Sorry, I havent got the time for that anymore.
But please let me know of any improvements - I would love to use JBoss

Bye, Jubin

> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Im Auftrag von
> Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. Mai 2001 23:03
> Betreff: Re: [JBoss-user] Benchmark results JBoss/BEA Async Performance
> On 26 Maj, Jubin Zawar wrote:
> >  Hi people,
> >
> Hi, interesting, but not joyable, results. My guess is that it is not
> the MDB per se that is causing the problem, but JBossMQ. Have you any
> possibilities to test the same scenario without using MDB (use normal
> client subscribers) and see if the results are the same.?
> JBossMQ is discussed on a separate mailinglist. I will respost your
> results there.
> //Peter
> >  here are results for the messaging benchmarks, for BEA and JBoss.
> >  First, a little description of the scenario.
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
> >  We decided for this simple scenario to benchmark :
> >
> >  PostingClient posts to Topic1.
> >  MDB1 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic1, gets the
> message, puts
> >  its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic2.
> >  MDB2 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the
> message, puts
> >  its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic3.
> >  MDB3 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the
> message, puts
> >  its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic4.
> >  MDB4 (a message driven EJB) is listening on topic2, gets the
> message, puts
> >  its time of receipt in the message, and sends it to topic1.
> >  and when the message is posted to topic1, MDB1 regets the message.
> >  There is another listener on topic1 --> MonitoringClient.
> >  MonitoringClient gets the messages arriving there, and reports
> the times
> > the
> >  message took between the 4 MDBs.
> >
> >  Summary : the messages sent into the EJB Server remain in
> there, and make
> >  loops from MDB1 to MDB4 and back again, endlessly.
> >
> >  Hardware : Pentium II, 400 Mhz, 256 Megs of RAM.
> >  OS : Windows NT4
> >  VM : Sun 1.3
> >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -
> >  -----------------------------------------------
> >  Benchmark Testing Series :
> >
> >
> >  Weblogic Benchmarks:
> >  VM : 64MB heapsize.
> >  Configurations :
> >  1) max-beans-in-free-pool : 50
> initial-beans-in-free-pool : 6 (in
> > the
> >  entries in weblogic-ejb-jar.xml, for each of the 4 message beans)
> >  2) max-beans-in-free-pool : 500        initial-beans-in-free-pool : 62
> >  3) max-beans-in-free-pool : 2000      initial-beans-in-free-pool : 250
> >
> >  for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
> >  50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum
> > time
> >  waiting for crash 30 minutess)
> >
> >  On JBoss :
> >  VM: 64MB heapsize.
> >  Configurations:
> >  (in jboss.xml)
> >  1) container-invoker : maximumsize 50,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
> >  maximumsize 50 minimumsize 6
> >  2) container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
> >  maximumsize 500 minimumsize 62
> >  3) the maximum jboss could handle even with 128mb ram for the
> heapsize of
> >  the VM was :
> >  container-invoker : maximumsize 500,maxmessages 1 - container-pool:
> >  maximumsize 500 minimumsize 100
> >
> >  for each configuration we tested (with 1 KB messagesize):
> > 50 msgs, 500 msgs, 5000msgs, and infinite (until server crash - maximum
> > time
> >  waiting for crash 30 minutes)
> >
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
> >  -------------------------------------------------
> >
> >  Results for Weblogic :
> >  this server is very fast and stable. With 5000 Messages, we
> had a crash at
> >  configuration 1, at 1800 Messages sent.
> >  With configuration 2, it crashed at 3300, and with
> configuration 3 we had
> > a
> >  crash as early as with 500 messages - but that was due to the
> low heapsize
> >  of the VM.
> >  When we raised the heapsize to 128Megs, the server ran good with 10000
> >  messages.
> >  Sending times : we mesaured the times needed for a message to be sent
> >  between to consecutive MDBs - for weblogic it was all around 0,1 secs.
> >  At 10000 messages, average sending time was 1,4 seconds.
> >  For 5000 messages, even with config 3, we had 0,8 seconds.
> >  All other results were very acceptable, average times of 0.01 to 0.2.
> >
> >  If you need any more details, contact me.
> >  JBoss :
> >
> >  config 3,2 : 3 seconds average with 50 messages.
> >
> >  Well, to be very honest : perhaps I m doing something
> fundamentally wrong,
> >  and I dont know exactly what strategy JBoss is pursuing in its kind of
> >  message delivery, but JBoss crashed at every config with 500 messages.
> >
> >  Average sending times at 50 messages were 3 seconds, regardless of the
> >  configuration used, the parameters showed little or no effect.
> >
> >  I know that these parameters should tune throughput, I know, and I know
> > that
> >  with 4 topics and 4 MDBs, we are not simulating a true asynchrnously
> >  designed application, meaning : with asynchronous components only.
> >
> >  But regardless of the throughput, no one wants to wait 12 seconds for a
> >  response.
> >  Even with 30 messages in the system, the average was 2
> seconds, meaning 8
> >  seconds in total to wait for a response : and this with only 4
> > asynchronous
> >  components.
> >  At 10 messages, we got average times of 0,7 seconds - meaning
> a response
> >  time of 3 seconds in total, which could be acceptable.
> >
> >  It is also strange that weblogic showed significant CPU usage when
> >  increasing the JMS load, while JBoss stayed very happy with around 10%,
> > not
> >  caring about any optimization in speed, it seems.
> >
> >  Have we forgotten any parameters to SPEED up sending times, message
> >  delivery, or MDB invocation for JBoss ?
> >
> >  I am really wondering.
> >
> >  For precise details, contact me.
> >
> >  Best regards, Jubin Zawar
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > JBoss-user mailing list
> >
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Antman             Technology in Media, Box 34105 100 26 Stockholm
> Systems Architect        WWW:
> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        WWW:
> Phone: +46-(0)8-506 381 11 Mobile: 070-675 3942
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