Re: [JBoss-user] unable to deploy tomcat-test.ear

2001-05-12 Thread Jim Archer

Are you using the latest jBoss-2.2.1_Tomcat-3.2.1 bundle? If so, be sure to 
start jboss using the run_with_tomcat script for your platform. A quick 
look at the exception seems to indicate that you started jBoss alone, 
without Tomcat.


--On Friday, May 11, 2001 2:06 PM -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi
> I am unable to start tomcat using jboss.  tomcat-test.ear is not getting
> deployed.
> Documentation states that
> -
> By default, when you start jBoss, it automatically tries to launch Tomcat
> as well. To disable this feature, suppress the lines
>  CODEBASE="../lib/ext/">
> at the end of the file jboss.conf .
> I don't find these exact lines in jboss\conf\jboss.conf or in
> tomcat\conf\jboss.conf.
> Following is the console log
> [Auto deploy] Watching C:\JBoss221\jboss\deploy
> [Auto deploy] Auto deploy of
> file:/C:/JBoss221/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear [J2EE Deployer Default]
> Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/C:/JBoss221/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] inflate and install module tomcat-test.war
> [J2EE Deployer Default] install module tomcat-test.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] add all ejb jar files to the common classpath
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Module tomcat-test.ear is not running
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Unable to stop module tomcat-test.war:
> DefaultDomain:service=EmbeddedTomcat
> [J2EE Deployer Default] unable to stop application tomcat-test.ear:
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException: Error(s) on stopping
> application tomcat-test.ear:
> Unable to stop module tomcat-test.war: fatal error while calling
> :service=EmbeddedTomcat: DefaultDomain:service=EmbeddedTomcat/n
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Destroying application tomcat-test.ear
> [Auto deploy] Deployment
> failed:file:/C:/JBoss221/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [Auto deploy] org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException: application
> contains war files but no web container available
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.startApplication(
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.deploy(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.deploy( [Auto deploy]
> at [Auto deploy]
> at
> org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.startService(
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.util.ServiceMBeanSupport.start(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.util.ServiceControl.start(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at org.jboss.Main.(
> ---
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Also what is the root directory for Jboss.
> When i give http://localhost:8083 what is the directory it is pointing to?
> Any help  would be ver useful.
> Thanks
> Raji
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

- Robert Frost, 1916

JBoss-user mailing list

Re: [JBoss-user] unable to deploy tomcat-test.ear

2001-05-11 Thread K.V. Vinay Menon

1. If your run.bat under JBOSS_HOME/bin has the start up specified as

java  -classpath "%CLASSPATH%" %JAXP% org.jboss.Main tomcat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
%6 %7 %8 %9

it will use the tomcat configuration directory under JBOSS_HOME/conf/tomcat

Note the 'tomcat' option specified.

2. Under JBOSS_HOME/conf/tomcat open file jboss.jcml

There should be something like

Make sure this is uncommented i.e. as above.

To check if tomcat is running point your browser to localhost:8080.

If all this still does not bring up the tomcat engine please send the server
start up log.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 7:06 PM
Subject: [JBoss-user] unable to deploy tomcat-test.ear

> Hi
> I am unable to start tomcat using jboss.  tomcat-test.ear is not getting
> deployed.
> Documentation states that
> -
> By default, when you start jBoss, it automatically tries to launch Tomcat
> well. To disable this feature, suppress the lines
>  CODEBASE="../lib/ext/">
> at the end of the file jboss.conf .
> I don't find these exact lines in jboss\conf\jboss.conf or in
> tomcat\conf\jboss.conf.
> Following is the console log
> [Auto deploy] Watching C:\JBoss221\jboss\deploy
> [Auto deploy] Auto deploy of
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Deploy J2EE application:
> file:/C:/JBoss221/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Create application tomcat-test.ear
> [J2EE Deployer Default] inflate and install module tomcat-test.war
> [J2EE Deployer Default] install module tomcat-test.jar
> [J2EE Deployer Default] add all ejb jar files to the common classpath
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Module tomcat-test.ear is not running
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Unable to stop module tomcat-test.war:
> DefaultDomain:service=EmbeddedTomcat
> [J2EE Deployer Default] unable to stop application tomcat-test.ear:
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException: Error(s) on stopping
> application tomcat-test.ear:
> Unable to stop module tomcat-test.war: fatal error while calling
> :service=EmbeddedTomcat: DefaultDomain:service=EmbeddedTomcat/n
> [J2EE Deployer Default] Destroying application tomcat-test.ear
> [Auto deploy] Deployment
> failed:file:/C:/JBoss221/jboss/deploy/tomcat-test.ear
> [Auto deploy] org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeploymentException: application
> contains war files but no web container available
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.startApplication(
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.deployment.J2eeDeployer.deploy(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.ejb.AutoDeployer.startService(
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.util.ServiceMBeanSupport.start(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> org.jboss.util.ServiceControl.start(
> [Auto deploy]   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at
> [Auto deploy]   at org.jboss.Main.(
> ---
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Also what is the root directory for Jboss.
> When i give http://localhost:8083 what is the directory it is pointing to?
> Any help  would be ver useful.
> Thanks
> Raji
> ___
> JBoss-user mailing list

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