Re: C-c Cv C-b build with Ant does not work

2002-10-08 Thread Andrew Hyatt

I've found that for these types of errors, the best thing to do is to
turn on "Enter Debugger on Error" (in the Emacs Options menu).  That
will give you a nice stack trace you could send over.  Be sure and
exit from the debugger (press q in the backtrace window), then turn
the option off when you are done, it could be annoying if left on.

Ralph Jocham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for the help, but the same error is still being
> shown.
> Here my latest prj.el:
> (jde-project-file-version "1.0")
> (jde-set-variables
>  '(jde-jdk-registry (quote (("1.3.1" .
> "c:/jdk1.3.1_04/"
>  '(jde-mode-line-format (quote ("-"
> mode-line-mule-info mode-line-modified
> mode-line-frame-identification
> mode-line-buffer-identification " " global-mode-string
> " %[(" mode-name mode-line-process minor-mode-alist
> "%n" ")%]" (line-number-mode "L%l-")
> (column-number-mode "C%c-") (-3 . "%p")
> (jde-which-method-mode ("-" jde-which-method-format
> "-")) "-%-")))
>  '(jde-ant-enable-find t)
>  '(jde-ant-complete-target nil)
>  '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode t)
>  '(jde-global-classpath (quote
> ("c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/build/"
> "c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/lib/gnu-regexp.jar")))
>  '(jde-gen-comments nil)
>  '(jde-ant-home "")
>  '(jde-ant-read-buildfile nil)
>  '(jde-build-function (quote (jde-ant-build)))
>  '(jde-debugger (quote ("JDEbug")))
>  '(jde-compile-option-deprecation t)
>  '(jde-gen-k&r nil)
>  '(jde-ant-program "")
>  '(jde-sourcepath (quote
> ("e:/JDK1.3.1-Source/j2sdk1.3.1/src/share/classes/"
> "c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/src/")))
>  '(jde-compile-option-target (quote ("1.3")))
>  '(jde-ant-buildfile "")
>  '(jde-ant-invocation-method (quote ("Script")))
>  '(jde-compile-option-optimize t))
> --- Andrew Hyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Ralph Jocham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > > Hi,
> > > I setup JDE to use my ant script. But when typing
> > the 
> > > c-c c-v c-b for starting the build I get the
> > following
> > > error messsage.
> > > 
> > > Wrong type argument: arrayp, nil
> > > 
> > > What does this mean Wnat is the recommended
> > way to
> > > invoke ant (Script, Java, or Ant Server)
> > 
> > You probably need need to setup your
> > jde-jdk-registry, otherwise JDE
> > won't know how to which java to compile Ant with. 
> > Do a Ctrl-H v
> > jde-jdk-registry to read about that variable, and to
> > customize it.
> > 
> > > 
> > > My system:
> > > Win2k
> > > Emacs 21.2.1
> > > Jde 2.2.9beta12
> > > jdk1.3.1_04
> > > cygwin/bash
> > > ANT_HOME points to the ant folder
> > > PATH points to ANT_HOME/bin
> > > 
> > > My prj.el file:
> > > 
> > > (jde-project-file-version "1.0")
> > > (jde-set-variables
> > >  '(jde-mode-line-format (quote ("-"
> > > mode-line-mule-info mode-line-modified
> > > mode-line-frame-identification
> > > mode-line-buffer-identification " "
> > global-mode-string
> > > " %[(" mode-name mode-line-process
> > minor-mode-alist
> > > "%n" ")%]" (line-number-mode "L%l-")
> > > (column-number-mode "C%c-") (-3 . "%p")
> > > (jde-which-method-mode ("-"
> > jde-which-method-format
> > > "-")) "-%-")))
> > >  '(jde-ant-enable-find t)
> > >  '(jde-enable-abbrev-mode t)
> > >  '(jde-global-classpath (quote
> > > ("c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/build/"
> > > "c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/lib/gnu-regexp.jar")))
> > >  '(jde-gen-comments nil)
> > >  '(jde-ant-home "e:/jakarta-ant-1.5/")
> > >  '(jde-build-function (quote (jde-ant-build)))
> > >  '(jde-debugger (quote ("JDEbug")))
> > >  '(jde-gen-k&r nil)
> > >  '(jde-sourcepath (quote
> > >
> > ("e:/JDK1.3.1-Source/j2sdk1.3.1/src/share/classes/"
> > > "c:/cygwin/home/jcsc/src/"
> > > 
> > > 
> > > My .emacs file:
> > > ;;
> > >
> >
> ---
> > > ;;  Set the load paths 
> > > ;;
> > >
> >
> ---
> > > (setq load-path
> > >   (nconc
> > >'(
> > >;; on Windows (Mickeysoft)
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/speedbar-0.14beta4/"
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/semantic-1.4/"   
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/eieio-0.17/"
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/elib-1.0/"
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/ecb-1.80/"
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/jde-2.2.9beta12/lisp/"
> > >"E:/emacs/lisp/"
> > >"C:/emacs/emacs-21.2/lisp/"
> > >  ;; on UNIX (Linux box)
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/jde-2.2.6/lisp/"
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/speedbar-0.13a/"
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/semantic-1.4/"
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/eieio-0.17/"
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/elib-1.0/"
> > >;;"~/emacs/lisp/"
> > >)
> > >load-path
> > >))
> > > 
> > > ;; tmp fix for complete at point
> > > (require 'eldoc)
> > > 
> > > ;;
> > >
> >
> ---
> > > ;;  Sams teach yourself Emacs in 24 hours' book
> > > package - quite usefull
> > > ;;
> > >
> >
> ---
> > > (require 'sams-lib)
> > > 
> > > ;;
> > >
> >
> --

Re: C-c Cv C-b build with Ant does not work (on cygwin)

2002-10-08 Thread Chris Winters

On Tue, 2002-10-08 at 18:42, Ralph Jocham wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I have ANT_HOME set and ANT_HOME/bin on my PATH.
> Administrator@SJ-JOCHAMRM
> /cygdrive/c/cygwin/home/jcsc/src
> $ echo $ANT_HOME
> E:\jakarta-ant-1.5
> $ echo $PATH
> in:/cygdrive/e/JavaCC/bin:/cygdrive/c/jdk1.3.1_04/bin:.
> but as you can see I am using cygwin/bash. Could this
> be the problem???

Got me. You've exhausted my knowledge of this. The only thing I see is
that you have a Windows path in ANT_HOME and a cygwin/bash path in PATH.
Can you set ANT_HOME to be /cygdrive/e/jakarta-ant-1.5?


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Java Developer