> When browsing with IE to our webapp, the browser doesn't download .js javascript 
 >files etc. with every request. In that case a
 > warning like "WARNING: Exception for /blabla.js:java.net.SocketException: Connection 
 >reset by peer: socket write error" is
 > logged and shown in the concole.
 > I don't want to see these messages to be logged, nor do I think they need to be 
 >warnings (but I DO want to see other warnings
 > though).
 > What's the best way to accomplish this?

The best way to accomplish this is to get all the browser and JVM developers
together in a room and bash their heads together until they come up
with a consistent way in which to close sockets and to throw exceptions
about them when they are closed.

In this case the browser has been too lazy to do a proper if-modified-since
request, or it has sent out multiple requests for the same URL.  Once
it realizes it's mistake it handles it by just closing the socket.

Meanwhile the JVM writers see this closed socket when we try to
write more data to it and then think of an inventive exception to
throw: IOException("Socket Closed") or SocketException or something else.

We try to catch and ignore all of these "expected" exception, but still
report real exceptions.  For exceptions we are not sure about we just
do a one line warning, but no stack trace.

We do try to improve this every so often, but unless we start suppressing
exceptions that really should be reported, I think it will never be


Greg Wilkins<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             Phone/fax: +44 7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.          http://www.mortbay.com

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