SOLVED - Re: [JBoss-user] cocoon2 with jboss-tomcat errors

2002-09-05 Thread Bruce Scharlau

At 11:03 03/09/2002 +0100, you wrote:
Hi all,

thanks for the help with eclipse! Now, on to the next problem: cocoon2 
with tomcat/catalina.

Per some of the posts in the forum, jetty works with cocoon2, but doesn't 
with the embedded tomcat configuration.

I found a posting on the xml-cocoon-users list at 
which goes through adding some hacks to the cvs for jboss-all/catalina 
eliminate the jndi error, which otherwise catches you out.

However, this doesn't seem to solve the problem, as now I get other 
errors, which seem to indicate that the cocoon-2.0.3.jar is not being 
found within the cocoon.war file. Here's part of the error I get when I 
load cocoon:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception: 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling 
sitemap_xmap: Line 22, column 49: cannot access class Component; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\component\Component.class not found Line 23, 
column 53: cannot access class Configurable; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\Configurable.class not found 
Line 24, column 53: cannot access class Configuration; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\Configuration.class not found 
Line 25, column 53: cannot access class ConfigurationException; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\ConfigurationException.class not 
found Line 26, column 53: cannot access class DefaultConfiguration; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\DefaultConfiguration.class not 
found Line 27, column 50: cannot access class Parameters; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\parameters\Parameters.class not found Line 29, 
column 29: cannot access class Constants; file 
org\apache\cocoon\Constants.class not found

Any help appreciated.



I sorted out the problem and am posting this in case anyone else comes 
across the problem, and needs a solution.

1. Use the notes at
to make the changes to the cvs for jboss-catalina. These will also lead you 
to the actual code patch (already submitted as a patch on sourceforge) at  You 
don't need to reorganise the jar files, add items to your run.bat 
classpath, etc. Just make the cvs file changes and movde on to step two.

2. Download the source (you'll need the build.xml file later) for cocoon 

3. Create a new directory called META-INF under cocoon-2.0.3\src\webapp, 
and place this application.xml file in there.

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?




This file will be picked up and added to the build directory.

4. Follow the instructions to build cocoon. Note the changes to your jre 
lib directory. Make sure you build a copy with the webapp libs using the 

build -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp

5. Now add this new target to the end of your cocoon/build.xml file (ie 
just before the /project tag. It will copy the cocoon.war file to useful 
place and then add in the application.xml file when it builds the ear file.

!-- now build the ear file --
target name=ear
copy file = ./build/cocoon/cocoon.war todir=./build/cocoon/webapp/
jar jarfile=./build/cocoon/cocoon.ear
include name=META-INF/application.xml /
include name=cocoon.war /

6. Now build the ear with the command: build ear

7. Copy the ear file across to the jboss/server/default/deploy directory, 
start jboss, watch for any problems in the console window, and then 
navigate to http://localhost:8080/cocoon where you should see the welcome 

Just for the record, I tried this on a jboss-tomcat distro without doing 
the patch to the cvs, and it throws up the jndi error mentioned in the forum.



Dr. Bruce Scharlau
Dept. of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
01224 272193

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JBoss-user mailing list

[JBoss-user] cocoon2 with jboss-tomcat errors

2002-09-03 Thread Bruce Scharlau

Hi all,

thanks for the help with eclipse! Now, on to the next problem: cocoon2 with 

Per some of the posts in the forum, jetty works with cocoon2, but doesn't 
with the embedded tomcat configuration.

I found a posting on the xml-cocoon-users list at 
which goes through adding some hacks to the cvs for jboss-all/catalina 
eliminate the jndi error, which otherwise catches you out.

However, this doesn't seem to solve the problem, as now I get other errors, 
which seem to indicate that the cocoon-2.0.3.jar is not being found within 
the cocoon.war file. Here's part of the error I get when I load cocoon:

org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception: 
org.apache.cocoon.components.language.LanguageException: Error compiling 
sitemap_xmap: Line 22, column 49: cannot access class Component; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\component\Component.class not found Line 23, 
column 53: cannot access class Configurable; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\Configurable.class not found Line 
24, column 53: cannot access class Configuration; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\Configuration.class not found 
Line 25, column 53: cannot access class ConfigurationException; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\ConfigurationException.class not 
found Line 26, column 53: cannot access class DefaultConfiguration; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\configuration\DefaultConfiguration.class not 
found Line 27, column 50: cannot access class Parameters; file 
org\apache\avalon\framework\parameters\Parameters.class not found Line 29, 
column 29: cannot access class Constants; file 
org\apache\cocoon\Constants.class not found

Any help appreciated.



Dr. Bruce Scharlau
Dept. of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
01224 272193

This email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old
cell phone?  Get a new here for FREE!
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