Re: Why the JDEE?

2003-02-22 Thread Milan Zimmermann

For what it's worth, I absolutely agree with you on the need for debugging 
support. I still follow the JDEE mailing list but I had to drop JDEE for 
Eclipse almost a year ago because of the lack of debugging support ... I can 
live with it on a small project, but on a large project (esp. when using 
Swing) JDEE really needs better means of debugging. Having said that, thanks 
for bringing JDEE to the world and it's continued enhancement.


On February 21, 2003 03:30 pm, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
 Dear JDEE Users,

 A number of recent threads have alluded to the need for the JDEE to
 keep pace, featurewise, with the competition, e.g., Eclipse and

 I'd like to present my perspective on this issue as the JDEE's lead
 developer and maintainer.

 It is hopeless for the JDEE to try to compete feature-for-feature with
 dedicated Java IDE's, especially commercial IDE's. The reason is that
 the pure Java IDEs do not face the difficult skills and architectural
 constraints than the JDEE development team faces, e.g., JDEE
 development requires both Emacs Lisp and Java skills and is
 constrained to standard I/O for interprocess communications.

 Why then bother with the JDEE? Because it allows Emacs users to use
 Emacs to develop Java code. Put another way, the reason for choosing
 the JDEE will always be Emacs and not the other way around.  The JDEE
 allows Emacs users to make the transition to Java development without
 having to learn another environment.  It also allows users who are,
 like myself, working in a multilanguage environment (e.g., C/C++/Java)
 to use a single environment for all their work.

 Where then should the JDEE development team focus its efforts.
 The focus should be on those features that best
 ensure that a decision to use Emacs for Java development
 does not entail a loss of productivity compared to what other
 environments afford. In my view, the JDEE's greatest deficiency
 in this regard is in debugging support. Therefore, it is my
 intention to focus my efforts personally in this area with the
 goal of providing the JDEE ASAP, not with the best debugger available,
 but at least one that does the basics well and reliably.

 Until then, other features that have been mentioned recently, such
 as a plugin architecture and syntax errors on the fly, will move
 forward only in so far as others work on them.



Re: Why the JDEE?

2003-02-22 Thread Milan Zimmermann
I agree, although I personally don't really care for #4. I would add that 
displaying variables on a large object tree may be extremely slow if data are 
being sent between emacs and java.

On February 21, 2003 03:41 pm, Chitale, Sandip V wrote:
 I agree with you.

 In terms of features in debugger I would like to see -

 1. fast update to different views
 2. better variables view (I would like to suggest Java based GUI for
 this i.e. a treetable)
 3. storing and managing breakpoints
 4. breakpoint grouping
 4. Different kinds of breakpoints

   i. conditional breakpoints
   ii. actions when the breakpoints are hit
   iii. method entry breakpoint (JPDA allows this)
   iv. method exit breakpoint

   a. normal exit
   b. abnormal exit (exception)
   c. ability to see return value on the stack (even if it
 was not
   stored in some local variable). I am not sure if JDPA
 allows this.
   v. Class loading breakpoint

 Just my wish list.


  -Original Message-
  From: Paul Kinnucan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 12:30 PM
  Subject: Why the JDEE?
  Dear JDEE Users,
  A number of recent threads have alluded to the need for the
  JDEE to keep pace, featurewise, with the competition, e.g.,
  Eclipse and JBuilder.
  I'd like to present my perspective on this issue as the
  JDEE's lead developer and maintainer.
  It is hopeless for the JDEE to try to compete
  feature-for-feature with dedicated Java IDE's, especially
  commercial IDE's. The reason is that the pure Java IDEs do
  not face the difficult skills and architectural constraints
  than the JDEE development team faces, e.g., JDEE development
  requires both Emacs Lisp and Java skills and is constrained
  to standard I/O for interprocess communications.
  Why then bother with the JDEE? Because it allows Emacs users
  to use Emacs to develop Java code. Put another way, the
  reason for choosing the JDEE will always be Emacs and not the
  other way around.  The JDEE allows Emacs users to make the
  transition to Java development without having to learn
  another environment.  It also allows users who are, like
  myself, working in a multilanguage environment (e.g.,
  C/C++/Java) to use a single environment for all their work.
  Where then should the JDEE development team focus its efforts.
  The focus should be on those features that best
  ensure that a decision to use Emacs for Java development
  does not entail a loss of productivity compared to what other
  environments afford. In my view, the JDEE's greatest
  deficiency in this regard is in debugging support. Therefore,
  it is my intention to focus my efforts personally in this
  area with the goal of providing the JDEE ASAP, not with the
  best debugger available, but at least one that does the
  basics well and reliably.
  Until then, other features that have been mentioned recently,
  such as a plugin architecture and syntax errors on the fly,
  will move forward only in so far as others work on them.

Syntax error indication oon the fly....the beginning...

2003-02-22 Thread Sandip Chitale
I had brought up this issue earlier...I took a first crack at
It is still rough but with some expert help this could be completed...
Especially I need help with save-excursion and buffer selection etc...
For now -
1. Compile any java class such that it results in error messages
2. Switch to the *compilation* buffer
3. Invoke the following function animate-messages
(defun animate-messages()
  Animate messages in *compilation* buffer.
  (let* (
  (errorMarker (compilation-next-error-locus 1 t t))
(while errorMarker
  (let (
 (nextErrorMarker (compilation-next-error-locus 1 nil t))
 (errorBufferMarker (car errorMarker))
   (setq errorBegin (marker-position errorBufferMarker))
   (if nextErrorMarker
   (setq errorEnd (marker-position (car nextErrorMarker)))
 (setq errorEnd (point-max))
   (setq errorString (buffer-substring errorBegin errorEnd))
   (if (not (eq (current-buffer) (marker-buffer (cdr errorMarker
   (switch-to-buffer (marker-buffer (cdr errorMarker)))
   (goto-char (marker-position (cdr errorMarker)))
   (if compilation-error-overlay
   (move-overlay compilation-error-overlay (line-beginning-position)
 (setq compilation-error-overlay
(make-overlay (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
   (overlay-put compilation-error-overlay 'face 'underline)
   (message errorString)
   (sit-for 3)
 (setq errorMarker (compilation-next-error-locus 1 nil t))
(if compilation-error-overlay
 (delete-overlay compilation-error-overlay)
(message Done.)
[NOTE: The above works for grep output also.]
4. This should animate the error messages i.e.
i. move the point to the location of error
ii. temporarily underline the line
iii. echo the error message in mini-buffer
What I want to do eventually is to hook this function to compilation
finish hook.
When there are compilation error messages the error messages are shown
in the
buffer with some overlay. The help-echo text property is used to show
the error meesage
in mini-buffer.
A background compilation may be invoked every so often or on demand


Missing buttons

2003-02-22 Thread Jim Crossley
I just built Xemacs 21.4.12 and now I can't see the buttons that
appear when a choice of classes results from the function,
jde-import-find-and-import (C-c C-v C-z).  I see other buttons,
e.g. toolbar and customize, just not those.  What build option might I
have left out to cause that?

Jim Crossley

Questions from a newguy

2003-02-22 Thread Paul Kinnucan
Chris writes:

  My problems with whitespace are that 1) I have no control over it -- I 
  don't ever want to hit Tab and have nothing happen, 2) I don't know how to 
  customize it, and 3) it looks like Emacs is not saving tabs as tabs (even 
  though I thought I told it to), so that I can't pleasantly edit files that 
  have been touched by Emacs.
  I'm not looking for quick fixes / code samples here; I'm willing to do some 
  work, but I'm having a hard time getting started. By the way, Gnu sells a 
  Introduction to Emacs Lisp Programming (I think), that's only available 
  online. I can get by in Lisp, and I've read the online reference manual, 
  but it's a little dry.

Indentation of Java source code is handled by an Emacs package called
cc-mode. cc-mode is very powerful but not very user friendly. If
you're really serious about using Emacs to do software development,
you'll need to make the effort to master cc-mode. Start by studying
the cc-mode documentation that comes with Emacs. All cc-mode
indentation options are settable via Lisp variables. If you can write
a setq statement, you know all the Lisp you need to know to use
cc-mode. Better yet, use Emacs' customize-variable command to avoid
writing any Lisp.

Finally, you should make a practise of including your .emacs file
when asking for help. An .emacs file tells a would-be helper what
you really told Emacs as opposed to what you thought you told

- Paul