This is katayama.  Hello!

I'm using JBoss-2.2.2 + Tomcat-3.2.2.  I only deploy EAR files into 
jboss/deploy directory ,  so contents can be deployed to Tomcat.

Usual standalone Tomcat uses $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory for       
deployment , and Tomcat needs restart of himself for hotdeployment.

Why can we deploy contents to Tomcat via jboss?   And why can we use 
new servlet/JSP contents on Tomcat without restart of Tomcat?

I have tried to search the reason of this , so I found the directive  
in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml as follows.

            className="org.jboss.tomcat.naming.JbossWebXmlReader" />

Shall that class do the special works for tomcat?    And if we use    
tomcat in standalone , can we use hotdeploy like with jboss? 
I found in many documents that Tomcat needs restart for new contents  
deployment.  Is it correct?

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