.ConfiguredIdentityLoginModule" flag 
=3D ="required">pcpc"managedConnectionFactoryName">jboss.jca:service=3DLocalTxCM,name=3DCloud=scapeDS"org.jboss.security.auth.spi.DatabaseServerLoginModule" flag =3D 
="required">java:/CloudscapeDSselect password from app.Player =where 
playername=3D?select securityRoleName, =securityRoleGroupName from 
app.SecurityRole where 
help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks a lot in advance,-- 